1000+ important questions of child development and pedagogy

Q. 1 – The IQ of the child is between 90 to 110, that is –
(a) Normal intelligence
(b) Strong intelligence
(c) Excellent intelligence
(d) Genius

Ans – General intelligence

Q. 2 – The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act is applicable for children up to how many years of age.
(a) 6-14 years
(b) 7-13 years
(c) 5-11 years
(d) 6-12 years

Ans – 6 – 14 years

Q. 3 – Which is the best method to study the growth and development of a child?
(a) Psychoanalytic method
(b) Comparative method
(c) Developmental method
(d) Statistical method

Ans – Developmental method

Q. 4 – Gardner prioritized seven intelligences, which of the following is not there?
(a) Spatial intelligence
(b) Emotional intelligence
(c) Interpersonal intelligence
(d) Linguistic intelligence

Ans – Emotional intelligence

Q. 5 – If the mental age of a child is 5 years and the actual age is 4 years, then the IQ of that child will be
(a) 125
(b) 80
(c) 120
(d) 100

Years – 125

Q. 6 – “Psychology is the basic science of education.” Who said this?
(a) B.N. Jha
(b) Skinner
(c) Davis
(d) Woodworth

Ans – Skinner

Q. 7 – At what age do children start recognizing Hindi letters?
(a) in 3 years
(b) in 4 years
(c) in 5 years
(d) in 6 years

Ans – In 5 years

Q. 8 – Alexia is –
(a) Inability to read
(b) Inability to write
(c) Inability to learn
(d) Inability to hear

Ans – Inability to read

Q. 9 – To what age period is Piaget’s formal operational stage considered?
(a) 0-2 years
(b) 2-7 years
(c) 7-11 years
(d) 11-15 years

Ans – 11-15 years

Q. 10 – How many days does it take for a child to develop in the womb?
(a) 150
(b) 280
(c) 390
(d) 460

Years – 280

Q. 11 – Which psychologist studied his 3 year old son.
(a) Pestology
(b) Watson
(c) Stanley Hall
(d) James Sully

Ans – Pestology

Q. 12 – The child develops.
(a) From head to foot
(b) From foot to head
(c) From both sides
(d) None of these.

Ans – From head to toe

Q. 13 – This is a wrong statement regarding development.
(a) From specific to general
(b) Is a universal process.
(c) Direction from head to toe
(d) Circular motion

Ans – From specific to general

Q. 14 – There is no stage of pregnancy.
(a) Infancy
(b) Ovum
(c) Seeding
(d) Embryo

Ans – Infancy

Q. 15 – The psychophysical unity of human life is called.
(a) Development of mind and body
(b) Development of body and bones
(c) Development of body and heart
(d) Development of soul and muscles

Ans – Development of mind and body

Q. 16 – The first formation takes place in the womb.
(a) Feet
(b) Head
(c) Hour
(d) All of them

Ans – Of head

Q. 17 – How many bones does a baby have at the time of birth?
(a) 206
(b) 230
(c) 270
(d) 320

Years – 270

Q. 18 – The child starts recognizing his mother.
(a) 6 months
(b) 8 months
(c) 9 months
(d) 3 months

Ans – 3 months

Q. 19 – At the time of birth, the weight of the child’s brain is –
(a) 300 grams
(b) 350 grams
(c) 400 grams
(d) 450 grams

Ans – 350 grams

Q. 20 – There is wandering in the imaginary world.
(a) Infancy
(b) Adolescence
(c) Childhood
(d) Infancy and adolescence

Ans – Infancy and adolescence

Q. 21 – The child identifies the main colors.
(a) 5 years
(b) 2 years
(c) 3 years
(d) 4 years

Answer – 5 years

Q. 22 – Speaking short sentences and riding a three-wheeler cycle is done in which condition?
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Adulthood

Ans – Infancy

Q. 23 – Towards which of the following events does the child first start getting attracted?
(a) Light
(b) Mother
(c) Sound
(d) Food

Ans – Light

Q. 24 – The child’s curiosity should be satisfied.
(a) Repressed
(b) Calm
(c) Excited
(d) Active

Ans – calm

Q. 25 – When did child development start in India
(a) 1930
(b) 1887
(c) 1879
(d) 1590

Years – 1930

Q. 26 – Which of the following has no impact on social development during adolescence?
(a) Interests
(b) Needs
(c) Insecurities
(d) Attitudes

Ans – Insecurity

Q. 27 – The stage which is related to character building in adolescence is one of the following.
(a) A state of following traditions
(b) A state of baseless self-consciousness
(c) A state of self-consciousness with a base
(d) A self-centered state

Ans – Baseless self-conscious state

Q. 28 – Whose statement is that development reveals new characteristics and abilities in a person?
(a) Harlock
(b) James Drever
(c) McDougall
(d) Munro

Ans – Harlock

Q. 29 – Adolescence is a new birth, in which higher and better human characteristics are born, whose statement is –
(a) John and Simpson
(b) Gasel
(c) Stanley Hall
(d) Geidfrey

Ans-Stanley Hall

Q. 30 – ‘Adolescence is a state of ideals, a state of formation of principles, as well as a general adjustment of life’. This definition is given by –
(a) Haddo Report
(b) Jean Piaget
(c) Frederick Tracy
(d) E. .L.Peel

Ans – Jean Piaget

Q. 31 – Mental development is not related to –
(a) Weight and height of the student
(b) Reasoning and decision
(c) Development of memory
(d) Ability to understand

Ans – Weight and height of the student

Q. 32 – The number of bones in a human body is minimum in –
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) After adolescence
(d) In adulthood.

Ans – In adulthood

Q. 33 – The main problem of adolescence is –
(a) Weight gain
(b) Education
(c) Adjustment
(d) Good examination results

Ans – Of adjustment

Q. 34 – ‘Adolescence is a stage of great struggle, storm and opposition’. This statement is –
(a) Skinner
(b) Stanley Hall
(c) E.A. Kilpatrick
(d) Thorndike

Ans – Stanley Hall

Q. 35 – According to Jean Piaget, the stages of cognitive development are –
(a) 4
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 5

Years 4

Q. 36 – According to Erikson, at which stage does the child take more initiative, but can also be too strong, which leads to feelings of guilt – (a
) 18 months to 3 years
(b) 3 to 6 years Initiative versus defect stage
(c) 6 to 12 years
(d) Adolescence

Ans – Pahal vs Dosha stage from 3 to 6 years

Q. 37 – The factor affecting mental development is not –
(a) Family environment
(b) Religious environment
(c) Social status of the family
(d) Economic status of the family

Ans – Religious environment

Q. 38 – Who explained the stage theory of moral reasoning –
(a) Kohlberg
(b) Erikson
(c) Freud
(d) Pavlov

Ans – Kohlberg

Q. 39 – Who did the experiments related to inheritance on rats –
(a) Karl Pearson
(b) McDougall
(c) Mendel
(d) Pavlov

Ans – Mendel

Q. 40- Which is not a characteristic of an energetic and friendly child?
(a) Cheerful
(b) Social
(c) Easily irritated
(d) High level of energy

Ans – easily irritated

Q. 41 – Adolescence begins.
(a) From the age of 10 years
(b) From the age of 16 years
(c) From the age of 12 years
(d) From the age of 18 years

Ans – From the age of 12 years

Q. 42 – Who gave the concept of a fully functional person –
(a) Carl Rogers
(b) Freud
(c) Francis Galton
(d) Ivan Pavlov

Ans – Carl Rogers

Q. 43 – Who among the following has helped in understanding the development of object stability in children –
(a) Piaget
(b) Festinger
(c) Ericsson
(d) Ballack


Q. 44 – ‘Surya walks along with the child, imitates his turns and listens to the child’, which characteristic of the child does this statement indicate?
(a) Transcendentalism
(b) Centrality
(c) Lively thinking
(d) Object stability

Ans – Lively thinking

Q. 45 – Who claimed that some universal qualities present in all languages ​​are innate?
(a) B.F.Skinner
(b) Albert Bandura
(c) Noam Chomsky
(d) E.C. Tolman

Ans – Noam Chomsky

Q. 46 – According to Freud, in which of the following developmental stages does the child’s attention go towards the genitals?
(a) Oral
(b) Anal
(c) Sexual
(d) Dormant

Ans – sexual

Q. 47 – Which of the following is a performance scale of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for children –
(a) Arithmetic
(b) Analogy/Similarity
(c) Verbal Reasoning
(d) Picture Fulfillment

Ans – Chitrapurti

Q. 48 – The …………….. theory of child psychology is based on the experiences of the first 4-5 years.
(a) Psychoanalytic
(b) Behavioral
(c) Critical stage group
(d) Cognitive

Ans – Psychoanalytic

Q. 49 – Who has written A Biographical Sketch of Infant?
(a) Prior
(b) Shin
(c) Darwin
(d) Stern

Ans – Darwin

Q. 50 – Meaning of standardized test –
(a) Reliability
(b) Validity
(c) Standard
(d) All of the above

Ans – All of the above

Q. 51 – According to which psychologist, ‘Development is a continuous and slow process.’
(a) Kolesnik
(b) Piaget
(c) Skinner
(d) Harlock

Ans – Skinner

Q. 52 – The stage of personality development is –
(a) Learning and growth
(b) Personality study
(c) Remedial study
(d) None of these

Ans – Learning and growth

Q. 53 – Increase in development means –
(a) Increase in knowledge
(b) Increase in emotion
(c) Increase in weight
(d) Increase in size, thinking, understanding skills

Ans – Increase in size, thinking, understanding skills

Q. 54 – There is a state of tension and anger.
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Old age

Ans – Adolescence

Q. 55 – Child development is the result.
(a) Heredity
(b) Environment
(c) Interaction of heredity and environment
(d) Economic factors

Ans – Interaction of heredity and environment

Q. 56 – It is the area of ​​physical development.
(a) Nervous system
(b) Memory
(c) Motivation
(d) Adjustment

Ans – Neurosphere

Q. 57 – What is most important while writing on the blackboard?
(a) Good handwriting
(b) Clarity in writing
(c) Writing in capital letters
(d) Writing in small letters

Ans – Good handwriting

Q. 58 – Body size increases because of –
(a) Physical and motor development
(b) Emotional development
(c) Cognitive development
(d) Moral development

Ans – Physical and motor development

Q. 59 – According to Piaget’s cognitive development, there is a sensory-functional stage.
(a) From birth to 2 years
(b) From 2 to 7 years
(c) From 7 to 11 years
(d) From 11 to 16 years

Ans – From birth to 2 years

Q. 60 – Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Boys are more intelligent.
(b) Girls are more intelligent.
(c) Intelligence is not related to gender.
(d) Generally boys are more intelligent than girls.

Ans – Intelligence is not related to gender.

Bal Vikas And Shiksha Shastra In Hindi

Q. 61 – The purpose of counseling is.
(a) Understanding the children
(b) Finding out the reasons for the shortcomings of the children
(c) Helping the child in adjustment
(d) All of the above

Ans – All of the above

Q. 62 – The best way to establish morality in children is –
(a) Teaching them religious books
(b) Teaching them exemplary behavior
(c) Evaluating them on value education
(d) Teaching them in the morning assembly gratuity

Ans – The teacher should behave ideally.

Q. 63 – Froebel’s important contribution in education was the development of…………..
(a) Vocational school
(b) Public school
(c) Kindergarten
(d) Latin school

Ans – Kindergarten

Q. 64- A good teacher promotes enthusiasm among the students.
(a) Feeling of competition
(b) Feeling of cooperation
(c) Feeling of competition
(d) Feeling of neutrality

Ans – Spirit of cooperation

Child Development And Pedagogy MCQ In Hindi

Q. 65 – Teacher has a very important objective.
(a) Earning livelihood
(b) All round development of the child
(c) Learning to read and write
(d) Intellectual development

Ans – All round development of the child

Q. 66 – ……………. The specific interactions of and …………….. can result in diverse paths and outcomes of development.
(a) Heredity, environment
(b) Challenges, limitations
(c) Stability, change
(d) Discovery, nurture

Ans – Heredity, Environment

Q. 67 – IT School Scheme of Government of India to teach students through computer based learning process was launched in the year ……………. Was started in.
(a) 2001
(b) 2003
(c) 2004
(d) 2006

Years – 2004

Q. 68 – ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ was launched in the year ……….. with the objective of providing free and compulsory education to children aged between 6 to 14 years as a fundamental right.
(a) 1996
(b) 1998
(c) 2001
(d) 2003

Years – 2001

Q. 69 – The curriculum framework for quality teacher education was brought out by the National Council for Teacher Education in the year …………….
(a) 1990
(b) 1992
(c) 1998
(d) 1996

Years – 1998

Q. 70 – On which of the following important effects does the effectiveness of teaching depend?
(a) Structure of the school
(b) Teacher’s understanding of the subject
(c) Teacher’s qualification
(d) Teacher’s handwriting

Ans – Teacher’s understanding of the subject

Q. 71 – Teachers use teaching aids for the following.
(a) To influence the students
(b) To make the teaching interesting
(c) To make the students concentrate
(d) To keep the learning inside the students

Ans – To make teaching interesting

Q. 72 – If the parents/guardians of some students do not come and meet the teacher when called, then what should the teacher do?
(a) Parents should write.
(b) Should go and meet him.
(c) Those students should be punished.
(d) Such students should be ignored.

Ans – You should go and meet him.

Q. 73 – Reading any reading material in one form is known as …………… reading.
(a) Distributed
(b) Grouped
(c) Spaced
(d) None of these

Ans – None of these.

Q. 74 – Curriculum development is considered a work.
(a) A routine task
(b) Not a specialized task.
(c) A highly specialized job.
(d) Not an important task.

Ans – A highly specialized work.

Q. 75 – Students should be praised.
(a) in solitude
(b) separately
(c) among people
(d) individually

Ans – Among the people

Q. 76 – Which of the following indicates the framework or range within which the proficiency level of an individual for an ability or trait is judged?
(a) Grade
(b) Marks
(c) Both grade and marks
(d) None of these.

Ans – Grad

Q. 77 – Research shows that ………… part of our learning is acquired through visual and auditory organs.
(a) 60%
(b) 85%
(c) 50%
(d) 95%

Years – 85%

Q. 78 – Determined discipline (a) does not promote
(b) the right to establish and strengthen a positive learning environment in the classroom environment.
Has nothing to do with (c).
(d) is not needed

Ans – Promotes.

Q. 79 – When a teacher is overpowered by authorities or forced to do other work, his efficiency
(a) increases manifold.
(b) Decreases.
(c) Increases partially.
(d) remains unaffected.

Ans – Decreases.

Q. 80 – Which of the following methods should be used for proper evaluation of students?
(a) Formative assessment
(b) Continuous assessment
(c) Assessment at the end of the course
(d) Assessment every half year

Ans – Continuous evaluation

Important questions of child development

Q. 81 – A teacher should be respected in the society when he
(a) lives an ideal life
(b) performs his duty sincerely
(c) is able to teach effectively
(d) all these

Ans – All these

Q. 82 – Which of the following would you consider to be the most appropriate definition of learning?
(a) Solving problems.
(b) Development of specific skills
(c) Development of behavioral tendencies
(d) None of these.

Ans – None of these.

Q. 83 – How can a person learn a skill in an effective manner?
(a) By observing
(b) By listening
(c) By reading
(d) By doing it yourself

Ans – By doing it yourself

Q. 84 – Identification of alphabet…………. Starts at the age of one year.
(a) 6
(b) 5
(c) 4
(d) 3

Ans – 3

Q. 85 – To develop social development in students, a teacher should know.
(a) Personal interests of students
(b) Physical development of students
(c) All aspects of students
(d) Work performance of students

Ans – To all aspects of the students

Q. 86 – The word ‘IDENTICAL ELEMENTS’ is closely related to the following.
(a) Same exam Q.
(b) Jealousy of colleagues
(c) Transfer of learning
(d) Group guidance

Ans – Learning transfer

Q. 87 – The vigorous stage is called-
(a) Infancy
(b) Adolescence
(c) Adulthood
(d) Childhood

Ans – Childhood

Q. 88 – Environment is the external force which affects us. Who has said?
(a) Woodworth
(b) Ross
(c) Anastasi
(d) None of these

Ans – Ross

Q. 89 – Sensation is the first step to knowledge. This statement
is – (a) Mental development.
(b) Physical development.
(c) There is development of attention.
(d) There is development of language.

Ans – Mental development.

Q. 90 – Which statement is wrong regarding human development?
(a) Development is predictable.
(b) Development occurs from general to specific.
(c) Development is linear.
(d) Development is a continuous process.

Ans – Development is linear.

Q. 91 – The area of ​​physical development is………….. ,
(a) Nervous system
(b) Growth in muscles
(c) Endocrine glands
(d) All of the above

Ans – All of the above

Q. 92 – Which of the following is not a body of inheritance?
(a) Similarity
(b) Difference
(c) Regression
(d) Motivation

Ans – Motivation

Q. 93 – The 20th century is called the century of children. Whose statement is this.
(a) Murray
(b) Adler
(c) Crowe and Crowe
(d) J.B. watson

Ans – Crow and Crow

Q. 94 – This stage is also called the time of false maturity.
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Adulthood

Ans – Childhood

Q. 95 – Infancy is not a specialty.
(a) Intensity of physical development
(b) Dependence on others
(c) Having morality
(d) Intensity of mental development

Ans – Having morality

Q. 96 – What is not the main characteristic of infancy?
(a) Intensity in the learning process
(b) Tendency of curiosity
(c) Tendency to learn by imitation
(d) Thinking process

Ans – Thinking process

Q. 97 – According to which psychologist, ‘Development is a continuous and slow process’
(a) Kolesnik
(b) Piaget
(c) Skinner
(d) Harlock

Ans – Harlock

Q. 98 – The one word that best expresses the characteristics of Big and Hate………….. is ‘change’. Change is physical, social and psychological.
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Adulthood

Ans – Adolescence

Q. 99 – Human development is based on some special principles, which of the following is not a principle of human development?
(a) Continuity
(b) Sequentiality
(c) General to specific
(d) Reversible

Ans – Reversible

Q. 100 – The sports system in the lower classes is basically based on.
(a) On psychological principles of development and growth
(b) On sociological principles of teaching
(c) On program principles of physical education
(d) On principles of teaching methods

Ans – On psychological principles of development and growth

Q. 101- Child’s development is the result.
(a) Heredity
(b) Environment
(c) Interaction between heredity and environment
(d) Economic factors

Ans – Interaction of heredity and environment

Q. 102 – The idea that development is a never-ending process is related to what.
(a) Integration principle
(b) Principle of interaction
(c) Principle of
interrelation (d) Principle of continuity

Ans – Principle of continuity

Q. 103 – Individual learners differ from each other in………….
(a) Principles of growth and development
(b) Rate of development
(c) Sequence of development
(d) General capacity for development

Ans – Rate of growth

Q. 104 – Lawrence Kohlberg is known for his research in the field of development.
(a) Cognitive
(b) Physical
(c) Emotional
(d) Moral

Ans – moral

Q. 105 – According to McDougall, which emotion is related to the basic instinct of curiosity?
(a) Fear
(b) Disgust
(c) Surprise
(d) Hunger

Ans – Surprise

Q. 106 – Which statement is best in the view of a teacher?
(a) Every child can learn.
(b) Some children can learn.
(c) Most children can learn.
(d) Very few children can learn.

Ans – Every child can learn.

Q. 107 – The beginning of human life basically happens.
(a) Two cells
(b) Only one cell
(c) Many cells
(d) No cell

Ans – Only one fund

Q. 108 – By motor development we mean development of muscles and proper use of legs –
(a) Brain and soul
(b) Learning and education
(c) Training and learning
(d) Strength and speed

Ans – Power and speed

Q. 109 – By the age of ……….., the child’s senses of sight and hearing are fully developed.
(a) 3 or 4 years
(b) 6 or 7 years
(c) 8 or 9 years
(d) None of these

Ans – 8 or 9 years

Q. 110 – In this condition, the tendency of children to make new discoveries and to travel increases a lot.
(a) Infancy
(b) Late childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Adulthood

Ans – Late childhood

Q. 111 – Logic, curiosity and observation power develop at the age of…..
(a) 7 years
(b) 11 years
(c) 9 years
(d) 6 years

Answer – 11 years

Q. 112 – According to Bridges, excitement is the part.
(a) Social development
(b) Physical development
(c) Emotional development
(d) Mental development

Ans – Emotional development

Q. 113 – The creator of intelligence test is –
(a) Levator
(b) Francis Galton
(c) William Stern
(d) Alfred Winne

Ans – Alfred Wynne

Q. 114 – Image, concept, symbol and sign, language, physical activity and mental activity are inherent in –
(a) Adaptation
(b) Motor muscle development
(c) Problem solving
(d) Thinking process

Ans – Thinking process

Q. 115 – What emotion does a small child show by throwing away toys and other objects and separating their parts?
(a) Interdependence
(b) Feeling of self-love
(c) Curiosity tendency
(d) Repetition tendency

Ans – Curiosity tendency

Q. 116 – Body size increases because of
(a) Physical and motor development
(b) Emotional development
(c) Cognitive development
(d) Moral development

Ans – Physical and motor development

Q. 117 – Which of the following is the first step in the scientific method of problem solving?
(a) Testing the hypothesis
(b) Awareness of the problem
(c) Collecting relevant information
(d) Formulating the hypothesis

Ans – Awareness of the problem

Q. 118 – What is growth related to?
(a) By size and weight
(b) By size only
(c) By weight only
(d) None of these

Ans – By size and weight

Q. 119 – It is the period of adolescence.
(a) 12 to 19 years
(b) 10 to 14 years
(c) 15 to 20 years
(d) 20 to 25 years

Ans – 12 to 19 years

Q. 120 – Which of the following is a rule related to inheritance?
(a) Law of efforts
(b) Law of learning
(c) Law of equality
(d) Law of health

Ans – Law of equality

Q. 121 – What is the relation between growth and development?
(a) are opposed to each other.
(b) are similar to each other.
(c) Complement each other.
(d. All of the above

Ans – Complement each other

Q. 122 – What is the correct sequence of child development?
(a) Adulthood – Adolescence – Childhood
(b) Pre-adolescence – Middle adolescence – Ans Adolescence
(c) Childhood – Adolescence – Adulthood
(d) None of these.

Ans – Childhood – Adolescence – Adulthood

Q. 123 – Development means growth.
(a) Increase in knowledge
(b) Increase in emotion
(c) Increase in weight
(d) Increase in size, thinking, understanding, skills

Ans – Increase in size, thinking, understanding, skills

Q. 124 – It is the area of ​​physical development.
(a) Nervous system
(b) Memory
(c) Motivation
(d) Adjustment

Ans – Nervous system

Q. 125 – What are the factors affecting mental development?
(a) Heredity
(b) Family environment
(c) Social status of the family
(d) All of the above

Ans – All of the above

Q. 126 – For which situation is the project method of learning useful?
(a) Childhood
(b) Pre-childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) All of the above

Ans – All of the above

Q. 127 – Childhood happens.
(a) Up to 5 years
(b) Up to 12 years
(c) Up to 21 years
(d) None of these

Ans – Up to 12 years

Q. 128 – Which of the following is the main problem of adolescence?
(a) Emotional problems
(b) Problems of physical changes
(c) Adjustment problems
(d) All of the above

Ans – All of the above

Q. 129 – Development begins.
(a) Ans From childhood
(b) From prenatal stage
(c) From infancy
(d) From pre-childhood

Ans – From pre-natal stage

Q. 130 – Maturity is related.
(a) development
(b) growth
(c) creative
(d) interest

Ans – Development

Q. 131 – What is the main principle of growth and development?
(a) Law of readiness
(b) Law of unity
(c) Principle of individual difference
(d) All of these

Ans – Theory of individual differences

Q. 132 – What kind of change is development?
(a) Qualitative
(b) Constructive
(c) Computational
(d) Negative

Ans – Qualitative

Q. 133 – Which of the following is a theory of development?
(a) Everyone’s growth rate is not the same.
(b) Development always appears to be linear.
(c) It is not a continuous process.
(d) All processes of development are not interrelated.

Ans – Not everyone’s growth rate is the same.

Q. 134 – In which age period does mental development reach its highest limit?
(a) 10-15 years
(b) 10-20 years
(c) 20-25 years
(d) 5-10 years

Ans – 15-20 years

Q. 135 – Psychology is generally human…………. Is related to.
(a) Feelings
(b) Thoughts
(c) Behavior
(d) All of these

Ans – All these

Q. 136 – Education should enable a person to make his life………….
(a) Better
(b) Satisfactory
(c) and Meaningful
(d) Important for all concerned

Ans – Important for all concerned

Q. 137 – The main objective of education is to develop a person’s
(a) Knowledge
(b) Body
(c) Personality
(d) Intelligence

Ans – Personality

Q. 138 – Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good achievement test?
(a) Validity
(b) Reliability
(c) Ambiguity
(d) Objectivity

Ans – Double meaning

Q. 139 – Who is the first teacher of a child?
(a) Environment
(b) Teacher
(c) Parents
(d) None of these.

Ans – Parents

Q. 140 – Which one of the following is not considered project support material?
(a) Slide projector
(b) Overhead projector
(c) Black board
(d) Epidiascope

Ans – Black board

Q. 141 – Research shows that …………….. is a powerful variable in the learning process, perhaps a more important variable than ability.
(a) Neglect
(b) Ignorance
(c) Motivation
(d) Discouragement

Ans – Motivation

Q. 142 – School library is an educational system of………….
Little value (b) Some value
(c) Not much value.
(d) Considerable value

Ans – Considerable value

Q. 143 – Group and collaborative learning practices
should (a) be discouraged.
(b) Should be ignored.
(c) Should be encouraged.
(d) None of these.

Ans – Should be encouraged.

Q. 144 – The Government of India implemented the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act in the year ……………..
(a) 2006
(b) 2007
(c) 2008
(d) 2009

Years – 2009

Q. 145 – According to the National Curriculum Framework, 2005, learning is …………… and …………… in its nature.
(a) Passive, simple
(b) Passive, social
(c) Active, social
(d) Active, simple

Ans – Active, social

Q. 146 – The relationship between teacher and student should be
(a) of affection
(b) of trust
(c) of respect
(d) All of these

Ans – All these

Q. 147 – The factors affecting mental development are –
(a) Heredity
(b) Family environment
(c) Social status of the family
(d) All of the above

Ans – All of the above

Q. 148 – If the mental age of a child is 12 years and the actual age is 10 years, then what will be his IQ.
(a) 110
(b) 100
(c) 120
(d) 83

Years – 120

Q. 149 – Maturity is related.
(a) Development
(b) Intelligence
(c) Creativity
(d) Interest

Ans – Development

Q. 150 – Childhood lasts –
(a) up to 5 years
(b) up to 12 years
(c) up to 21 years
(d) none

Ans – Up to 12 years

Q. 151 – Pre-operational stage is –
(a) Birth to 24 months,
(b) 2 to 7 years
(c) 7 to 11 years
(d) 11 years

Ans – 2 to 7 years

Q. 152 – Who is known as the ‘Father of Adolescent Psychology’?
(a) Stanley Hall
(b) Garrison
(c) Gassell
(d) Thorndike

Ans – Stanley Hall

Q. 153 – Who propounded the relativity hypothesis of language
– (a) Piaget
(b) Jung
(c) Vygotsky
(d) Whorf

Ans – Wharf

Q. 154 – Concrete operational stage is –
(a) Birth to 24 months
(b) 2 to 7 years
(c) 7 to 11 years
(d) More than 11 years

Ans – 7 to 11 years

Q. 155 – Who opined that language determines the content of thought?
(a) Freud
(b) Wunt
(c) Piaget
(d) Whorf

Ans – Wharf

Q. 156 – A pre-school child says ‘The sun is sad today’. Which of the following concepts is the child expressing –
(a) Lively thinking
(b) Centrality
(c) Traditionality
(d) Object permanence

Ans – Lively thinking

Q. 157 – Who among the following is related to the concepts of basic anxiety and basic hostility –
(a) Konrad Lorenz
(b) Clark Hull
(c) Karen Harney
(d) C.G.Yung

Ans – Karen Harney

Q. 158 – What type of development of a child is influenced by school and teacher?
(a) Mental
(b) Social
(c) Emotional
(d) All these

Ans – All these

Q. 159 – Who has proposed ‘Basic belief versus disbelief as the first stage of development.’
(a) Freud
(b) Piaget
(c) Fromm
(d) Erikson

Ans – Ericsson

Q. 160 – A child always shows sympathy towards others. This is called habit.
(a) Thought related habit
(b) Feeling related habit
(c) Nervous system related habit
(d) Moral habit

Ans – Emotional habit

Q. 161 – Which of the following sources of social contact of a child is the earliest and most lasting –
(a) Teacher
(b) Family
(c) Colleagues
(d) Friends

Ans – Family

Q. 162 – Which of the following does not affect the development of language –
(a) Maturity
(b) Motivation
(c) Health
(d) Height or weight

Ans – Height or weight

Q. 163 – According to Kohlberg’s theory, at which stage is a person’s decision based on the approval of others, family aspirations, traditional values ​​and rules of society? (
a) Pre-traditional
(b) Traditional
(c) Post-
traditional (d) Pre- post traditional


Q. 164 – The institution that mainly contributes to the language development of a child is –
(a) Family
(b) School
(c) Mass media
(d) Newspapers and magazines.

Ans – Family

Q. 165 – Which of the following is a cognitive process –
(a) Playing
(b) Reflex actions
(c) Thinking
(d) Running

Ans – contemplation

Q. 166 – For which age group did Erikson propose eight stages of development –
​​(a) From birth to death
(b) From birth to childhood
(c) From birth to adolescence
(d) From birth to adolescence

Ans – From birth to death

Q. 167 – Which of the following is not a characteristic of infancy?
(a) Intensity of physical development
(b) Intensity of mental activities
(c) Dependence on others
(d) Having morality

Ans – Having morality

Q. 168 – Sensation is the first step of knowledge, it
is – (a) Mental development.
(b) Physical development.
(c) There is development of attention.
(d) There is development of language.

Ans – Mental development.

Q. 169 – What is considered as the process of modification in behavior through training?
(a) Teaching
(b) Learning
(c) Motivation
(d) Instruction

Ans – learning

Q. 170 – Adolescents should not be given –
(a) Motivation
(b) Sympathy
(c) Greed
(d) Opportunities to take up responsibilities

Ans – Greed

Q. 171 – What a teacher cannot plan after gaining knowledge of the mental development of the student is –
(a) Curriculum
(b) Teaching method
(c) Selection of subject matter
(d) Physical development

Ans – Physical development

Important questions of child development

Q. 172 – Due to the complex condition of adolescents, the subject of study of adolescents should be –
(a) Physical
(b) Mental
(c) Intellectual
(d) Body and mind related

Ans – Body and mind related

Q. 172 – The process by which a person learns to behave in an interdependent manner is a human process.
(a) Socialization
(b) Language development
(c) Personal values
​​(d) Social maturity

Ans – Socialization

Q. 174 – The main characteristic of adolescence is which of the following?
(a) Self-pride
(b) Creative
(c) Social nature
(d) Self-consciousness

Ans – Self pride

Q. 175 – Which of the following is the best way to control the emotions of teenagers?
(a) Rationalization
(b) Projection
(c) Refinement
(d) Repression

Ans – Projection

Q. 176 – Development begins.
(a) Pregnancy
(b) Infancy
(c) Adolescence
(d) Childhood

Ans – Pregnancy

Q. 177 – Learning is a complex –
(a) Mental process
(b) Physical process
(c) Social process
(d) Moral process

Ans – Mental process

Q. 178 – Boys and girls have to make the most adjustments.
(a) Age: adolescence
Adolescence (c) Infancy
(d) Childhood

Ans – Age: Sandhyakal

Q. 179 – Which method did Carl C. Garrison study?
(a) Horizontal method
(b) Vertical method
(c) Statistical method
(d) Experimental method

Ans – Perpendicular method

Q. 180 – It is called the period of false maturity.
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Adulthood

Ans – Childhood

Q. 181 – A child falls asleep while playing in his mother’s lap in a neighbor’s house. As soon as his mother puts him to sleep on the bed at his neighbor’s house, he starts crying. According to you, the age of the child will be –
(a) 24 months
(b) 12 months
(c) 10 months
(d) 18 months

Ans – 10 months

Q. 182 – It is considered the ideal time for learning.
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Adulthood

Ans – Infancy

Q. 183 – A child picks up an object of his choice from the ground, according to you the age of that child will be –
(a) 12-13 months
(b) 5-6 months
(c) 3-4 months
(d) 8- 9 months

Ans – 8-9 months

Q. 184 – It is called seed stage.
(a) 0-2 weeks
(b) 2-8 weeks
(c) 8-16 weeks
(d) Congenital

Ans – 0-2 weeks

Q. 185 – At what stage does the child’s head and brain develop the most?
(a) Adulthood
Infancy (c) Adolescence
(d) Childhood

Ans – Infancy

Q. 186 – is called the age of 2–5 years.
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Ans Childhood
(d) Adolescence

Ans – Infancy

Q. 187 – The child is most affected in the womb.
(a) Mother’s nutrition
(b) Mother’s TV. From sight
(c) From neighborhood
(d) From ancestors

Ans – From mother’s nutrition

Q. 188 – Which development takes place in the playground?
(a) Physical development
(b) Mental development
(c) Social development
(d) All of the above

Ans – All of the above

Q. 189 – Where do the values ​​of a child begin?
(a) School
(b) Family
(c) Cinema
(d) Playground

Ans – Family

Child Development And Pedagogy MCQ In Hindi

Q. 190 – Which of the following is a state of development?
(a) Quality
(b) Numeracy
(c) Activity lasting up to a certain age
(d) Indicator of change in body parts

Ans – Quality

Q. 191 – What is the weight of a newborn baby?
(a) 6 pounds
(b) 7 pounds
(c) 8 pounds
(d) 9 pounds

Ans – 7 pounds

Q. 192 – What is the IQ of a child with dull intelligence?
(a) 11-120
(b) 81-110
(c) 71-80
(d) Less than 71

Ans – Less than 71

Q. 193 – Which year is considered to be the year of origin of educational psychology –
(a) 1947
(b) 1920
(c) 1940
(d) 1900

Years – 1900

Q. 194 – Is the creator of IQ measurement?
(a) Stern
(b) Binney
(c) Terman
(d) None of these

Ans – Terman

Q. 195 – Modern psychology means-
(a) Study of mind
(b) Study of soul
(c) Study of body
(d) Study of behavior

Ans – Study of behavior

Q. 196 – Which of the following is not an approach to know the creative determinants in the school sector?
(a) Conversation Skills
(b) Multiple Choice Questions
(c) Project Work
(d) Oral Questions

Ans – Multiple choice question

Q. 197 – In which category of cooperative politics do women not belong to the following?
(a) Acceptance
(b) Resistance
(c) Revolution
(d) Adaptation

Ans – Resistance

Q. 198 – Socialization is the process in which children and adults learn.
(a) From family
(b) From school
(c) From peers
(d) From all of these

Ans – From all these

Q. 199 – A teacher should have knowledge
of (a) Teaching subject
(b) Child psychology
(c) Education code
(d) Teaching subject and child psychology

Ans – Teaching subject and child psychology

Q. 200 – Which statement is best on the basis of child psychology –
(a) All children are the same.
(b) Every child is special.
(c) Some children are special.
(d) Some children are alike.

Ans – Every child is special.

Q.201 – Which of the following is considered better for primary school children?
(a) Video simulation
(b) Demonstration
(c) Own experience
(d) All of these

Ans – Self-experienced

Q.202 – Vygotsky emphasizes the important role of which of the following factors in children’s learning?
(a) Social
(b) Genetic
(c) Ethical
(d) Physical

Ans – Social

Q.203 – He is the proponent of multifactor theory of intelligence.
(a) McDougall
(b) Terman
(c) Thorndike
(d) Burt

Ans – Thorndike

Q.204 – Parents should play a role in the learning process of children.
(a) Negative
(b) Sympathetic
(c) Forward-looking
(d) Neutral

Ans – forward oriented

Q.205 – Which theory states that the human brain is like a big ice cube which remains mostly hidden and has three levels of consciousness.
(a) Trait theory
(b) Type theory
(c) Psychoanalytic theory
(d) Behaviorism theory

Ans – Psychoanalytic theory

Q.206 – Individual learners differ from each other in…………..
(a) Rate of development
(b) Sequence of development
(c) General capacity for development
(d) Principles of growth and development

Ans – Rate of growth

Q.207 – Which of the following is an example of fine motor skills?
(a) writing
(b) jumping
(c) climbing
(d) running

Ans – writing

Q.208 – Which subject matter is best to start with nursery class.
(a) My family
(b) My dear friend
(c) My school
(d) My neighborhood

Ans – My family

Q.209 – “Emotion is the excited state of a person” This statement is by –
(a) Piaget
(b) Woodworth
(c) Valentine
(d) Ross

Ans – Woodworth

Q.210 – It is the smallest unit of meaning in language.
(a) Phoneme
(b) Symbology
(c) Sentence
(d) Morpheme

Ans – Phoneme

Q.211 – In which condition the height of girls is more than that of boys.
(a) At the end of adolescence
(b) In childhood
(c) In infancy
(d) At the beginning of adolescence

Ans – In childhood

Q.212 – The stage of daydreaming and language encryption is-
(a) Pregnancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Infancy

Ans – Adolescence

Q.213 – Development does not happen only on one side but all around. This principle states –
(a) Similar pattern
(b) Sequentiality
(c) General to specific
(d) Circular

Ans – circular

Q.214 – At the time of birth, the baby cries –
(a) due to fear
(b) due to change in environment
(c) due to pain
(d) due to hunger

Ans – Due to change in environment

Q.215 – Clark and Birch
injected – (a) female hormones into the body of a male chimpanzee
(b) injected male hormones
(c) injected hormones of a 5 year old boy
(d) none of the above

Ans – Get female hormones injected

Q.216 – The development of a child depends on heredity and environment –
​​(a) Addition
Remainder (c) Product
(d) Quotient

Ans – Product

Q.217 – The number of temporary teeth of a child is –
(a) 25
(b) 20
(c) 15
(d) 12

Years – 20

Q.218 – Heredity refers to which of the following-
(a) Sperm and egg
(b) DNA? and RNA.
(c) Chromosomes and genes
(d) Chromosomes and meiosis

Ans – Chromosomes and genes

Q.219 – Heredity is the real determinant.
(a) Cell
(b) Chromosome
(c) Neuron
(d) Cell body

Ans – Chromosome

Q.220 – The desire to wander in daydreams is very strong.
(a) In infancy
(b) During pregnancy
(c) In childhood
(d) In adolescence

Ans – In adolescence

Q.221 – Anger is a tendency arising due to emotion.
(a) Self-respect
(b) Rights
(c) Yuyutsa
(d) Punishment

Ans – Yuyutsa

Q.222 – Whose statement is that the intellectual level of boys and girls of the same age level is different?
(a) Hull
(b) Harlock
(c) Stanley Hall
(d) Gassell

Ans – Harlock

Q.223 – The basic means of developing aesthetic sense in children is –
(a) Nature observation
(b) Literary study
(c) Television
(d) Sports

Ans – Nature observation

Q.224 – A child has memory power at the time of birth.
(a) more
(b) extremely
(c) very less
(d) less

Ans – Very few

Q.225 – The feeling of self-respect is found most.
(a) From birth to 5 years
(b) From 20 to 40 years
(c) From 6 to 12 years
(d) From 13 to 19 years

Ans – 13 to 19 years

Q.226 – The following factors are not helpful in building character.
(a) Habit
(b) Desire
(c) Imitation
(d) Instruction

Ans – Instructions

Q.227 – Ans How long does childhood last?
(a) From 1 to 3 years
(b) From 3 to 6 years
(c) From 6 to 12 years
(d) From 12 to 18 years

Ans – 6 to 12 years

Q.228 – The age at which the child’s mental abilities are almost fully developed. That is –
(a) 14 years
(b) 11 years
(c) 9 years
(d) 6 years

Answer – 14 years

Q.229 – Which qualities are not of good mental health?
(a) Regular life, emotional maturity
(b) Self-confidence, tolerance
(c) Very polite, limited in self
(d) Ability to self-evaluate

Ans – Very modest, limited to oneself

Q.230 – Coming out of the shadow of parents and liking the company of fellow children is related to this.
(a) Adolescence
(b) From pre-adolescence
(c) From childhood
(d) From infancy

Ans – From pre-adolescence

Q.231 – In infancy, the activities of children are……………………..
(a) Basic instinctive
(b) Protected
(c) Cognitive
(d) Emotional

Ans – Basic instinctive

Q.232 – Development is related to maturity in the same way as stimulation is to …………….. From.
(a) Change
(b) Reaction
(c) Effort
(d) Result

Ans – reaction

Q.233 – …………….. has special importance in the social development of children.
(a) Sports
(b) Children’s literature
(c) Daily routine
(d) Media

Ans – Sports

Q.234 – Kohlberg’s development theory is related to which of the following?
(a) Language development
(b) Cognitive development
(c) Moral development
(d) Social development

Ans – Moral development

Q.235 – Th, F, F are sounds.
(a) sound
(b) form
(c) writing
(d) word

Ans – Phoneme

Q.236 – Children’s thinking is based on concrete experiences and ideas rather than abstraction. This stage is-
(a) From 7 to 12 years
(b) From 12 years to adulthood
(c) From 2 to 7 years
(d) From birth to 2 years

Ans – 7 to 12 years

Q.237 – Which of the following is not a determining factor of intellectual development according to Piaget?
(a) Social transmission
(b) Equilibration
(c) Experience
(d) None of these.

Ans – Social transmission

Q.238 – A cricket player develops his bowling skills, but it does not affect his batting skills. This is called:
(a) Prescriptive training transfer
(b) Prohibitive training transfer
(c) Zero training transfer
(d) None of these.

Ans – Zero training transfer

Q.239 – Who is considered the father of developmental child psychology?
(a) Freud
(b) Bruner
(c) Jean Piaget
(d) Kelly

Ans – Jean Piaget

Q.240 – ‘Child’s growth occurs according to biological laws’ is the statement of –
(a) VP Singh
(b) Herbert Spencer
(c) Krogman
(d) Gasel

Ans – Krogman’s

Important questions of child development

Q.241 – Which of the following affects humans the most?
(a) Family tradition
(b) Environment
(c) Both of the above
(d) Neither.

Ans – Both of the above

Q.242 – The principles of transmission of ancestral traits were clarified.
(a) Darwin
(b) Mendel
(c) Rousseau
(d) Locke

Ans – Mandel

Q.243 – Which of the following is not a psychologist?
(a) John Dewey
(b) Watson
(c) Hull
(d) Skinner

Ans – John Dewey

Q.244 – The specialty of early childhood is –
(a) Being self-reliant
(b) Formation of friend circle or group
(c) Being independent
(d) All of the above

Ans – All of the above

Q.245 – Heredity –
(a) has a nominal role in personality and intelligence.
(b) Have an important role.
(c) Has an unpredictable role.
(d) Has an attractive role.

Ans – Has a nominal role.

Q.246 – Which is the most important factor in the social development of a child?
(a) Casteism
(b) Heredity
(c) Environment
(d) School

Ans – Environment

Q.247 – At what stage do external changes begin to occur in girls?
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Adulthood

Ans – Adolescence

Q.248 – What are the different parts of language development?
(a) Knowledge of alphabets
(b) Understanding language by listening
(c) Producing language by producing sounds
(d) All of the above

Ans – All of the above

Q.249 – Lamarck studied –
(a) School
(b) Environment
(c) Society
(d) Heredity

Ans – Heredity

Q.250 – Which of the following is an undesirable emotion?
(a) love
(b) betrayal
(c) hatred
(d) surprise

Ans – Betrayal

Q.251 – Sports affect the development of a child.
(a) Physical health
(b) Environment
(c) Free time
(d) All of the above

Ans – All of the above

Q.252 – Due to faulty functioning of inferior gland, sexual development of a person does not occur properly.
(a) Thyroid gland
(b) Pituitary gland
(c) Thymus
(d) Pineal gland

Ans – Pineal gland

Q.253 – The principle of excess power is related to.
(a) By intelligence
(b) By memory
(c) By play
(d) By reading

Ans – From sports

Q.254 – By whom was the first Child Guidance Center opened?
(a) Plato
(b) William Healy
(c) Darwin
(d) Rousseau

Ans – William Healy

Q.255 – Structural learning theory emphasizes.
(a) On the dictatorial role of the teacher
(b) On the existence of subject material
(c) On the formation of new knowledge by the students
(d) On imitation

Ans – On the structure of new knowledge by students

Q.256 – The objective of action research is –
(a) Discovery of new knowledge
(b) Changes in educational and behavioral sciences
(c) Improvement in school and educational system
(d) All of the above

Ans – Improvement in school and educational system

Q.257 – Christina takes her class on a field trip, and discusses the trip with her students when they return. This indicates ………………….
(a) Assessment for learning
(b) Learning for assessment
(c) Learning for assessment
(d) Assessment for learning

Ans – Assessment for learning

Q.258 – The most intensive and complex socialization occurs –
(a) during adolescence
(b) during pre-childhood
(c) during adulthood
(d) throughout the person’s life

Ans – During adolescence

Q.259 – The theory of learning which is based entirely and only on observable behavior is related to …………….. theory of learning.
(a) Evolutionist
(b) Behaviorist
(c) Constructivist
(d) Cognitivist

Ans – Pragmatist

Q.260 – Individual students ………………….. from each other. Varies in.
(a) Rate of development
(b) Sequence of development
(c) General capacity for development
(d) Principles of growth and development

Ans – Rate of growth

Q.261 – According to Piaget, how many stages of cognitive child development are there?
(a) 3 states
(b) 4 states
(c) 5 states
(d) 6 states

Ans – 4 stages

Q.262 – According to Wig and Hut, the one word that best expresses the characteristics of ……… is ‘change’. Change is physical, social and psychological.
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Adulthood

Ans – Adolescence

Q.263 – Lawrence Kohlberg is known for his research in the field of development.
(a) Cognitive
(b) Physical
(c) Moral
(d) Emotional

Ans – moral

Q.264 – There may be areas of individual differences in a classroom.
(a) Of interests
(b) Of learning
(c) Of character
(d) All of these

Ans – All these

Q.265 – Which learning is permanent?
(a) By heart
(b) By understanding
(c) By hearing
(d) By seeing

Ans – By understanding

Q.266 – Formal operational stage is –
(a) Birth to 24 months
(b) 2 to 7 years
(c) 7 to 11 years
(d) After 11 years

Ans – After 11 years

Q.267 – The development related to language comprehension is –
(a) Dyslexia
(b) Speech related disease (sphasia)
(c) Aphasia
(d) Apraxia

Ans – Aphasia

Q.268 – According to Horney, the concept of fundamental anxiety develops in –
(a) Childhood
(b) Adolescence
(c) Adulthood
(d) Old age

Ans – In childhood

Q.269 – Completion of development and growth in an organism is called maturity. It is defined by –
(a) Thorndike
(b) Sartain
(c) Hull
(d) Sherman

Ans – Sartain

Q.270 – …………….. emphasized the influence on the natural development of the child
(a) Montessori
(b) Seguin
(c) Burke
(d) Binet

Ans – Montessori

Q.271 – Completion of development and growth in an organism is called maturity. It is defined by –
(a) Thorndike
(b) Sartain
(c) Hull
(d) Sherman

Ans – Sartain

Q.272 – …………….. emphasized the influence on the natural development of the child
(a) Montessori
(b) Seguin
(c) Burke
(d) Binet

Ans – Montessori

Q.273 – According to Piaget, which cognitive development takes place in 4 to 8 months –
(a) Hand-mouth connection
(b) Eye-hand connection
(c) Reflex action
(d) Starting to speak

Ans – Eye hand connection

Q.274 – Who is called the father of child studies?
(a) Stanley Hall
(b) Pryor
(c) Shiun
(d) Watson

Ans – Stanley Hall

Q.275 – The scale used to check the health of a newborn is –
(a) TAT
(b) APGAR scale
(c) WIS .c.scale
(d) .t.t.c.t.

Ans – WISC Scale

Q.276 – Physical growth starting from the top part of the body and moving downwards is known.
(a) Head-to-head sequence
(b) Center-diverging sequence
(c) Highest sequence
(d) Minimum sequence

Ans – Head-to-head sequence

Q.277 – According to Piaget’s theory, in which stage is the thinking to be developed in children, it is irreversible –
(a) Sensory motor
(b) Pre-operational
(c) Concrete operational
(d) Formal operational

Ans – Pre-functional

 Q.278 – What name has Piaget given to the nature which gives living qualities to inanimate objects?
(a) Imagination
(b) Centralization
(c) Living thinking
(d) Object stability

Ans – Lively thinking

Q.279 – The most appropriate school for the all-round development of children is –
(a) Playground
(b) Community
(c) Natural world
(d) Laboratory


Q.280 – What is more important than the development of a child –
(a) Heredity
(b) Environment
(c) Both inheritance and environment
(d) Education

Ans – Both heredity and environment

Q.281 – The correct sequence from the point of view of development is –
(a) Assimilation, adjustment, adaptation
(b) Adjustment, assimilation, adaptation
(c) Adaptation, adjustment, assimilation
(d) Adaptation, assimilation, adjustment

Ans – Assimilation, adjustment, adaptation

Q.282 – Which one of Piaget’s cognitive development stages is not correct?
(a) Prior knowledge
(b) Assimilation of new material
(c) Adjustment
(d) General perception

Ans – Prior knowledge

Q.283 – What has Madam Montessori given the most emphasis in the learning environment?
(a) On the modification of emotions
(b) On the use of senses
(c) On giving complete autonomy to the child
(d) On making school an alternative to home

Ans – On the use of senses

Q.284 – According to Piaget, in which period does the level of concrete operations occur?
(a) Birth to 2 years
(b) 2-7 years
(c) 7-11 years
(d) 11-15 years

Ans – 7-11 years

Q.285 – The reason for a child being mentally unhealthy is –
(a) Family environment
(b) Classroom environment
(c) Neighboring environment
(d) All of the above.

Ans – All of the above

Q.286 – The appropriate form of assessment of practical efficiency of the student is.
(a) Interview
(b) Observation
(c) Questionnaire
(d) Written examination

Ans – Observation

Q.287 – Ramesh and Ankit have the same IQ of 120. Ramesh is two years younger than Ankit. If Ankit’s age is 12 years, then the mental age of Ramesh will be.
(a) 9 years
(b) 10 years
(c) 12 years
(d) 14 years

Answer – 12 years

Q.288 – Which of the following is not an essential component of the phenomenon of learning?
(a) Learner
(b) Internal system
(c) Motivator
(d) Teacher

Ans – Teacher

Q.289 – Which of the following principles shows that behavioral development can be achieved as a result of positive feedback and reinforcement close to the expected behavior.
(a) Classical conditioning theory
(b) operant conditioning
(c) operant conditioning
(d) social conditioning

Ans – Operant conditioning

Q.290 – Traits that are transferred from parents to descendants are called.
(a) Environment
(b) Genes
(c) Heredity
(d) Homeostasis

Ans – Heredity

Q.291 – Which theory of intelligence supports the presence of general intelligence ‘g’ and specific intelligence ‘s’.
(a) Rule aversion theory
(b) Guilford’s theory of intelligence
(c) Spearman’s binary theory
(d) Vernon’s theory of hierarchy

Ans – Spearman’s binary theory

Q.292 – Personality is a permanent adjustment
(a) with the environment
(b) with life
(c) with nature
(d) all these

Ans – All these

Q.293 – In which stage do feelings like shame and pride develop?
(a) Infancy
(b) Childhood
(c) Adolescence
(d) Old age

Ans – Childhood

Q.294 – It is not the main characteristic of infancy.
(a) Intensity in the process of learning
(b) Tendency of curiosity
(c) Thinking process
(d) Process of learning by imitation

Ans – Thinking process

Q.295 – What is the most important characteristic of a student?
(a) Responsibility
(b) Honesty
(c) Participation
(d) Obedience

Ans – Obedience

Q.296 – Children of which of the following levels become active members of their peer class?
(a) Adolescence
(b) Adulthood
(c) Pre-adolescence
(d) Childhood

Ans – Adolescence

Q.297 – Development begins.
(a) Ans From childhood
(b) From childbirth
(c) From infancy
(d) From pre-childhood

Ans – From the natal stage

Q.298 – According to Piaget’s cognitive theory of learning, the process by which the cognitive structure is modified is called…………..
(a) Perception
(b) Adjustment
(c) Assimilation
(d) Schema

Ans – Inclusion

Q.299 – According to Kohlberg, the thinking process involved in making decisions about right and wrong Q.2 is called.
(a) Ethics of cooperation
(b) Ethical reasoning
(c) Ethical realism
(d) Ethical dilemma

Ans – Moral reasoning

Q.300 – Teachers are advised to involve their learners in group activities, because apart from facilitating learning, it also helps in…………..
(a) Anxiety
(b) Socialization
(c) Value conflict
(d) Aggression

Ans – Socialization

Q.301 – Which of the following ……………. Apart from these, all environmental factors shape development.
(a) Quality of nutrition
(b) Culture
(c) Quality of education
(d) Physical constitution

Ans – Physical constitution

Q.302 – Ans: In childhood, the child starts understanding the change in which essential elements of physical objects.
(a) Mass
(b) Mass and number
(c) Number
(d) Mass, number and area

Ans – Mass, number and area

Q.303 – From the perspective of development, what is included in the changes occurring over time?
(a) Form
(b) Rate
(c) Sequence
(d) All of these

Ans – All these

Q.304 – ‘It is called the age of toys.’
(a) Early childhood
(b) Late childhood
(c) Infancy
(d) All these

Ans – To pre-childhood

Q.305 – There is a sensory muscular state.
(a) 0-2 years
(b) 2-7 years
(c) 7-12 years
(d) More than 12

Ans – 0-2 years

Q.306 – Where can the cognitive development of a child be best defined?
(a) In the playground
(b) In school and class
(c) At home
(d) In the auditorium

Ans – In school and class

Q.307 – Which of the following is not a determining factor of intellectual development according to Piaget?
(a) Social transmission 
(b) Experience
(c) Balancing
(d) None of these.

Ans – Social transmission

Q.308 – In which of the following stages do children become active members of their peer group?
(a) Adolescence
(b) Adulthood
(c) Pre-childhood
(d) Childhood

Ans – Adolescence

Q.309 – What is this idea related to “Development is a never ending process”?
(a) Principle of interrelation
(b) Principle of continuity
(c) Principle of integration
(d) Principle of interaction

Ans – Principle of continuity

Q.310 – Four distinct stages of intellectual development were identified in children.
(a) By Kohlberg
(b) By Erikson
(c) By Skinner
(d) By Piaget

Ans – By Piaget

Q.311 – According to Piaget, which of the following is the stage in which the child starts thinking logically about abstract concepts?
(a) Concrete operational stage
(b) Formal operational stage
(c) Sensory motor stage
(d) Pre-operational stage

Ans – Formal operational stage

Q.312 – In the following classes the game method is based.
(a) Based on the principles of physical education programs
(b) Based on methods of teaching
(c) On psychological principles of development and growth
(d) On social principles of teaching

Ans – On psychological theory of development and growth

Q.313 – The stage when the child starts thinking logically about objects and events.
(a) Sensory-motor stage
(b) Formal operational stage
(c) Pre-operational stage
(d) Concrete operational stage

Ans – Concrete operational state

Q.314- Which of the following is not helpful in the development of creativity of children?
(a) Sports
(b) Speech
(c) Story writing
(d) Construction activities

Ans – Construction related activities

Q.315- Children’s thinking is based on concrete experiences and concepts rather than abstraction. This is the state.
(a) From 7 to 12 years 
(b) From 12 to adulthood
(c) From 2 to 7 years
(d) From birth to 2 years

Ans – 7 to 12 years

Q.316 – A 13 year old child starts quarreling with his elders in every conversation and always tries to prove himself right. Which stage of development is he in?
(a) Adolescence
(b) Early childhood
(c) Youth
(d) Childhood

Ans – Adolescence

Q.317- Which of the following is not a characteristic of early childhood?
(a) The state of being in a team/group
(b) The state of imitating
(c) The state of doing Q.
(d) The state of playing

Ans – Playing condition

Q.318 – The thinking process which involves presentation of new, real and useful concepts is called.
(a) Creativity
(b) Innovation
(c) Intelligence
(d) New idea

Ans – Creativity

Q.319- According to Piaget, at which stage of cognitive development does the child demonstrate ‘object permanence’?
(a) Concrete operational stage
(b) Formal operational stage
(c) Sensorimotor stage
(d) Pre-operational stage

Ans – Pre-operative stage

Q.320- A good text book saves.
(a) Gender equality
(b) Social responsibility
(c) Gender bias
(d) Gender sensitivity

Ans – Gender bias

Q. 321- Seema learns every lesson very quickly whereas Leena takes more time to learn it. This is…………………… of development. Reflects the principle.
(a) Individual principles
(b) Interrelation
(c) Continuity
(d) From general to specific

Ans – Personal principle

Q. 322 – A person behaves aggressively towards his peer group and does not follow school norms. This student needs help with…………………….
(a) Emotional domain
(b) Higher order thinking skills
(c) Cognitive domain
(d) Psychodynamic domain

Ans – Emotional sphere

Q. 323- According to the theory of multiple intelligences, the ability to identify and classify all types of animals, minerals and plants is called …………….
(a) Cognitive activity
(b) Psychomotor process
(c) Psychological phenomenon
(d) Emotional behavior

Ans – Cognitive activity

Q.324- Development of human values, which are universal in nature, means-
(a) Indoctrination
(b) Adoption
(c) Imitation
(d) Expression

Ans – expression

Q.325 – When a student fails, it is considered that –
(a) The system is unsuccessful.
(b) The teacher is unsuccessful.
(c) Text books are unsuccessful.
(d) It is a personal failure.

Ans – This is personal failure.

Q.326- According to McDougall, the basic instinct ‘curiosity’ is related to which emotion?
(a) Fear
(b) Disgust
(c) Surprise
(d) Hunger

Ans – Surprise

Q.327 – By the end of the second year, the child’s vocabulary becomes stockpile.
(a) 100 words
(b) 60 words
(c) 50 words
(d) 10 words

Ans – 100 words

Q.328 – Reflection, concept, symbol and sign, language, physical action and mental action are inherent in –
(a) Adaptation
(b) Motor motor development
(c) Problem solving
(d) Thinking process

Ans – Thinking process

Q. 129 – The process by which parents infer that their children have all positive qualities because one quality is positive is called.
(a) Effect of environment
(b) Hawthorne effect
(c) Law of effect
(d) Law of inverse environment

Ans – Effect of environment

Q.330 Which of the following is not an example of a discrete variable?
(a) Age
(b) Sex
(c) Marital
(d) Residential place

Ans – Age

Q.331 – The type of assessment used by the class leader to develop learning during instruction is called –
(a) Diagnostic assessment
(b) Formative assessment
(c) Placement assessment
(d) Summative assessment

Ans – Formative evaluation

Q.332- Which of the following institutions contributes the most in the transmission of social traditions?
(a) Family
(b) School
(c) Neighborhood
(d) None of these

Ans – Family

Q.333- This is the main reason for the development of criminal tendencies in children.
(a) Family environment
(b) Indiscipline
(c) Economic deprivation
(d) Defective curriculum

Ans – Family environment

Q.334- Feeling of self-respect is characterized by…………..
(a) Childhood
Infancy (c)
Adolescence (d) Adulthood

Ans – Adolescence

CTET Important Questions In Hindi

Q.335 – What will you do to develop the ability of reasoning in a child –
(a) Ask information searching questions
(b) Ask questions for repetition on the presented text
(c) Ask questions changing the context
(d) Ask questions on prior knowledge

Ans – Will ask questions by changing the context

Q.336- There is variation in cognitive development in children because –
(a) They have different intrinsic abilities.
(b) There is diversity in training opportunities.
(c) Different experiences of natural environment
(d) Disparity in age and health

Ans – They have different intrinsic abilities.

Q.337- What is meant by social development in psychology –
(a) Creating a prestigious place in the society
(b) Development of good relations with others
(c) Forming social groups
(d) All of the above

Ans – Development of good relations with others

Q.338 – That stage of the student when he is most surrounded by emotions –
Infancy (b) Childhood
(c) Adulthood
(d) Adolescence

Ans – Adolescence

Q.339- Which is the most appropriate time for children, when they are agitated and stressed?
(a) Adolescence
(b) Childhood
(c) Infancy
(d) Adulthood

Ans – Adolescence

Q.340- Who among the following helped in understanding the development of object stability in children –
(a) Piaget
(b) Festinger
(c) Ericsson
(d) Ballac


Q.341 – In which method approach, measurement of similar objects is taken at different stages of their development.
(a) Life writing method
(b) Contemporary study method
(c) Long term study method
(d) Sociometry

Ans – Long term study method

Q.342- According to Piaget, an eight year old child can-
(a) Learn conservational problems
(b) Solve problems by formulating abstract rules
(c) Think hypothetically on the problem
(d) Solve higher level problems.

Ans – Learning conservation problems

Q.343- In which theory the developmental dimension of childhood experience is emphasized –
(a) Behaviorism
(b) Functionalism
(c) Psychoanalyticism
(d) Structuralism

Ans – Psychoanalyticism

Q.344 – Primary needs are also known as …………… needs –
(a) Psychological
(b) Somatic
(c) Social
(d) Psychosocial

Ans – Physical

Q.345 – Who used the study of the effect of mother’s voice on the behavior of the newborn –
(a) Terman
(b) Montessori
(c) Seguin
(d) Burke

Ans – Terman

Q.346 – The basis of Jean Piaget’s theory of child development is-
(a) Psycho-analytic development
(b) Moral development
(c) Psychosocial development
(d) Cognitive development

Ans-Cognitive development

Q.347 – Who initially created the method for testing reflexive and motor motor skills –
(a) Montessori
(b) Maria
(c) Edouard
(d) Binet

Ans – Montessori

Q.348- According to Piaget, at what stage does the child start thinking, intellectual activities and problem solving at the abstract level?
(a) Pre-operational stage
(b) Concrete operational stage
(c) Formal operational stage
(d) Sensorimotor stage

Ans – Formal operational stage

Q. 349 – ………… helps children struggling with socio-economic issues whose talents may be affected.
(a) Self-learning model
(b) Differentiated instruction
(c) Extension of curriculum
(d) Cognitive classification

Ans – Self learning model

Q.350 – A child whose IQ is 105 will be classified as
(a) Superior intelligence
(b) Above normal intelligence
(c) Normal intelligence
(d) Retarded intelligence

Ans – General intelligence

Q.351- Education develops the inherent potential in humans to the fullest. Whose statement is this.
(a) Swami Vivekananda
(b) Skinner
(c) Pestology
(d) Rabindranath Tagore

Ans – Swami Vivekananda

Q.352- Human development is based on some special principles. Which of the following is not a theory of human development?
(a) Sequentiality
(b) General to specific
(c) Reversible
(d) Continuity

Ans – Reversible

Q.353 – Development of concepts is mainly a part of…………..
(a) Intellectual development
(b) Physical development
(c) Social development
(d) Cognitive development

Ans – Intellectual development

Q.354- Heredity is called …………………. It is considered a social structure.
(a) Secondary
(b) Dynamic
(c) Static
(d) Primary

Ans – stable

Q.355 – Which of the following is not a tool for formative assessment?
(a) Oral Questions
(b) Sessional Examination
(c) Quiz and Games
(d) Assignment

Ans – Session work

Bal Vikas And Shiksha Shastra In Hindi

Q.356 – “Men are more intelligent than women.” This statement –
​​(a) may be correct.
(b) Displays gender bias.
(c) is true for different aspects of intelligence.
(d) is correct.

Ans – Exhibits gender bias.

Q.357 – Defense system helps a lot.
(a) In dealing with violence
(b) In dealing with pressure
(c) In dealing with fatigue
(d) In dealing with strangers

Ans – In dealing with pressure

Q.358 – Whose activity is also related to the digestive process of humans?
(a) Reproductive glands
(b) Adrenal gland
(c) Gall gland
(d) Adrenal gland

Ans – Adrenal gland

Q.359 – The factor that most affects child development is –
(a) Sex education
(b) Intelligence test
(c) Sports ground
(d) Beautiful school building

Ans – Sports ground

Q.360 – Which of the following is a game based method?
(a) Problem solving method
(b) Debate method
(c) Lecture method
(d) Kindergarten method

Ans – Kindergarten method

Q.361 – The theory of natural selection is related to.
(a) From Socrates
(b) From Plato
(c) From Darwin
(d) From the Russians

Ans – From Darwin

Q.362 – Now education is done.
(a) Teacher centered
(b) School centered
(c) Friend centered
(d) Child centered

Ans – Child centered

Q.363 – It is the first component of child’s socialization.
(a) Family
(b) School
(c) Political party
(d) Sports ground

Ans – Family

Q.364 – The literal meaning of the word emotion is –
(a) Anger and fear
(b) Excitement or turmoil in emotions
(c) Affection and love
(d) Adjustment in the environment

Ans – Excitement or turmoil in emotions

Q.365 – The last sequence in the order of language development is –
(a) Sound recognition
(b) Sound pronunciation
(c) Word pronunciation
(d) Complete stage of language development

Ans – Complete stage of language development

Q.366 – Which of the following wishes is not fulfilled?
(a) this
(b) I
(c) the next I
(d) this and I

Ans – Idam

Q.367 – The stages of child development from an educational point of view are-
(a) Adolescence
(b) Childhood
(c) Infancy
(d) All three of the above

Ans – All three of the above

Q.368 – Whose creation is “psychology from the standpoint of behaviourist”?
(a) Walter Hunter
(b) Watson
(c) Carl Lathley
(d) Tolman

Ans – Watson’s

Important questions of child development

Q.369 – The principle of repetition of learning is given.
(a) Schiller
(b) Camus
(c) Patrick Pavlov
(d) Stanley Hall

Ans – Patrick Pavlov

Q.370 – Meaning of child development.
(a) Change in behavior
(b) Qualitative quantitative change of the child
(c) Qualitative development of the child
(d) Change in personality

Ans – Qualitative quantitative change of the child

Q.371 – Who among the following is not a psychologist –
(a) Krogman
(b) Sorensen
(c) Harlock
(d) Socrates

Ans – Socrates

Q.372 – The symptom of emotional stability is –
(a) Quarrelsome
(b) Humorous
(c) Adjusted
(d) Cowardly

Ans – Adjusted

Q.373 – Guilford uses the term ‘convergent thinking’ in the same sense as.
(a) Intelligence
(b) Creativity
(c) Intelligence and creativity
(d) None of these

Ans – Creativity

Q.374 – Ability to know the meaning of the problem, awareness of the defects, shortcomings and vacancies of the environment is the specialty.
(a) Of talented children
(b) Of normal children
(c) Of creative children
(d) None of these.

Ans – Of creative children

Q.375 – Human development is the result of which two contributions?
(a) Of parents and teachers.
(b) Socio-cultural factors
(c) Heredity and environment
(d) None of the above.

Ans – Heredity and environment

Q.376 – ……………. In addition to this, the following aspects of intelligence are addressed in Sternberg’s triarchic theory.
(a) Contextual
(b) Componential
(c) Social
(d) Empirical

Ans – Social

Q.377 – The process in which a person learns from the behavior of others and not from direct experience is called learning.
(a) Social learning
(b) Conditioning
(c) Experiential learning
(d) Incidental learning

Ans – Social learning

Q.378 – Piaget is mainly known for his contribution to…………………….
(a) Language development
(b) Cognitive development
(c) Moral development
(d) Social development

Ans-Cognitive development

Q.379 – Which of the following groups of children have adjustment problems?
(a) Children with average intelligence
(b) Children with rural intelligence
(c) Children with studious
intelligence (d) Children with sharp intelligence

Ans – Children with sharp intelligence

Q.380 – What kind of correlation is found between intelligence and creativity?
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) Zero
(d) All of these

Ans – Positive

Q.381 – The child is in a self-centered state –
(a) from birth to 2 years
(b) from 3 to 6 years
(c) from 7 years to adolescence
(d) in adolescence

Ans – 3 to 6 years

Q.382 – In the following condition, children often have attraction towards same sex.
(a) In adulthood
(b) In infancy
(c) In childhood
(d) In adolescence

Ans – In childhood

Q.383 – At what age does a child develop the understanding of time, day, date and area?
(a) 16 years
(b) 9 years
(c) 11 years
(d) 6 years

Answer – 9 years

Q.384 – Which scientist has believed that proper environment increases the IQ.
(a) Mendel
(b) Cooley
(c) Stephens
(d) Clark

Ans – Stephens

Child Development And Pedagogy MCQ In Hindi

Q.385 – Which is not the main characteristic of adolescence?
(a) Excess of emotions
(b) Tendency of accumulation
(c) Multiplicity of imagination
(d) Lack of adjustment

Ans – Tendency to collect

Q.386 – The socialization of a child is determined by the following techniques.
(a) Interview technique
(b) Sociometric technique
(c) Observation technique
(d) Biographical study technique

Ans – Sociometric technique

Q.387 – In which stage do boys and girls accept someone else as an ideal in their life –
(a) In adolescence
(b) In childhood
(c) In infancy
(d) In all

Ans – In adolescence

Q.388 – It is a characteristic of creative children.
(a) Lack of awareness towards the problem
(b) Lack of dynamic thinking
(c) Curiosity
(d) Inflexibility

Ans – Curiosity

Q.389 – It is important in the development of the child.
(a) Heredity
(b) Environment
(c) Heredity and environment
(d) Food

Ans – Heredity and environment

Q.390 – The weight of a child at the time of birth.
(a) 6-8 pounds
(b) 10-11 pounds
(c) 2 pounds
(d) 3 pounds

Ans – 6-8 pounds

Q.391 – This is the most difficult period of life.
(a) Childhood
(b) Infancy
(c) Pregnancy
(d) Adolescence

Ans – Adolescence

Q.392 – Due to the influence of which gland in infancy, girls have a feeling of reverence towards their father.
(a) Electra
(b) Odipus
(c) Testosterone
(d) Progeston

Ans – Electra

Q.393 – The correct statement regarding development is –
(a) Development stops after some time.
(b) Development is an indicator of growth.
(c) Development is a change in all aspects.
(d) Development is related to external change.

Ans – Development is the change in all aspects.

Q.394 – Prejudiced teenagers show their ……………. Will be strict towards
(a) Problem
(b) Life-style
(c) Concept
(d) Reality

Ans- Problem

Q.395 – A strong school promotes most of the following abilities in its teachers
(a) Competitive attitude 
(b) Testing tendency
(c) Memory
(d) Disciplined nature

Ans – Competitive attitude

Q.396 – Successful inclusion requires all of the following except
(a) Segregation
(b) Parental involvement
(c) Sensitization
(d) Capacity building

Ans – Separation

Q.397 – Adolescents can experience …………………..
(a) Fear of childhood crimes
(b) Sense of self-accomplishment
(c) Satisfaction about life
(d) Anxiety and concern with self

Ans – Anxiety and concern with self

Q.398 – Children should be evaluated.
(a) By board examination
(b) By continuous and comprehensive
(c) By written and oral
(d) By home examination

Ans – By continuous and comprehensive examination

Q.399 – Development of concepts is a major part of.
(a) Intellectual development
(b) Physical development
(c) Social development
(d) Emotional development

Ans – Intellectual development

Q.400 – Human development is the result of the contribution of which two?
(a) Parents and teachers
(b) Social and cultural factors
(c) Heredity and environment
(d) None of these

Ans – Heredity and environment

  Bal Vikas And Shiksha Shastra In Hindi

Q.401- According to Piaget, which of the following is the stage in which the child starts thinking logically about abstract concepts –
(A) Concrete-operational stage (07-11 years)
(B) Formal-operational stage (11 years and above)
(C) Sensory-motor stage (02 years from birth)
(D) Pre-operational stage (02-07 years)

Ans- Formal-operational stage (11 years and above)  

Q.402- “Development is a never-ending process” is related to –
(A) Principle of interrelation
(B) Principle of continuity
(C) Principle of integration
(D) Principle of interaction

Ans- Principle of continuity ☑

Q.403- Which of the following nurtures creativity in learners –
(A) Teaching students to have practical values ​​of good education
(B) Nurturing the inherent talents of each learner and providing opportunities for questioning
( C) Emphasizing achievement goals early in school life
(D) Coaching students for good marks in examinations.

Ans- To nurture the inherent talents of every learner and provide opportunities to ask questions.

Q.404- In which of the following stages do children become active members of their peer group –
(A) Adolescence
(B) Adulthood
(C) Pre-childhood
(D) Childhood

Ans- Adolescence ☑

Q.405- Which of the following is not a determining factor of intellectual development according to Piaget –
(A) Social transmission
(B) Experience
(C) Balancing
(D) None of these

Ans- Social transmission ☑

Q.406- Which of the following statements is not true in the context of development –
(A) Every stage of development has its own dangers
(B) Development does not happen by instigating or promoting
(C) Development is affected by cultural changes. (
D) Each stage of development has its own characteristics.

Ans- Development does not happen by instigating or promoting ☑

Q.407- Where does the ‘Age of Toys’ belong to –
(A) Pre-childhood
(B) Post-childhood
(C) Infancy
(D) All these

Ans- Pre-childhood ☑

Q.408- Personality is a permanent adjustment –
​​(A) With environment
(B) With life
(C) With nature
(D) All of these

Ans- All these ☑

Q.409- Feelings like shame and pride develop in which stage-
(A) Infancy
(B) Childhood
(C) Adolescence
(D) Old age

Ans- Childhood ☑

Q.410- What is not the main characteristic of infancy?
(A) Intensity of learning process
(B) Tendency of curiosity
(C) Thinking process
(D) Tendency to learn by imitation.

Ans- Thinking process ☑

Q.411- According to which psychologist, “Development is a continuous and slow process-
(A) Kolesnik
(B) Piaget
(C) Skinner
(D) Harlock

Ans- Skinner ☑

Q.412- The stage of personality development is –
(A) Learning and growth
(B) Individual study
(C) Remedial study
(D) None of these

Ans- Learning and growth ☑

Q.413- Increase in development means –
(A) Increase in knowledge     
(B) Increase in emotion
(C) Increase in weight
(D) Increase in size, thinking skills.

Ans- Increase in thinking and thinking skills ☑

Q.414- Maturity is related to –
(A) Development
(B) Intelligence
(C) Creativity
(D) Interest

Ans- Development ☑

Q.415- If a child’s mental age is 12 years and actual age is 10 years, then what will be his IQ –
(A) 110
(B) 100
(C) 120
(D) 83

Years-120 ☑

Q.416- Body size increases because of –
(A) Physical and motor development
(B) Emotional development
(C) Cognitive development
(D) Moral development

Ans- Physical and mental development ☑

Q.417- The factors affecting mental development are –
(A) Heredity
(B) Family environment
(C) Social status of the family
(D) All of the above

Ans- Inheritance ☑

Q.418- Which statement is best on the basis of child psychology –
(A) All children are the same
(B) Every child is special
(C) Some children are special
(D) Some children are the same

Ans- Every child is unique ☑

Q.419- Which is the best method to study the growth and development of a child –
(A) Psychoanalytic method
(B) Comparative method
(C) Developmental method
(D) Statistical method

Ans- Developmental method ☑

Q.420- What are the determining factors of individual variation in human race which explains the diversity of human race?
(A) Difference of environment
(B) Difference of heredity
(C) Interaction of heredity and environment
(D) neither of the above

Ans- Interaction of heredity and environment ☑

Q.421- What is the correct statement regarding intelligence –
(A) The name of ability to adjust is intelligence
(B) The name of ability to learn is intelligence
(C) The name of ability of concise reasoning is intelligence
(D) All of the above

Ans- All of the above ☑

Q.422- “Psychology is the basic science of education” Who said this –
(A) B.N. Jha
(B) Skinner
(C) Davis
(D) Woodworth

Ans- Skinner ☑

Q.423- The creator of IQ measurement is –
(A) Stern
(B) Binet
(C) Terman
(D) None of these

Ans- Terman ☑

Q.424- Which year is considered to be the origin of educational psychology?
(A) 1947
(B) 1920
(C) 1940
(D) 1900

Years- 1900 ☑

Q.425- How many days does it take for a child to develop in the womb –
(A) 150
(B) 280
(C) 390
(D) 460

Years- 280 ☑

Q.426- The weight of a newborn baby is –
(A) 6 pounds
(B) 7 pounds
(C) 8 pounds
(D) 9 pounds

Ans- 7 pounds ☑

Q.427- Parents should play ……… role in the process of children learning –
(A) Negative
(B) Forward-looking
(C) Sympathetic
(D) Neutral

Ans- Forward oriented ☑

Q.428- Human development is the result of the contribution of which two –
(A) Parents and teachers
(B) Social and cultural factors
(C) Heredity and environment
(D) None of these

Ans- Heredity and environment ☑

Q.429- “Children create their own society about the world” to whom does the credit go –
(A) Piaget
(B) Pavlov
(C) Kohlberg
(D) Skinner

Ans-Piazza ☑

Q.430- Development of concepts is mainly a part of –
(A) Intellectual development
(B) Physical development
(C) Social development
(D) Emotional development

Ans- Intellectual development ☑

Q.431- Which of the following is not a characteristic of pre-childhood –
(A) The state of living in a team or group
(B) The state of imitating
(C) The state of asking questions
(D) The state of playing

Ans- state of play ☑

Q.432- Evaluation should be done –
(A) Children will study through evaluation
(B) It reveals the achievement of children
(C) Children know the level of learning
(D) The achievement of teachers is revealed.

Ans- Children have knowledge of the level of learning ☑

Q.433- Which of the following statements is true from the point of view of educational psychology –
(A) Children create their own knowledge
(B) Children do not have any prior knowledge before coming to school
(C) Learning Children suffer in the process
(D) Children learn exactly what they are taught.

Ans- Children create their own knowledge ☑

Important questions of child development

Q.434- The best way to establish morality in children is –
(A) Teaching them religious books
(B) Behaving ideally as a teacher
(C) Evaluating them on value education
(D) Preaching to them in the morning meeting. Give

Ans- Behaving ideally as a teacher ☑

Q.435- What is the characteristic of a mentally healthy teacher –
(A) He is emotionally balanced
(B) He has deep knowledge of his subject
(C) He is highly sensitive
(D) He likes strict discipline.

Ans- He is emotionally balanced ☑

Q.436- The most important objective of education is –
(A) Earning livelihood
(B) All round development of the child
(C) Learning to read and write
(D) Intellectual development

Ans- All round development of the child ☑

Q.437- The teacher cannot answer a question asked by Diksha immediately. What should be the response of the teacher –
(A) The teacher should silence Diksha     
(B) The teacher should tell Diksha’s attention
(C) The teacher should say, I don’t know
(D) The teacher should understand the correct answer to this question later.

Ans- The teacher should understand and give the correct answer to this question later ☑

Q.438- You want to teach English to the children of illiterate parents –
(A) You will talk to the child in English
(B) You will force the children to speak in English
(C) You will teach the child in mother tongue.
(D) You will try to teach him English with the help of his mother tongue .

Ans- You will try to teach him English with the help of his mother tongue ☑

Q.439- A teacher should have knowledge of –
(A) Teaching subject
(B) Child psychology
(C) Education code
(D) Teacher subject and child psychology.

Ans- Teacher subject and child psychology ☑

Q.440- Gardner prioritized seven intelligences, which of these is not –
(A) Spatial intelligence
(B) Emotional intelligence
(C) Interpersonal intelligence
(D) Emotional intelligence

Ans- Emotional intelligence ☑

Q.441- In which category of cooperative strategy do women not belong to the following –
(A) Acceptance
(B) Resistance
(C) Revolution
(D) Adaptation

Ans- Resistance ☑

Q.442- Which of the following is not an approach to know the creative determinants in the school sector –
(A) Conversation skills
(B) Multiple choice questions
(C) Project work
(D) Oral questions

Ans- Multiple choice question ☑

Q.443- The main objective of diagnostic examination is –
(A) To identify generally weak areas during class performance –
(B) Need for special nature of remedial program
(C) To find out the causes of academic incidents
(D) Students To know the special nature of the difficulties of

Ans- To find out the causes of academic incidents ☑

Q.444- Children’s attitude towards people of different homogeneous groups is generally based
on – (A) On the attitude of their parents
(B) On the attitude of their peers
(C) On the influence of television
(D) On the attitude of their siblings But

Ans- On the attitude of their parents ☑

Q.445- Which of the following methods is more important for maintaining good mental health of students –
(A) Provision of co-scholastic activities
(B) Freedom of expression
(C) Diversity of interests
(D) Role of teacher and school environment

Ans- Teacher’s role and school environment ☑

Q.446- The process in which a person learns by observing others’ family and not by direct experience is called –
(A) Social learning
(B) Conditioning
(C) Experimental learning
(D) Incidental learning

Ans- Social learning ☑

Q.447- Which theory expresses that the human brain is like a big ice cube which remains mostly hidden and has three levels of consciousness –
(A) Trait theory     
(B) Type theory
(C) Psychoanalytic theory
(D) Behaviorism theory

Ans- Psychoanalytic theory ☑

Q.448- Which of the following is not a symptom of ‘reading difficulty’ in young learners –
(A) Difficulty in reading speed and fluency
(B) Difficulty in understanding words and ideas
(C) Difficulty in coherent spelling
( D) Difficulty in letter and word recognition.

Ans- Difficulty in reading speed and flow ☑

Q.449- The multilingual feature of Indian society should be seen as………
(A) as a resource to enrich school life
(B) as a challenge to teacher competence to motivate students to learn
( C) As a factor in making school life a complex experience for the learners.
(D) As a hindrance to the teaching learning process.

Ans- As a resource to enrich school life ☑

Q.450- In continuous and comprehensive evaluation, the term comprehensive evaluation means –
(A) Evaluation of all subjects
(B) Evaluation of co-scholastic area
(C) Evaluation of scholastic and co-scholastic area
(D) Evaluation of educational area Evaluation

Ans- Evaluation of educational and co-educational sector ☑

Q.451- The purpose of assessment is –
(A) To label children as slow learners and gifted children
(B) To identify children who need remedial education
(C) To identify children with learning difficulties and problems To find out the areas
(D) To provide nourishment to the extent to which education has prepared one to lead a productive life.

Ans- To provide nourishment to the extent to which education has prepared one to lead a productive life.

Q.452- To maintain the interest of students in the class, a teacher should-
(A) Use the blackboard
(B) Discuss
(C) Tell a story
(D) Ask questions.

Ans- Asking questions ☑

Q.453- Which learning is permanent –
(A) By rote learning 
(B) By listening
(C) By understanding
(D) By seeing

Ans- By understanding ☑

Q.454- The purpose of evaluation is –
(A) To declare the children passed/failed
(B) To know what the child has learned
(C) To know the difficulties faced by the child in learning
(D) All of the above

Ans- All of the above ☑

Q.455- There can be areas of individual differences in a class –
(A) Of interests
(B) Of learning
(C) Of character
(D) All of these

Ans- All these ☑

Q.456- Lawrence Kohlberg is known for his research in the field of development –
(A) Cognitive
(B) Physical
(C) Moral
(D) Gamma

Ans- Moral ☑

Q.457- According to Piaget, how many stages are there in cognitive child development?
(A) 3 stages     
(B) 4 stages
(C) 5 stages
(D) 6 stages

Ans- 4 stages ☑

Q.458- Whose statement is that education develops the inherent potential in humans to the fullest?
(A) Swami Vivekananda
(B) Skinner
(C) Pestology
(D) Rabindranath Tagore

Ans- Swami Vivekananda ☑

Q.459- Human development is based on some special principles, which of the following is not a principle of human development
(A) Sequentiality   
(B) General to specific
(C) Reversible
(D) Continuity

Ans- Reversible ☑

 Bal Vikas And Shiksha Shastra In Hindi

Q.460- Development of concepts is mainly a part of –
(A) Intellectual development
(B) Physical development
(C) Social development
(D) Emotional development

Ans- Intellectual development ☑

Q.461- The theory of learning which is based entirely and only on observable behavior is related to which theory of learning –
(A) Evolutionary
(B) Behaviorist
(C) Constructivist
(D) Cognitivist

Ans- Behaviorist ☑

Q.462- The multilingual feature of Indian society should be seen as –
(A) As a resource to enrich school life
(B) As a challenge to teacher ability to motivate students to learn
(C) ) School life as a complex experience for the learners
(D) As a hindrance in the teaching learning process

Ans- As a resource to enrich school life ☑

Q.463- The most intensive and complex socialization occurs –
(A) during adolescence
(B) during pre-childhood
(C) during adulthood
(D) throughout the person’s life

Ans- During adolescence ☑

Q.464- “Men are more intelligent than women” This statement –
​​(A) can be true
(B) reflects gender bias
(C) is true for different aspects of intelligence
(D) is correct

Ans- Displays gender bias ☑

Q.465- The objective of action research is –
(A) Discovery of new knowledge
(B) Development of behavioral science in educational situations
(C) Improving the educational functioning of school and classroom
(D) All of the above

Ans- To improve the educational functioning of school and class ☑

Q.466- Defense mechanism helps a lot in –
(A) in dealing with violence
(B) in dealing with pressure
(C) in dealing with fatigue
(D) in dealing with strangers

Ans- In dealing with pressure ☑

Q.467- Freud, Piaget and other psychologists have explained the various stages of personality development, but Piaget – (
A) said that the stages of development are determined by the environment
(B) said that the experiences of infancy have the most influence Other conditions have limited effects
(C) Said of cognitive changes to explain different conditions
(D) None of the above

Ans- Said about cognitive changes to explain different situations ☑

Q.468- Guilford has used the term ‘convergent thinking’ in the same sense as –
(A) Intelligence
(B) Creativity
(C) Intelligence and creativity
(D) None of these

Ans-Creativity ☑

Q.469- What is the role of heredity in personality and intelligence?
(A) Nominal role
(B) Important role
(C) Unpredictable role
(D) Attractive role

Ans- Has a nominal role ☑

Q.470- A cricket player develops his bowling skills, but it does not affect his batting skills. This is called –
(A) Predicative training transfer   
(B) Injunctive training transfer
(C) Zero training transfer
. D) none of the above

Ans- Zero training transfer ☑

Q.471- Which of the following is not a determining factor of intellectual development according to Piaget –
(A) Social transmission
(B) Experience
(C) Balancing
(D) None of these

Ans- Social transmission ☑

Q.472- Children’s thinking is based on concrete experiences and concepts rather than abstraction. This stage is –
(A) From 7 to 12 years
(B) From 12 years to adulthood
(C) From 2 to 7 years
(D) From birth. up to 2 years

Ans- 7 to 12 years ☑

Q.473- What kind of support can a school provide to address individual differences among learners?
(A) Following the same level of curriculum for learners
(B) Following child-centred curriculum and (C) To provide multiple learning opportunities to the learners
(C) To send the learners to schools to eliminate individual differences
(D) To send slow learners to special schools

Ans- Following child-centred curriculum and providing multiple learning opportunities to learners ☑

Q.474- Continuous and comprehensive evaluation emphasizes on –
(A) Redundancy of board examinations
(B) Continuous testing on a wide scale to ensure learning
(C) How learning is observed, recorded and improved
. D) Harmonization of examinations with teaching

Ans- How to observe, record and improve learning ☑

Q.475- Understanding of human intelligence and development enables the teacher to –
(A) approach his teaching practice objectively
(B) maintain control over the emotions of the learners while teaching
(C) learn about the teaching of diverse learners Clarity in
(D) To tell the learners how they can improve their lives

Ans- Clarity about teaching diverse learners ☑

Q.476- Apart from which, the following aspects of intelligence have been addressed in Sternberg’s triarchic theory –
(A) Contextual
(B) Componential
(C) Social
(D) Experiential

Ans- Social ☑

Q.477- Apart from which, the following aspects of intelligence have been addressed in Sternberg’s triarchic theory –
(A) Contextual
(B) Componential
(C) Social
(D) Experiential

Ans- Social ☑

Q.478- What should a teacher do to avoid gender stereotyping in the classroom?
(A) Encourage boys to take risks and be bold
(B) Keep boys and girls together in unconventional roles
(C) (D) Discouraging
girls to participate in wrestling.

Ans- Boys and girls should be kept together in unconventional roles ☑

CTET Important Questions In Hindi

Q.479- Why should schools cater to individual differences?
(A) To make the individual learner feel special
(B) To reduce the gap between individual learners
(C) To improve the performance and abilities of the learners (D) To
understand why the learner is capable or not capable of learning.

Ans- To understand why the learner is capable or not capable of learning ☑

Q.480- What does Howard Gardner’s theory of intelligence emphasize on –
(A) Contracted skills among learners
(B) General intelligence
(C) Competencies required in school
(D) Unique abilities of each person

Ans- Unique abilities of every person ☑

Q.481- What does Howard Gardner’s theory of intelligence emphasize on –
(A) Contracted skills among the learners
(B) General intelligence
(C) Competencies required in school
(D) Unique abilities of each person

Ans- Unique abilities of every person ☑

Q.482- What is socialization?
(A) Change in social norms
(B) Relationship between teacher and taught
(C) Process of modernization of society
(D) Adaptation with the norms of society.

Ans- Adaptation with the norms of society ☑

Q.483- What does school based assessment do –
(A) Make students and teachers non-serious and careless
(B) Reduce the accountability of education boards
(C) Create obstacles in achieving universal national standards
(D) Helps all learners learn more in a familiar environment

Ans- Helps all learners to learn more in a familiar environment ☑

Q.484- Apart from which, the following are the steps in the process of problem solving –
(A) Anticipating results –     
(B) Identifying the problem
(C) Dividing the problem into smaller parts
(D) Searching for possible solutions

Ans- Dividing the problem into smaller parts ☑

Q.485- Human development is the result of which two contributions –
(A) Parents and teachers
(B) Social and cultural factors
(C) Heredity and environment
(D) None of the above

Ans- Heredity and environment ☑

Q.486- Ability to know the meaning of the problem, awareness about the defects, shortcomings and vacancies of the environment is the specialty of –
(A) Gifted children
(B) Normal children
(C) Creative children
(D) Any of the above No

Ans- Of creative children ☑

Q.487- Which of the following statements best reflects the mental health of a person –
(A) Full expression, coordination and direction towards normal traits
(B) Absence of mental disorders
(C) Personality Freedom from disorders
(D) All of the above

Ans- Direction towards complete expression, compatibility and general characteristics ☑

Q.488- Which of the following is the storehouse of desires which are not fulfilled:
(A) This   
(B) I
(C) The Supreme I
(D) This and I

Ans- Idam ☑

Q.489- Children’s Contextual Intelligence Test has been made for children aged between 3 years to 10 years. In this test, cards have been replaced with – (
A) Inanimate objects in place of living objects
(B) Animals in place of people. ( C
) Women instead of men.
(D) Children instead of adults.

Ans- Animals instead of people ☑

Q.490- Understanding the principles of child development helps the teacher to –
(A) identify the greater background of the learner
(B) justify why the learner should be taught (C) understand the
different learning styles of the learner In addressing effectively
(D) In ​​recognizing the social status of the learner

Ans- In effectively addressing the different learning styles of learners ☑

Q.491- Learners should not be encouraged to-
(A) To interact actively with other learners in group work
(B) To participate in maximum co-curricular activities
(C) ) To remember the answers to all the questions the teacher can ask
(D) To ask as many questions as possible inside and outside the classroom

Ans- To remember the answers to all the questions that the teacher may ask ☑

Q.492- Which of the following is not a tool for formative assessment –
(A) Oral questions
(B) Sessional examination
(C) Quiz and games
(D) Given task

Ans- Session Exam ☑

Q.493- Heredity is considered as ……… social structure –
(A) Secondary
(B) Dynamic
(C) Static
(D) Primary

Ans- stable ☑

Q.494- According to Piaget, during the first stage of development, the child learns best –
(A) by understanding passive words
(B) by thinking in an abstract way
(C) by application of newly acquired knowledge of language
(D) By use of senses

Ans- By use of senses ☑

Q.495- Constructivism as a theory –
(A) Emphasizes the role of the learner in forming his own view of the world
(B) Emphasizes on memorizing information and checking through recall
(C) Teacher
(D) Focuses on the role of imitation .

Ans- Emphasizes the role of the learner in forming his own view of the world ☑

Q.496- Individual learners differ from each other in what –
(A) Rate of development
(B) Sequence of development
(C) General capacity for development
(D) Principles of growth and development

Ans- Rate of growth ☑

Q.497- The main objective of evaluation should be –
(A) To measure the achievement of the learners     
(B) To decide whether the student should be promoted to the next class
(C) To diagnose and remedy the deficiencies in learning
(D) To find out the errors of the learners.

Ans- Diagnosing and treating learning deficiencies ☑

Q.498- According to Bigg and Hunt, the one word that best expresses the characteristics of Kiss is ‘change’. Changes are physical, social and psychological –
(A) Infancy     
(B) Childhood
(C) Adolescence
(D) Adulthood

Ans- Adolescence ☑

Q.499- A child whose intelligence quotient (IQ) is 105 will be classified as accepted –
(A) Superior intelligence
(B) Above normal intelligence
(C) Normal intelligence
(D) Retarded intelligence

Ans- General intelligence ☑

Important questions of child development

Q.500- ……… helps children struggling with socio-economic issues whose talents may be affected –
(A) Self-learning model
(B) Differentiated instruction
(C) Expansion of curriculum
(D) ) cognitive classification

Ans- Self-learning model ☑

Q.501- All the types of intelligence except one of the following have been described by Howard Garner –
(A) Language
(B) Creativity
(C) Interpersonal skills
(D) Interpersonal relationships.

Ans-Creativity ☑

Q.502- According to Piaget, in which stage does the child start thinking, intellectual activities and problem solving at the abstract level –
(A) Pre-operational stage (2-7 years)
(B) Concrete operational stage (7-11 years)
(C) Formal operational stage (11-16 years)
(D) Sensorimotor stage (0-2 years)

Ans- Formal operational stage (11-16 years) ☑

Q.503- A 13-year-old boy starts quarreling with his elders in every conversation and always tries to prove himself right. In which stage of development is he? (
A) Early childhood   
(B) Adolescence
(C) Youth
(D) Childhood

Ans- Adolescence ☑

Q.504- To reduce the pressure and be successful in examinations, it is necessary –
(A) Transfer in short duration examinations     
(B) Organization of examinations in different stages of school education
(C) Annual and half-yearly examinations
(D) Various admissions Establishment of various agencies for examinations

Ans- Transfer in short duration examinations ☑

Q.505- Critical pedagogy firmly believes that –
(A) A teacher should always lead class-room instruction
(B) Learners should not reason independently
(C) What children learn outside school It is irrelevant
(D) Learners’ experiences and perceptions are important.

Ans- Learners’ experiences and perceptions are important ☑

Q.506- A teacher should be resourceful, it means-
(A) He should have sufficient wealth     
(B) He should have contact with higher level of officials
(C) He should have the ability to solve the problems of his students. Must have adequate knowledge
(D) He should be famous among students

Ans- They should have enough knowledge to solve the problems of their students ☑

Q.507- In what ways do individual learners differ from each other?
(A) In the rate of development
(B) In the sequence of development
(C) In the general capacity for development
(D) In ​​the principles of growth and development

Ans- In the rate of growth ☑

Q.508- ‘Map of the mind’ is related
to – (A) Techniques to increase understanding     
(B) Action planning for adventure
(C) Making a picture of the mind
(D) Research on the functioning of the mind

Ans- From research on the functioning of the mind ☑

Q.509- A teacher can develop social values ​​in students –
(A) By speaking about great persons     
(B) By developing a sense of discipline
(C) By behaving ideally
(D) By telling them good stories.

Ans- By behaving ideally ☑

Q.510- Why is it appropriate for students to play in school?
(A) It will make them physically stronger
(B) It will make the work easier for teachers
(C) It will help in passing the time
(D) It will provide cooperation and physical balance. will develop

Ans- It will develop cooperation and physical balance ☑

Q.511- Which of the following is considered better for primary school children –
(A) Video simulation
(B) Demonstration
(C) Own experience
(D) All these

Ans- One’s own experience ☑

Q.512- The game method of teaching in the lower classes is basically based
on – (A) On the principles of physical education program
(B) On the principles of teaching methods
(C) On psychological principles of development and growth
(D) On the principles of teaching on sociological principles

Ans- On psychological principles of development and growth ☑

Q.513- Some students in your class are very bright, how will you teach them –
(A) With class
(B) With higher classes
(C) Through enrichment programs
(D) Whenever they want

Ans- Through enrichment programs ☑

CTET Important Questions In Hindi

Q.514- In relation to matching individual differences, the role of a teacher should be –
(A) Trying to know the individual’s viewpoint, interest and ability
(B) Trying to understand individual based courses as per their need
(C) Above Both
(D) None of the above

Ans- Both of the above ☑

Q.515- “A child can think logically about phenomena and objects” is the correct statement regarding Piaget’s stages –
(A) Sensory Nervous System
(B) Elementary Operating Process
(C) Concrete Operating Process
(D) ) formal operating procedure

Ans- Tangible Operating Process ☑

Q.516- According to the head theory of child development, which of the following statements is true –
(A) Development occurs from head to foot
(B) Development occurs from foot to head
(C) Development occurs from the central part to the periphery. And it happens
(D) None of the above

Ans- None of the above ☑

 Bal Vikas And Shiksha Shastra In Hindi

Q.517- The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act is applicable to children of how many years –
(A) 6-14 years
(B) 7-13 years
(C) 5-11 years
(D) 6-12 Year

Ans- 6-14 years ☑

Q.518- Children’s curiosity should be quenched –
(A) When the teacher is free
(B) When the student is free
(C) After some time
(D) Immediately when the student has expressed curiosity

Ans- Immediately when the student has expressed curiosity ☑

Q.519- The IQ of a child is between 90 to 110, he is-
(A) Normal intelligence   
(B) Strong intelligence
(C) Excellent intelligence
(D) Genius.

Ans- General intelligence ☑

Q.520- In continuous and comprehensive evaluation, the term comprehensive evaluation means –
(A) Evaluation of all subjects
(B) Evaluation of co-scholastic area
(C) Evaluation of scholastic and co-scholastic area
(D) Evaluation of educational area Evaluation

Ans- Evaluation of educational and co-educational sector ☑

Q.521- The relationship between teacher and student should be –
(A) Of affection 
(B) Of trust
(C) Of respect
(D) All of these

Ans- All these ☑

Q.522- A good teacher promotes among the students –
(A) The feeling of competition
(B) The feeling of cooperation
(C) The feeling of rivalry
(D) The feeling of neutrality

Ans- To the spirit of cooperation ☑

Q.523- The purpose of counseling is –
(A) To understand the children
(B) To find out the reason for the shortcomings of the children
(C) To provide help to the child in adjustment
(D) All of the above

Ans- All of the above ☑

Q.524- Which method will you choose to maintain the interest of children –
(A) Ask the children to come after reading and ask questions
(B) Do the activity yourself and tell the children
(C) You will involve the children in the activity. Will involve
(D) Will give children to do the activity themselves

Ans- Will give children to do the activity themselves  

Q.525- The game method of teaching in the following classes is based –
(A) On the principle of physical education programs
(B) On the principle of methods of teaching
(C) On the psychological principle of development and growth
(D) On the social principles of teaching

Ans- On psychological theory of development and growth ☑

Q.526- Family is a means
of- (A) Informal education
(B) Formal education
(C) Distance education
(D) Non-formal education.

Ans- Informal education ☑

Q.527- Which of the following is not a characteristic of an intelligent child –
(A) One who has the ability to complete long essays very quickly
(B) One who has the ability to communicate fluently and appropriately
(C) ) One who keeps thinking concretely
(D) One who can adjust himself to the new environment

Ans- One who has the ability to write long essays very quickly ☑

Q.528- Which is the place where the ‘cognitive’ development of a child can be best defined –
(A) Playground
(B) School and classroom environment
(C) Auditorium
(D) Home

Ans- School and classroom environment ☑

Q.529- The proponent of multifactor theory of intelligence is –
(A) McDougall
(B) Terman
(C) Thorndike
(D) Burt

Ans- Thorndike  

Q.530- In which educational period was Upanayana Sanskar performed –
(A) Vedic period
(B) Buddhist period
(C) Mughal period
(D) None of these

Ans- Vedic period ☑

Q.531- Till what age period is Piaget’s formal operational stage considered?
(A) 0-2 years
(B) 2-7 years
(C) 7-11 years
(D) 11-15 years

Ans- 11-15 years ☑

Q.532- What is the IQ of a child with limited intelligence?
(A) 11-120
(B) 81-110
(C) 71-80
(D) Less than 71

Ans- Less than 71 ☑

Q.533- Modern psychology means –
(A) Study of mind
(B) Study of soul
(C) Study of body
(D) Study of behavior

Ans- Study of behavior ☑

Q.534- At what age does a child start recognizing Hindi letters –
(A) at the age of 3 years
(B) at the age of 4 years
(C) at the age of 5 years
(D) at the age of 6 years

Ans- At the age of 5 years  

Important questions of child development

Q.535- If the mental age of a child is 5 years and the actual age is 4 years, then the IQ of that child is –
(A) 125
(B) 80
(C) 120
(D) 100

Years- 125 ☑

Q.536- Vygotsky said about child development that –
(A) It is caused by the genetics of culture
(B) It is caused by social interactions
(C) It is the product of formal education
(D) It is assimilation and adjustment results in

Ans- This happens due to social interactions ☑

Q.537- Socialization is the process by which children and adults learn from –
(A) From family
(B) From school
(C) From peers
(D) From all of these

Ans- From all these ☑

Q.538- Children should be evaluated –
(A) through board examination
(B) through continuous and comprehensive assessment
(C) through home examination
(D) through written and oral examination

Ans- Through continuous and comprehensive evaluation ☑

Q.539- According to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, the sensory-functional stage is –
(A) Birth to 2 years
(B) 2 to 7 years
(C) 7 to 11 years
(D) 11 to 16 years

Ans- Birth to 2 years ☑

Q.540- The area of ​​physical development is –
(A) Nervous system
(B) Memory
(C) Motivation
(D) Adjustment

Ans- Neurosphere ☑

Q.541- The state of stress and anger is –
(A) Infancy

  1. (B) Adolescence

(C) Childhood
(D) Old age

Ans- Adolescence  

Q.542- Childhood stage is –
(A) Upto 5 years
(B) Upto 12 years
(C) Upto 21 years
(D) None

Ans- Up to 12 years ☑

CTET Important Questions In Hindi

Q.543- According to McDougall, the basic instinct ‘curiosity’ is related to which emotion –
(A) Fear
(B) Disgust
(C) Surprise
(D) Hunger

Ans- Surprise ☑

Q.544- By the end of the second year, the child’s vocabulary becomes –
(A) 100 words
(B) 60 words
(C) 50 words
(D) 10 words

Ans- 100 words  

Q.545- Answer- In childhood, children start understanding changes in which essential element of physical objects –
(A) Mass
(B) Mass and number
(C) Number
(D) Mass, number and area

Ans- Mass, number and area ☑

Q.546- Development means –
(A) Successive series of changes
(B) Successive series of changes occurring as a result of motivation
(C) Successive series of changes occurring as a result of motivation and experience
(D) Changes occurring as a result of maturity and experiences. series of

Ans- Series of changes occurring as a result of maturity and experiences 

Q.547- Children’s thinking is based on concrete experiences and concepts rather than abstraction, this stage is –
(A) From 7 to 12 years
(B) From 12 years to adulthood
(C) From 2 to 7 years
(D) Birth to 2 years

Ans- 7 to 12 years☑
Ans- 7 to 12 years ☑

Q.548- Where can the cognitive development of children be best defined?
(A) In the playground
(B) In the school and classroom
(C) In the planet
(D) In ​​the auditorium

Ans- In school and class ☑

Q.549- The stage when the child starts thinking logically about objects and events –
(A) Sensory-motor stage
(B) Formal-operational stage
(C) Pre-operational stage
(D) Concrete-operational stage

Ans- Concrete-operational stage ☑

Q.550- Which of the following should be considered the most important characteristic in a teacher at the primary level –
(A) Eagerness to study
(B) Patience and perseverance
(C) Proficiency in teaching methods and knowledge of subjects
(D) Very standard language efficiency in teaching

Ans- Patience and perseverance  

Q.551- Four distinct stages of intellectual development in children were identified –
(A) by Kohlberg
(B) by Erikson
(C) by Skinner
(D) by Piaget

Ans- By Piaget ☑

Q.552- Continuous and comprehensive assessment is more suitable for quality education instead of examination, because in this-
(A) Cognitive area is evaluated
(B) Co-cognitive area is evaluated
(C) Evaluation is continuous and comprehensive. Regions belong to
(D) All of the above

Ans- All of the above ☑

Q.553- Which of the following is not helpful in the development of children’s creativity –
(A) Sports
(B) Speech
(C) Story-writing
(D) Construction-related activities

Ans- Construction-related activities ☑

Q.554- The following is an example of synthesis –
(A) Writing an essay
(B) Giving a speech
(C) Proving a theorem
(D) Painting a picture

Ans- Proving theorem ☑

Q.555- Child’s development is the result of –
(A) Heredity
(B) Environment
(C) Interaction between inheritance and environment
(D) Economic factors

Ans- ☑ Of the interaction process of heredity and environment.

Bal Vikas And Shiksha Shastra In Hindi | Child Development and Pedagogy Questions and Answers – Child Development and Pedagogy
Bal Vikas and Shiksha Shastra in Hindi

Q.556- If a student comes late in your class, what will you do –
(A) Inform his parents
(B) Punish him
(C) Try to find out the reason
(D) Do not pay any attention to him

Ans- Will try to know the reason ☑

Q.557- The most effective method in changing unwanted behavior in a student is –
(A) Punishing the student
(B) Bringing it to the attention of parents
(C) Finding the reasons for unwanted behavior and administering treatment
(D) ignore it

Ans- Finding the causes of unwanted behavior and managing treatment ☑

Q.558- The most important characteristic of a student is –
(A) Feeling of responsibility
(B) Honesty
(C) Participation
(D) Obedience.

Ans- Obedience ☑

Q.559- A typical 12 year old child is most likely to have –
(A) Difficulty in gross motor coordination
(B) A feeling of anxiety about pleasing adults
(C) His interests in the here and now Limiting
(D) Anxiety for peer approval

Ans- Anxiety for peer’s approval ☑

Q.560- To develop enthusiasm for labor in schools –
(A) The teacher will show interest in his own labor
(B) The teacher will lecture on the importance of labor
(C) Students will have to be given the opportunity to do labor from time to time.
(D) Students will have to give examples of people who work.

Ans- From time to time students will have to be given the opportunity to work ☑

Q.561- Knowledge of child psychology is necessary for a primary teacher, because –
(A) It helps in making children disciplined
(B) It improves exam results
(C) It is convenient to motivate children. Method becomes
(D) It helps the teacher in explaining the behavior of children.

Ans- It helps the teacher in understanding the behavior of children ☑

Q.562- To understand his students, a teacher should have good knowledge of –
(A) Child psychology
(B) Tendency to understand children
(C) Students’ opinion towards the subject matter
(D) All of the above. of

Ans- All of the above ☑

Q.563- Psychography refers to –
(A) A technique to increase the understanding of meaning
(B) Action plan for performing risky tasks
(C) Drawing a picture of the mind
(D) Investigation of the workings of the mind

Ans- Exploration of the workings of the mind ☑

Q.564- Development starts from-
(A) post-childhood
(B) parturient stage
(C) infancy
(D) pre-childhood

Ans- From the natal stage ☑

Q.565- According to the theory of multiple intelligences, what is the ability to identify and classify all types of animals, minerals and trees and plants called?
(A) Logical mathematical method
(B) Natural intelligence
(C) Linguistic intelligence
(D) Spatial Intelligence

Ans-Natural intelligence ☑

Q.566- Science and art exhibitions, music and dance presentations and bringing out school magazine are for –
(A) To provide creative avenues to the students
(B) To train the students for various professions
(C) Name of the school To enlighten
(D) To satisfy the parents

Ans- To provide creative avenues to the learners ☑

Q.567- According to Kohlberg, the thinking process involved in deciding about right and wrong questions is called –
(A) Ethics of cooperation
(B) Moral reasoning
(C) Moral realism
(D) Ethical dilemma

Ans- Moral reasoning ☑

Q.568- Teachers are advised to involve their learners in group activities because, apart from facilitating learning, it also helps in………..
(A) Anxiety
(B) Socialization
(C) ) Value conflict
(D) Aggression

Ans- Socialization ☑

Q.569- Which of the following is mainly a genetic factor –
(A) Eye color
(B) Participation in social activities
(C) Attitude towards group of peer people
(D) Thinking pattern

Ans- Eye color

Q.570- Sanjana learns every lesson very quickly whereas Ranjana takes more time to learn it. Which principle of development does it reflect –
(A) Individual variation
(B) Interrelation
(C) Continuity
(D) From general to specific

Ans- Individual difference ☑

Q.571- A good textbook avoids –
(A) Gender equality
(B) Social responsibility
(C) Gender bias
(D) Gender sensitivity

Ans- Gender bias ☑

Q.572- According to Piaget, at which stage of cognitive development does the child demonstrate ‘object permanence’ –
(A) Concrete operational stage
(B) Formal operational stage
(C) Sensorimotor stage
(D) Pre-operational stage

Ans- Pre-operative stage ☑

Q.573- Traits transferred from parents to descendants are called –
(A) Environment
(B) Genes
(C) Heredity
(D) Homeostasis

Ans- Heredity ☑

Q.574- Which theory of intelligence supports the presence of general intelligence ‘g’ and specific intelligence ‘s’ –
(A) Rule Aversive Theory
(B) Guilford’s Theory of Intelligence
(C) Spearman’s Dichotomous Theory
( D) Vernon’s hierarchy theory

Ans- Spearman’s dichotomous theory ☑

Q.575- Reflection, concept, symbol and sign, language, physical action and mental action are inherent in –
(A) Adaptation
(B) Motor muscle development
(C) Problem solving
(D) Thought process

Ans- Thoughtful process ☑

Q.576- The process by which parents infer that their child has all the positive qualities because one quality is positive is called –
(A) Environment effect
(B) Hawthorne’s effect
(C) Law of influence
(D) Effect of adverse environment

Ans- Effect of environment ☑

Q.577- Which of the following is not an example of a discrete variable –
(A) Age
(B) Gender
(C) Marital
(D) Residential place

Ans- Age ☑

Q.578- The type of assessment used by the class leader to develop learning at the time of instruction is called –
(A) Diagnostic assessment –
(B) Formative assessment
(C) Placement assessment
(D) Summative assessment

Ans- Formative evaluation ☑

Q.579- The main function of adjustment education is –
(A) To bring children who do not come to school to school
(B) To bring children with special needs into the main stream –
(C) To provide facility to special and normal children to study together

Ans- All of the above ☑

Q.580- Which of the following is not a principle of development –
(A) Development is not vertical but circular
(B) Development is sequential
(C) Development is continuous
(D) Development is a mechanical process

Ans- Development is a mechanical process ☑

Q.581- The factor affecting growth is –
(A) Environment
(B) Health
(C) Diet
(D) All these

Ans- All these ☑

Child Development And Pedagogy

Q.582- The reason for any child becoming mentally unhealthy is –
(A) Family environment
(B) Classroom environment
(C) Neighboring environment
(D) All of the above.

Ans- All of the above ☑

Q.583- Which of the following institutions contributes the most in the transmission of social traditions –
(A) Family
(B) School
(C) Neighborhood
(D) None of these

Ans- Family ☑

Q.584- According to Piaget, in which period does the level of concrete operations occur?
(A) Birth to 2 years
(B) 2 to 7 years
(C) 7 to 11 years
(D) 11 to 15 years

Ans- 7 to 11 years ☑

Q.585- The teacher should check the homework –
(A) Sometimes
(B) Never
(C) Regularly
(D) When the student asks

Ans- Regular ☑

Q.586- ‘Sociometric technique’ is used
in – (A) In investigation of economic level
(B) In survey of society
(C) In investigation of socialization
(D) All of the above.

Ans- In the investigation of socialization ☑

Q.587- The ‘waiting time’ in the order of receiving responses from students should be in the right proportion to-
(A) Time taken by students to answer questions from previous lessons
(B) Time taken by the question in real life. Relevance
(C) Time allotted for a particular topic in the course discussion
(D) Difficulty level of the question

Ans- Difficulty level of question ☑

Q.588- The word ‘comprehensive’ in the scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation is supported by the following except ………..
(A) J.P. Guilford’s theory of intelligence structure
(B) L.L. Thurston’s primary mental Theory of Abilities
(C) Multiple Linkage Theory
(D) Information Processing Theory

Ans- J.P. Guilford’s theory of intelligence structure ☑

Q.589- Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test is an example of which test –
(A) Non-group intelligence quotient
(B) Personality
(C) Verbal intelligence quotient
(D) Culture-free intelligence quotient

Ans- Culture-free intelligence quotient ☑

Q.590- On what basis can this news “A woman sold her child to get food” be understood well?
(A) Psychosocial theory
(B) Theory of reinforced contingencies
(C) Psychoanalytic theory
( D) principle of hierarchical needs

Ans- Theory of hierarchical needs ☑

Q.591- Classification of students into different groups on the basis of intelligence quotient (IQ) ……………. affects their self-esteem and ……… their academic performance.
(A) Decreases, decreases
(B) Decreases, does not affect.
(C) increases, decreases
(D) increases, increases

Ans- Decreases, does not affect ☑

Q.592- Systematic presentation of concepts can be related with which of the following principles of development –
(A) Development results in growth
(B) Development moves from heterogeneity to autonomy
(C) Students develop at different rates. (D) Development is
relatively gradual

Ans- Development is relatively gradual ☑

Q.593- Which of the following is a criticism of the theory of multiple intelligences –
(A) Multiple intelligences have ‘talents’, which are completely present in the intellect
(B) Multiple intelligences help students in finding their inclinations. (
C) It places excessive emphasis on practical intelligence.
(D) It cannot be supported by empirical evidence at all.

Ans- There are ‘talents’ of multiple intelligence, which remain completely present in the intellect ☑

Q.594- What are the characteristics assigned due to social roles called –
(A) Gender role attitude
(B) Gender role pressure
(C) Gender role stereotyping
(D) Gender role diagnosis

Ans- Gender role stereotyping ☑

Q.595- Differentiated instruction is –
(A) Using various forms of grouping to meet the needs of the learners
(B) Doing something different for each learner in the class
(C) Unstructured or independent learner activities
(D) Such Using groups that never change

Ans- Using various forms of grouping to meet the needs of the learners ☑

Q.596- If the learners continuously make mistakes during the lesson, what should the teacher do?
(A) Change the instructional task, time table or seating arrangement
(B) Leave the lesson for some time. And should go back after some time
(C) Learners making mistakes should be identified and talked to the teacher about them
(D) Learners making mistakes should be made to stand outside the class room

Ans- There should be changes in instructional work, time-table or seating arrangement ☑

Q.597- Bloom’s taxonomy is a hierarchical arrangement of………..
(A) Achievement goals
(B) Curricular declarations
(C) Reading skills
(D) Cognitive objectives

Ans-Cognitive objectives ☑

Q.598- Apart from which, all the following elements indicate that the child is emotionally and socially adjusted in the class –
(A) Development of good relationships with peers
(B) Focusing on challenging tasks and persisting in doing them
(C) Managing both anger and joy effectively
(D) Focusing strongly on competition with peers

Ans- Strong focus on competition with peers ☑

Q.599- The theory of intelligence which covers the mental processes involved in intelligence and the various forms it can take is –
(A) Spearman’s ‘g’ factor
(B) Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence
(C) Servant theory of intelligence
(D) Thurston’s primary mental abilities

Ans- Sternberg’s triarchic theory of intelligence ☑

Q.600- Which of the following characteristics is most desirable for a measuring instrument –
(A) Reliability
(B) Validity
(C) Objectivity
(D) Standard

Ans- Reliability ☑

Child Development And Pedagogy

Q.601- Which of the following is not related to creativity –
(A) Originality
(B) Fluency
(C) Economy
(D) Utility

Ans- Thrift ☑

Q.602- What are the truth regarding IQ –
(A) Inversely related to intellectual age
(B) Directly related to chronological age (
C) Inversely related to chronological age
(D) Directly related to both intellectual and chronological age

Ans- Inversely related to chronological age ☑

Q.603- 16-PF is used to measure –
(A) Creativity
(B) Interest
(C) Personality
(D) Pressure

Ans- Personality ☑

Q.604- What is a major criticism of Kohlberg’s theory
(A) Kohlberg presented the theory without any empirical basis
(B) Kohlberg did not mention clear stages of moral development
(C) Kohlberg proposed that moral Reasoning is developmental
(D) Kohlberg did not give importance to cultural differences in the moral reasoning of men and women.

Ans- Kohlberg did not give importance to cultural differences in the moral reasoning of men and women.

Q.605- Which of the following is a theory of child development –
(A) Development occurs due to the interaction between maturation and experience
(B) Development can accurately predict the progress of each child
( C) Experience is the only determinant of development
(D) Development is ensured through reinforcement and punishment.

Ans- A development occurs due to the interaction between maturation and experience ☑

Q.606- What is the process of change in the current schema (concept) of India to incorporate new information called –
(A) Adaptation
(B) Assimilation
(C) Adjustment
(D) Egocentrism

Ans- Assimilation ☑

Q.607- The period of infancy is –
(A) From birth to 1 year
(B) From birth to 2 years
(C) From birth to 3 years
(D) From 2 to 3 years

Ans- From birth to 2 years ☑

Q.608- Development moves from ……… to ………
(A) General, specific
(B) Complex, difficult
(C) Special, general
(D) Simple, easy

Ans- General, Specific ☑

Q.609- Child centered education includes –
(A) Manual activities for children
(B) Children sitting in a corner
(C) Learning in restricted environment
(D) Activities that do not involve games

Ans- Hands-on activities for children ☑

Q.610 – When a teacher understands that boys are naturally better than girls in mathematics, it shows that the teacher has –
(A) Ethical
(B) Gender biased
(C) Educative
(D) Right approach

Ans- Gender biased ☑

Q.611- Which of the following is not a theory of child development –
(A) All development follows a sequence
(B) All areas of development are important
(C) All development is a result of the interaction of maturation and experience The results are
(D) All development and learning proceed at the same pace.

Ans-All development and learning proceed at the same pace ☑

Q.612 – Which of the following is not a sign of being ‘talented’ –
(A) Creativity in thoughts
(B) Fighting with others
(C) Uniqueness in expression
(D) Curiosity

Ans- Fighting with others ☑

Q.613 – Which of the following is an example of specific learning disability –
(A) Mental retardation
(B) Dyslexia
(C) Attention deficit hyper disorder
(D) Autism

Ans- Dyslexia ☑

Q.614- The objective of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Integrated Education for Disabled Children is to provide educational opportunities to disabled children in –
(A) Special schools
(B) Open schools
(C) Blind Relief Association Schools
(D) Regular schools

Ans- Regular schools ☑

Q.615- A creative learner is one who –
(A) is very intelligent
(B) is able to score good marks every time in the examination (
C) is good at lateral thinking and problem-solving
(D) drawing and very incredible in painting

Ans- Good at lateral thinking and problem-solving ☑

Q.616- A teacher wants to achieve the abilities of the talented children of her class. To achieve her objective, which of the following should she not do – (
A) Teach them to control stress
(B) For special studies, they should not be compared to their peers. (C) Challenge
them to enrich their creativity
(D) Teach them to enjoy non-academic activities

Ans- Separating them from their peers for special study ☑

Q.617- Irfan breaks toys and takes them apart to see their parts. What will you do –
(A) Always keep an eye on him
(B) Encourage his inquisitive nature and channelize his energy in the right direction
(C) Make him understand that toys should not be broken
(D) Never allow Irfan to break toys. won’t let me play

Ans- Will encourage his inquisitive nature and transmit his energy in the right direction ☑

Q.618- Which of the following defense mechanisms would be most satisfactory for a person with physical disability?
(A) Identification
(B) Rationalization
(C) Extrapolation
(D) None of these

Ans- Imagination ☑

Q.619- Which of the following strategies is more suitable for teaching children with special needs –
(A) Discussion in the class by including maximum children
(B) Guidance by the teacher by including the students
. C) Cooperative learning and peer turing
(D) Ability based grouping for teaching.

Ans- Cooperative learning and peer turing ☑

Q.620- Symptoms of learning disability are –
(A) Tendency to run away
(B) Being restless, energetic and destructive
(C) Attention (concentration) related obstruction/disorder
(D) Lack of motivation.

Ans- Attention (concentration) related obstruction/disorder ☑

Q.621- What causes genius –
(A) Psycho-social factors
(B) Genetic makeup
(C) Environmental motivation
(D) Combination of b and c

Ans- Combination of b and c ☑

Q.622- Which of the following is suitable for a learning-oriented environment for learning and listening in children –
(A) Giving learners freedom in deciding what to learn and how to learn
(B) Passive form for a long time ( C
) Continuous giving of homework
(D) Individual work by the learner

Ans- Giving freedom to learners as to what to learn and how to learn ☑

Q.623- Which of the following children comes under special children –
(A) Backward child
(B) Talented child
(C) Retarded child
(D) All these

Ans- All these ☑

Q.624- Physically disabled children generally have –
(A) Dyscalculia
(B) Dyslexia
(C) Dysgraphia
(D) Dysthymia

Ans- Dysgraphia ☑

Q.625- There are some children with physical disabilities in a teacher’s class. Which of the following would be most appropriate for them to say –
(A) Children suffering from polio will now perform a song
(B) Children in wheel-chair can take help from their peers to go to the hall
(C) Physically Difficult children can do some alternative activity in the class itself
(D) Mohan does not use his crutches to go to the playground.

Ans-Physically challenged children can do any alternative activity in the class itself ☑

Q.626- A child coming from an unorganized home will experience the most difficulty –
(A) in preparing the lesson on his own
(B) in independent study
(C) in the context of employment
(D) in the exercise book

Ans- In independent study ☑

Q.627- Which of the following is not related to creativity –
(A) Originality
(B) Fluency
(C) Economy
(D) Utility

Ans- Thrift ☑

Q.628- Education should be provided to children with special needs –
(A) along with other normal children
(B) in special schools by the methods developed for special children
(C) in special schools
(D) in special schools with special teachers By

Ans- With other normal children ☑

Q.629- You want to teach English to the children of illiterate parents –
(A) You will talk to the child in English
(B) You will force the child to speak in English
(C) You will force the child to speak in the mother tongue. (D) You will
try to teach him English with the help of his mother tongue.

Ans- You will try to teach him English with the help of mother tongue ☑

Q.630- What does assessment only by paper-pencil tests do?
(A) Promotes holistic assessment
(B) Limits assessment
(C) Facilitates holistic assessment
(D) Facilitates continuous assessment provides

Ans- Limits the assessment ☑

Q.631- In a text book of class 8, there are such pictures – women as teachers and domestic workers, while men as doctors and pilots. This type of picture can increase –
(A) Gender empowerment
(B) Gender stereotyping
(C) Gender role playing
(D) Gender stability

Ans- Gender role-playing game ☑

Q.632- According to Piaget, which of the following factors plays an important role in influencing development –
(A) Reinforcement
(B) Language
(C) Experience with the physical world
(D) Imitation

Ans- Experience with the physical world ☑

Q.633- The cognitive ability that comes in the pre-operational period is –
(A) Design, inferential thinking
(B) Ability for abstract thinking
(C) Ability for goal-oriented behavior
(D) Ability to understand the point of view of others

Ans- Ability for goal-oriented behavior ☑

Q.634- Which psychological fact should the teacher pay most attention to in a normal class while teaching?
(A) Teaching technique
(B) Physical ability
(C) Individual differences
(D) Family situation

Ans- Individual variation ☑

Q.635- “The dynamic organization of those psychophysiological states in a person, which determines his unique harmony with his environment”, is called –
(A) Personality
(B) Adjustment
(C) Sensation
(D) Character

Ans- Personality ☑

Q.636- ‘Visually impaired’ student of fifth class –
(A) should be allowed to do lower level work
(B) He should be helped in doing daily tasks by his parents and friends
(C) With Should be treated normally in the class and assistance should be provided through audio CDs
(D) should be treated special in the class

Ans- should be treated normally in the class and help should be provided through audio CD ☑

Q.637- Provision can be made for the education of disabled children –
(A) By inclusive education
(B) By mainstreaming
(C) By integration
(D) None of these

Ans- Through inclusive education ☑

Q.638- ‘Dyslexia’ is related to –
(A) Mental disorder
(B) Mathematical disorder
(C) Reading disorder
(D) Behavioral disorder

Ans- Reading Disorder ☑

Q.639- You see that a student is intelligent. What will you do –
(A) Make him satisfied with all the students
(B) Do not give him extra homework
(C) Motivate him to make more progress
(D) Inform his parents that He is intelligent

Ans- We will motivate him as he can progress more.

Q.640- Special education is related
to – (A) Education for bright students
(B) Educational programs for less capable students
(C) Training programs for teachers
(D) Training programs for students with backward intelligence.

Ans- From educational programs for less capable students ☑

Q.641- Right to Education Act 2009 does not apply to –
(A) Children with disabilities
(B) Children in the age group of 6-14 years
(C) Children in the age group of 14-18 years
(D) Regular attendance of children.

Ans- Children aged 14-18 years ☑

Q.642- Which of the following is not a characteristic of mental retardation
(A) Intelligence quotient (IQ) being between 25 to 70
(B) Slow learning and not being able to perform daily life activities
(C) Difficulty in adapting to the environment
(D) Weakness of interpersonal relations

Ans- Weakening of interpersonal relations ☑

Q.643- At present, the education of disabled children has been said to be –
(A) Inclusive education
(B) Special education
(C) Integrated education
(D) None

Ans- Inclusive education ☑

Q.644- Backward children are such children –
(A) Whose learning speed is slow
(B) Whose IQ level is between 80-90
(C) Mentally unhealthy and maladjusted
(D) All of the above

Ans- All of the above ☑

Q.645- In the context of ‘theory of multiple intelligence’, which of the following intelligence is required to become an Air Force pilot –
(A) Intrapersonal
(B) Linguistic
(C) Motor
(D) Interpersonal

Ans- Dynamic ☑

Q.646- The factors ‘g’ of Spearman’s definition of intelligence are –
(A) Genetic intelligence
(B) Productive intelligence
(C) General intelligence
(D) Global intelligence

Ans- General intelligence ☑

Q.647- School based assessment is –
(A) Focuses on testing techniques rather than results
(B) Provides less control to learners over what will be assessed
(C) Enhances learning by providing constructive feedback
(D) Promotes teaching for examination because there is continuous testing.

Ans- Enhances learning by providing constructive feedback ☑

Q.648- According to Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development is –
(A) Determining the limits of the combination given by the teacher
(B) What the child can do on her own which cannot be assessed
(C) By the child Difference between work that can be done independently and work that can be done with assistance (
D) The amount and nature of support provided to the child to achieve his potential.

Ans- Difference between the work a child can do independently and the work he can do with help ☑

Q.649- Research has shown that discrimination is found at many levels in schools. Which of the following is not an example of differentiation at the upper primary level –
(A) Many teachers use only lecture method to teach
(B) Teachers have very low expectations from children coming from low socio-economic environment
(C) Dalit children are made to sit separately during mid-day meal
(D) Girls are not encouraged to take up mathematics and science subjects.

Ans- Many teachers use only lecture method to teach.

Q.650- What type of children come in schizoide category –
(A) Fat, healthy and tall body
(B) Talented and sharp minded
(C) Lean and tall body
(D) Talented child.

Ans- Talented child ☑

Child Development And Pedagogy – Child Development and Pedagogy

Q.651- Which of the following is not a projective test of personality –
(A) Rorschach ink blot test
(C) Word association test
(D) 16 PF test

Ans- 16 PF test ☑

Q.652- The IQ of children with average intelligence will be between –
(A) 50-59
(B) 70-89
(C) 90-109
(D) 110-129

Years- 90-109 ☑

Q.653- Which behaviorist believes that like other behaviour, language is also learned through operant conditioning?
(A) Watson
(B) Skinner
(C) Guthrie
(D) Thorndike

Ans- Skinner ☑

Q.654- Middle childhood period is –
(A) After 10 years
(B) Birth to 2 years
(C) 2 years to 6 years
(D) 6 years to 11 years

Ans- 6 years to 11 years ☑

Q.655- What role does the family play in the socialization of the child?
(A) Thrilling
(B) Main
(C) Secondary
(D) Less important.

Ans- Less important ☑

Q.656- A child says, “Clothes dry quickly in the sun.” Which understanding is he displaying?
(A) Egocentric thinking
(B) Causation
(C) Paraparyaya thinking
(D) Symbolic thinking

Ans- Working ☑

Q.657- According to Piaget, the thinking of children is different from that of adults because of –
(A) Size, concreteness
(B) Type, quantity
(C) Size, variety
(D) Quantity, type

Ans- Type, quantity ☑

Q.658- According to Vygotsky, children learn –
(A) By maturing
(B) By imitation
(C) By interaction with adults and peers
(D) When reinforcement is provided

Ans- Through interaction with adults and peers ☑

Q.659- What is intelligence –
(A) A single and distinct thought
(B) Ability to imitate others
(C) A specific ability
(D) A set of abilities

Ans- A set of capabilities ☑

Q.660- What is assessment?
(A) To actively promote competitive spirit in children
(B) To create stress and pressure to ensure learning
(C) A way to improve learning
(D) ) is a good strategy for labeling and classifying children

Ans- A way to improve learning ☑

Q.661- Teacher can help children in processing a complex situation by-
(A) By giving any help so that children learn to cope on their own
(B) By giving a speech on it
(C) By breaking the work into small parts (D) By promoting
competition and giving a prize to the child who completes the task first.

Ans- By writing instructions after dividing the work into small parts.

Q.662- The pace of development varies from one person to another, but it follows a ……… pattern –
(A) Disorganized
(B) Unexpected
(C) Orderly and systematic
(D) Heel-to-peak

Ans- Sorted and arranged ☑

Q.663- In whose opinion, children are active knowledge creators and little scientists, who create their own theory about the world –
(A) Pavlov
(B) Jung
(C) Piaget
(D) Skinner

Ans-Piazza ☑

Q.664- Which of the following best/appropriately describes the role of a teacher in a secondary school classroom –
(A) Discouraging multiple perspectives and focusing on a one-dimensional perspective
(B) Giving lectures (C) Providing
opportunities for discussions
(D) Encouraging learners to compete among themselves for first place

Ans- Providing opportunities for discussions ☑

Q.665- Which one of the following statements is correct about development –
(A) Development moves forward from birth to adolescence and then backward
(B) Developmental changes proceed in a straight line
( C) Development occurs at different rates in different individuals.
(D) Development occurs at a very rapid rate from birth to adolescence and then stops.

Ans- Development happens at different pace in different people ☑

Q.666- Mistakes and errors made by learners –
(A) are indicators of failure of teachers and learners
(B) should be seen as an opportunity to understand their thinking
(C) should be dealt with sternly
(D) children There are good opportunities to mark ‘weak’ or ‘excellent’

Ans- It should be seen as an opportunity to understand his thinking ☑

Q.667- Who propounded the psychosocial theory of development –
(A) Erikson
(B) Freud
(C) Kohler
(D) Watson

Ans-Erickson ☑

Q.668- Which of the following statements about intelligence is most appropriate –
(A) Intelligence is fundamentally a neurological function. For example – speed of processing, sensory discrimination etc.
(B) Intelligence is the ability to perform well in school.
(C) Intelligence is multidimensional and contains many aspects.
(D) Intelligence can be measured reliably only by conducting standardized IQ tests. can be determined

Ans- Intelligence is multidimensional and contains many aspects ☑

Q.669- What does gender bias indicate –
(A) Relative self-perception of feminine and masculine characteristics
(B) Acceptance of differences between boys and girls due to their physiology
(C) Cultural attitudes Reasons for treating boys and girls differently based on expectations
(D) Genetic differences that exist in boys and girls

Ans- Treating boys and girls differently based on expectations due to cultural attitudes ☑

Q.670- With which of the following statements about children would Vygotsky agree with –
(A) Children learn through social interactions with peers and adults
(B) Children learn when attractive rewards are set for them.
(C) The thinking of children can be understood when experiments are done on animals in the laboratory. (
D) Children are born devils and should be controlled by punishing them.

Ans- Children learn through social interactions with peers and adults ☑

Q.671- What is meant by ‘Nature’ in the ‘Natural Nutrition’ controversy?
(A) The environment around us
(B) Biological characteristics or hereditary information
(C) Basic instincts of a person
(D) Physical and social communication complex powers of

Ans- Biological characteristics or hereditary information ☑

Q.672- There is a lot of linguistic diversity in India. In this context, the most appropriate statement about multilingual classes at the primary level, especially in class 1 and class 2, is –
(A) Learners should not be punished for using their mother tongue or local language
(B) Only those children should be given admission in school. (C) The teacher should respect
all languages ​​and should encourage children to express themselves in all languages.
(D) The teacher who uses the mother tongue in the class should should expect them

Ans- Teacher should respect all languages ​​and encourage children to express themselves in all languages.

Q.673- Which of the following is a major factor of socialization –
(A) Family
(B) Computer
(C) Heredity
(D) Political party

Ans- Family ☑

Q.674- Which ability of children is assessed by multiple choice questions?
(A) Explaining the correct answer
(B) Identifying the correct answer
(C) Recalling the correct answer
(D) Constructing the correct answer

Ans- To recall the correct answer ☑

Child Development And Pedagogy – Child Development and Pedagogy

Q.675- Mental structures which are the building blocks of thinking – which word/term has Piaget used for this –
(A) Maturation block
(B) Schema (concepts)
(C) Area of ​​development
(D) Gene

Ans- Schema (Concepts) ☑

Q.676- Which of the following statements best sums up the relationship between development and learning –
(A) Learning lies behind development
(B) Learning and development are synonyms/defining words
(C) Learning and Development is inter-related in a complex manner
(D) Development is independent of learning

Ans- Learning and development are inter-related in a complex manner ☑

Q.677- In the context of ‘theory of multiple intelligence’, which of the following intelligence is required to become an Air Force pilot –
(A) Intra-personal
(B) Intra-personal
(C) Linguistic
(D) Motor

Ans- Dynamic ☑

Q.678- The fact that children need culturally relevant knowledge is associated with which of the following persons –
(A) Lav Vygotsky
(B) Charles Darwin
(C) B.F.Skinner
(D) Yuri bronfreshbrainer

Ans- Lav Vygotsky ☑

Q.679- Psychosocial theory emphasizes on which of the following –
(A) Operant conditioning
(B) Stimulation and response
(C) Sexual and latency levels
(D) Inferiority level in competition

Ans- Inferiority level in comparison to the enterprise ☑

Q.680- Presenting a large unrelated part of knowledge –
(A) Will make the work of the teacher difficult and the work of the learners easy
(B) Will make it difficult for the learners to achieve conceptual understanding
(C) For the learners to recall (D) Help learners
to organize information in their own way

Ans- Will make it difficult for learners to achieve conceptual understanding ☑

Q.681- A major characteristic of a child-centred classroom is that –
(A) Learners are made responsible for constructing their own understanding under the guidance of the teacher
(B) There is use of force and psychological control by the teacher Which determines the learning path and behavior of children
(C) The teacher sets uniform patterns of behavior for the children and gives them appropriate rewards when they follow them
(D) The role of the teacher is to impart knowledge. To demonstrate and convey learning and assess learners on standardized parameters

Ans- Learners are made responsible for constructing their own understanding with the guidance of the teacher ☑

Q.682- The role of a teacher in a classroom is
– (A) To create reliable learning conditions and facilitate independent thinking of the learners
(B) To fill the learners with his knowledge and prepare them for the examination
(C) Direct methods To impart knowledge and prepare the learners for correct answers
(D) To strictly follow the time table and stick to the syllabus

Ans- Providing reliable learning conditions and facilitating independent thinking to the learners ☑

Q.683- Explanation, inference and/or controlling hypothesis are the characteristics of –
(A) Scientific method
(B) Traditional reasoning
(C) Inductive reasoning
(D) Deductive reasoning

Ans- Scientific method ☑

Q.684- The factor ‘g’ in Spearman’s definition of intelligence is –
(A) Global intelligence
(B) Genetic intelligence
(C) Productive intelligence
(D) General intelligence

Ans- General intelligence ☑

Q.685- According to Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory –
(A) Self-directed speech is the lowest level of cooperation
(B) Culture and language play an important role in development
(C) Children think in different areas and they have a complete perspective. (D) If abstract material is
presented at an early age, children think abstractly.

Ans- Culture and language play an important role in development ☑

Q.686- Assessment is an integral part of the teaching-learning process because—
(A) Assessment is the only way to assure that teachers taught and children learned.
(B) Only one is important in education today.
(C) Children should be given marks so that they can understand where they stand in comparison to their classmates.
(D) The teacher understands the learning of children and his own teaching is also validated.

Ans- The teacher understands the learning of children and his own teaching is also confirmed ☑

Q.687- How will you help the children of your class to change their own concepts?
(A) By punishing the children if their concepts are wrong.
(B) By giving factual information.
(C) By teaching the children their own ideas about the concepts. By giving an opportunity to express understanding
(D) By asking children to memorize information by writing it down

Ans- By giving factual information ☑

Q.688- Which of the following is not a theory of development –
(A) Development is governed and determined only by culture
(B) Development occurs throughout life
(C) Development is influenced by both heredity and environment
(D) development is modifiable

Ans- Development is governed and determined only by culture ☑

Q.689- Developmental perspective of teaching demands from the teachers that they should-
(A) Provide such kind of learning which results in development of cognitive domain only
(B) Maintain strict discipline because children often experiment (C) Adapt
instructional strategies according to knowledge of developmental factors.
(D) Treat children of different developmental stages equally.

Ans- Adapt instructional strategies according to the knowledge of developmental factors ☑

Q.690- Most of the classes in India are multilingual. This should be seen by the teacher as –
(A) Problem
(B) Resource
(C) Obstacle
(D) Difficulty.

Ans- Resources ☑

Q.691- A child presents the argument – ​​You do this for me and I will do that for you. Which stage of Kohlberg’s moral reasoning will this child fall under –
(A) Social-contract orientation
(B) Instrumental motive orientation
(C) Punishment and obedience orientation
(D) ‘Good boy-good girl’ orientation

Ans- Subsidiary Goal Orientation ☑

Q.692- According to Vygotsky, why do children speak to themselves?
(A) Children are very talkative by nature
(B) Children are egocentric
(C) Children speak to give direction to their work
(D) Children speak to themselves speak to get adults’ attention

Ans- Children speak to give direction to their work ☑

Q.693- The process of socialization does not include –
(A) Genetic transmission
(B) Learning the customs and norms of a culture
(C) Acquisition of skills
(D) Acquisition of values ​​and beliefs

Ans- Genetic transmission ☑

Q.694- What do teachers need to encourage children to put in their studies?
(A) Comparison with other children
(B) Motivating the child
(C) Scolding the child
(D) Children to keep under control

Ans- To motivate the child ☑

Q.695- “Mass media is becoming an important medium of socialization” Which of the statements given below is the most appropriate statement – (A
) Mass media is a good medium for advertisement and sale of goods
(B) ) Socialization is done only by parents and family
(C) The reach of mass media is increasing and mass media influence attitudes, values ​​and beliefs
(D) Children interact directly with the media. : can’t verb

Ans- The reach of mass media is increasing and mass media influences attitudes, values ​​and beliefs ☑

Q.696- Even among children of the same age, there is a lot of difference in shape, ability, nature, interest, tendency and other things. What is the role of the school in this context –
(A) To ensure that teachers use standardized instructions and textbooks.
(B) To ensure that all children develop in the same way.
(C) To ensure that every child gets opportunities for development according to his capabilities.
(D) To establish regulatory standards for assessment of children.

Ans- To ensure that every child gets opportunities for development according to his abilities.

Q.697- According to whom ID, EGO and SUPER EGO are the three components of personality:
(A) Bandura
(B) Jung
(C) Adler
(D) Freud

Ans-Freud ☑

Q.698 – In psychology, first of all one has abandoned his soul, then his mind and then his consciousness, now he has cherished a kind of behavior. This statement was – (
A) Titchener
(B) Wundt
(C) Woodworth
(D) McDougall ‘s

Ans- Woodworth’s ☑

Q.699- The year interval of dormancy in psychosexual development is related to –
(A) 2-5 years
(B) 6 to puberty
(C) 18-20 years
(D) 20-22 years

Ans- From 6 to puberty ☑

Q.700- Child-centred pedagogy means –
(A) Asking children to follow and imitate the teacher
(B) Giving importance to children’s expression and their active participation
(C) Giving complete freedom to children
( D) To give moral education to children

Ans- Giving importance to children’s expression and their active participation ☑

Important questions and answers of psychology – CTET Pedagogy Questions in Hindi

Q.701- Which one of the following is appropriate for development –
(A) ‘Sociocultural context’ plays an important role in development
(B) Development is one-dimensional
(C) Development is isolated
(D) Development begins and ends at birth

Ans- ‘Sociocultural context’ plays an important role in development ☑

Q.702- Why do individuals differ from each other –
(A) Due to innate characteristics
(B) Due to interaction between heredity and environment
(C) Because each person receives a different set of genes from his parents Reason
(D) Due to the influence of environment

Ans- Due to interaction between heredity and environment ☑

Q.703- Nowadays, there is a tendency to call children’s ‘misconceptions’ as ‘alternative beliefs’. This can be called –
(A) Making subtle distinctions in children’s understanding and being passive towards their learning
(B) Recognizing that children can think and their thinking is different from that of adults
(C) Explaining children’s mistakes (D) To
consider children equal to adults in their thinking.

Ans- Recognizing that children can think and their thinking is different from that of adults ☑

Q.704- Which period of early childhood is –
(A) Unimportant
(B) Most sensitive
(C) Absolute
(D) Less important for language development.

Ans- Hypersensitive ☑

Q.705- Kohlberg has presented –
(A) Stages of physical development
(B) Stages of emotional development
(C) Stages of moral development
(D) Stages of cognitive development

Ans- Stages of moral development ☑

Q.706- What is the process through which the human child begins to acquire the skills necessary to perform as an active member of society?
(A) Development
(B) Socialization
(C) Learning
(D) maturity

Ans-Socialization ☑

Q.707- Which is the best among the following measurement levels –
(A) Nominal
(B) Ratio
(C) Ordinal
(D) Interval

Ans- Ratio ☑

Q.708- According to psychologists, by which of the following methods can change in basic tendencies be brought about –
(A) Correlation
(B) Transformation
(C) Merger
(D) Renewal

Ans- Convergence ☑

Q.709- Which process is the formation of beliefs –
(A) Asymmetrical
(B) Irregular
(C) Social
(D) Cumulative

Ans-Cumulative ☑

Q.710- A child suffering from ……… cannot differentiate between ‘Saw’ and ‘Was’ and ‘Nuclear’ and ‘Unclear’ due to –
(A) Word ‘jumbling’ disorder
(B) Dyslexia
(C) ) Dysmorphia
(D) Dyslexia

Ans- Dyslexia ☑

Q.711- In a multicultural classroom, a teacher will ensure that the assessment includes –
(A) the reliability and validity of her assessment instrument
(B) the socio-cultural background of her students
(C) the minimum levels of learning
(D) Standardization of assessment tools .

Ans- Socio-cultural background of its students ☑

Q.712- Socialization is a process of –
(A) acquiring values, beliefs and expectations
(B) becoming social with friends
(C) socializing and adjusting
(D) learning to criticize the culture of a society

Ans- To acquire values, beliefs and expectations ☑

Q.713- Learners in the class have been asked to combine various artefacts of their work in a notebook to show what they can do for their society. What type of activity is this –
(A) Essay assessment
(B) Event recording
(C) Portfolio assessment
(D) Problem-solving assessment

Ans- Portfolio assessment ☑

Q.714- In which of the following societies gender equality can be a criterion –
(A) Comparison of the number of male and female teachers in a school
(B) Equal number of specific qualifications obtained by boys and girls in class 12
( C) Comparison of the number of boys and girls reaching class 12
(D) Are girl students allowed to participate in competitions organized outside the school

Ans- Comparison of the number of boys and girls reaching class 12 ☑

Q.715- Knowledge of individual differences helps teachers in –
(A) To understand the futility of working hard with backward learners because they cannot be at par with the rest of the class
(B) To understand the individual differences of the learners (C) To
make one’s presentation style uniform to benefit all the learners equally.
(D) To assess the individual needs of all the learners and teach them accordingly.

Ans- In assessing the individual needs of all the learners and teaching them accordingly ☑

Q.716- Alexsia is –
(A) Inability to read
(B) Inability to write
(C) Inability to learn
(D) Inability to hear.

Ans- Inability to read ☑

Q.717- If a child of your class reads ‘C’ as ‘D’, ‘D’ as ‘C’, then which disease is he suffering from –
(A) Malaria
(B) Dyslexia )
(C) Falheria
(D) Typhoid

Ans- Dyslexia ☑

Q.718- According to RTE Act 2009, teachers in primary schools have to plan and work how many hours per week –
(A) 30 hours
(B) 45 hours
(C) 42 hours
(D) 50 hours

Ans- 45 hours ☑

Q.719- Ability to know the meaning of the problem, awareness of the defects, shortcomings and voids of the environment. This is the specialty
of – (A) Gifted children
(B) Normal children
(C) Creative children
(D) None of these

Ans- Of creative children ☑

Q.720- Education should be provided to children with special needs –
(A) along with other normal children
(B) in special schools by the methods developed for special children
(C) in special schools
(D) in special schools with special teachers By

Ans- With other normal children ☑

Q.721- Being talented is not an indication of –
(A) Creative thoughts
(B) Fighting with others
(C) Novelty in expression
(D) Curiosity

Ans- Fighting with others ☑

Q.722- A child with low vision in class five –
(A) It is appropriate to forgive him for doing low level work
(B) His parents and friends should help him in his daily work
(C) Normally in the class Should behave politely and should provide help through audio CD
(D) Should be treated specially in the class

Ans- One should behave normally in the class and provide assistance through audio CD ☑

Q.723- Which one of the following pairs has got a good union –
(A) Social contract orientation – the physical consequences of an action determine whether it is good or bad
(B) Punishment and obedience orientation – rules are not fixed but can be changed in the interest of the society
(C) Good boy and good girl orientation – one has to gain acceptance by being good (
D) Rules and orders orientation – moral principles are self-chosen based on the value of human rights

Ans- Good boy and good girl orientation- To get some acceptance by being good ☑

Q.724- According to whom, “Child’s development is the product of heredity and environment.” –
(A) Woodworth
(B) Garrett
(C) Holland
(D) Thorndike

Ans- Woodworth ☑

Child Development And Pedagogy – Child Development and Pedagogy

Q.725- Child of weaker section means –
(A) Child of such parents whose annual income is low
(B) Child of such parents who fall in the deprived category
(C) Such From children of parents who fall below the poverty line
(D) From children of parents who fall below the minimum annual income limit prescribed by the government.

Ans- From the children of such parents who fall in the category of annual income below the minimum limit prescribed by the government ☑

Q.726- Which one of the following examples shows a person with linguistic intelligence –
(A) Ability to handle long chains of reasoning
(B) Sensitivity to the meaning and action of words and various uses of language
(C) ) Sensitivity towards tone, raga and tune
(D) Ability to pay attention and differentiate from others.

Ans- Sensitivity towards the meaning and actions of words and various uses of language.

Q.727- What are the external factors which prevent a child from taking interest in the class?
(A) Feelings and emotions
(B) Culture and training
(C) Attitude of the child
(D) Goals and objectives

Ans- Culture and training ☑

Q.728- A child coming from an unorganized home will experience the most shortcomings in –
(A) in preparing the lessons on his own
(B) in independent study
(C) in the context of employment
(D) in exercise books

Ans- In independent study ☑

Q.729- A child with low vision in class 5 –
(A) It is appropriate to forgive him for doing low level work
(B) His parents and friends should help him in his daily work
(C) Normally in the class Should behave politely and should provide help through audio CD
(D) Should be treated specially in the class

Ans- One should behave normally in the class and provide assistance through audio CD ☑

Q.730- You see that a student is intelligent. You will –
(A) satisfy him with all the students
(B) not give him extra homework
(C) motivate him to make more progress
(D) inform his parents that he is intelligent

Ans- We will motivate him as he can progress more.

Q.731- Gifted learners (to) –
(A) cannot learn
(B) need support which is not generally provided by schools
(C) manage their studies without a teacher
(D) Can become good models for other learners

Ans- Requires such support which is not generally provided by schools ☑

Q.732- Gifted students are –
(A) Introvert by nature
(B) Are not able to express their needs firmly
(C) Are self-reliant in their decisions
(D) Are independent from teachers

Ans- Are self-reliant in their decisions ☑

Q.733- Who are delinquent children?
(A) Those who do anti-social activities
(B) Who are a headache for the teacher
(C) Who come first in the class
(D) Who do not like to live in the society. We do

Ans- Those who do anti-social work ☑

Q.734- What is learning disability in motor skills called?
(A) Dysphasia
(B) Dyspraxia
(C) Dyscalculia
(D) Dyslexia

Ans- Dyspraxia ☑

Q.735- Learning Disability –
(A) Is not correctable with appropriate input
(B) Is a stable condition
(C) Is a variable condition
(D) It is not necessary to follow the procedure. cause loss

Ans- is a variable state ☑

Q.736- Which of the following statements best reflects the mental health of a person –
(A) Full expression, coordination and direction towards normal symptoms
(B) Absence of mental disorders
(C) Personality Freedom from the disorders of
(D) All of the above

Ans- Direction towards complete expression, compatibility and general characteristics ☑

Q.737- Guilford has used the term ‘convergent thinking’ in the same sense as –
(A) Intelligence
(B) Creativity
(C) Intelligence and creativity
(D) None of these

Ans-Creativity ☑

Q.738- To nurture creativity, which of the following methods should a teacher take –
(A) Brain storming/ideas
(B) Lecture method
(C) Audio-visual material
(D) All these

Ans- Brain storming/thought disguise ☑

Q.739- Creative answers require-
(A) Content-based questions
(B) Open-answer questions
(C) A highly disciplined class
(D) Direct teaching and direct questions

Ans- Free-answer questions ☑

Q.740- Mental retardation caused by birth injury or fetal damage is called –
(A) Biological retardation
(B) Familial retardation
(C) Accidental retardation
(D) Medical retardation.

Ans- Biological retardation ☑

Q.741- “Health and physical development of a child is an important first requirement to ensure its proper development.” This statement –
(A) may be wrong because development is a purely individual matter
(B) is correct because physical development comes first in the order of development
(C) is correct because physical development is dependent on other aspects of development (D) is wrong
because physical development does not affect other aspects of development in any way.

Ans- Correct because, physical development is inter-related with other aspects of development ☑

Q.742- Which of the following is not the main element of creativity –
(A) Originality
Discipline (C) Fluency
(D) Flexibility

Ans- Discipline ☑

Q.743- What is used to teach hearing impaired children –
(A) Braille script
(B) Sign language
(C) Instruments
(D) All these

Ans- Sign language ☑

Q.744- The success of Integrated Education depends on –
(A) On the support of the community
(B) On the excellence of text books
(C) On the quality of teaching-learning material
(D) On the attitude change in the teacher

Ans- On the excellence of text books ☑

Q.745- Which of the following is the most appropriate method for assessment –
(A) Assessment should be done at the end of the session
(B) Assessment is an inherent process in teaching-learning
(C) Assessment twice in an academic session Should be done – at the beginning and at the end
(D) Assessment should be done not by the teacher but by some external agency.

Ans- Assessment is the process underlying teaching-learning ☑

Q.746- In the context of individual differences of the learners, the teacher should –
(A) Provide a variety of learning situations
(B) Solve problems on the basis of deductive method
(C) Use algorithm mostly.
(D) To provide facts to the learners to memorize.

Ans- Providing a variety of learning situations ☑

Q.747- The class teacher saw Rahul playing the melodious music composed by himself on his keyboard in his class. The class teacher thought that Raghav had a high level of ……… intelligence –
(A) Spatial
(B) Physical-kinesthetic
(C) Musical
(D) Linguistic

Ans- Musical ☑

Q.748- Language in middle childhood……. Instead of ……… is more –
(A) Egocentric, socialized
(B) Socialized, egocentric
(C) Animistic, socialized
(D) Egocentrism

Ans- Socialized, egocentric ☑

Q.749- When adults cooperate with each other, they facilitate progress from the child’s current level of performance towards the level of potential ability, this is called – (A)
Proximal development
(B) To cooperate
(C) Participatory learning
(D) Cooperative learning

Ans- To cooperate ☑

Q.750- A normal male has XY chromosomes while a normal female has…………..
(A) XX chromosome
(B) XYY chromosome
(C) XXX chromosome
(D) X chromosome

Ans- XX chromosome ☑

Q.751- A major difference between the perspectives of Vygotsky and Piaget is –
(A) Their criticism of behaviorist theories
(B) Concept of children as active producers of knowledge
(C) Their views about language and thinking
(D) The role of providing children with a fostering entry

Ans- His views about language and thinking ☑

Q.752- According to Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, the factor that will contribute most to a person’s self-actualization can be –
(A) Musical
(B) Interpersonal
(C) Spiritual
(D) Linguistic

Ans- Interpersonal ☑

Q.753- As a teacher, you are strongly against ‘ragging and bullying’ and in this regard, you get posters put up in the school and form a committee. The teenagers who join you and are firm believers in this idea are which of the following? Will be at the level –
(A) Traditional
(B) Pre-traditional
(C) Post-traditional
(D) Maintaining social order

Ans- North traditional ☑

Q.754- Thurston and Likert are related to the measurement of which of the following –
(A) Intelligence
(B) Attitude
(C) Values
​​(D) Personality

Ans- Attitude ☑

Q.755- Curiosity test is a component of which of the following –
(A) Creativity
(B) Motivation
(C) Interest
(D) Intelligence

Ans-Creativity ☑

Q.756- Socialization includes – – cultural transmission and –
(A) Discouraging rebels
(B) Developing personality of a person
(C) Adjusting children to labels
(D) Providing emotional support

Ans- To develop a person’s personality ☑

Q.757- Mastery orientation can be encouraged by-
(A) By focusing on the individual efforts of the learners
(B) By comparing the success of the learners with each other
(C) By giving a lot of practice material in the form of homework
(D) ) taking unexpected tests

Ans- To focus on individual efforts of learners ☑

Q.758- Which of the following matching is appropriate –
(A) Physical development-environment
(B) Cognitive development-maturity
(C) Social development-environment
(D) Emotional development-maturity

Ans- Social development-Environment ☑

Q.759- Apart from which, the following are some techniques which remove the anxiety caused by examination –
(A) Getting acquainted with the structure of the question paper
(B) Thinking too much about the results
(C) Getting support
(D) ) Emphasis on specifics

Ans- Thinking too much about the consequences ☑

Q.760- Learners try to imitate models by watching fashion shows. What can this type of imitation be called –
(A) Primary imitation
(B) Secondary imitation
(C) Social learning
(D) Generalization

Ans- Social learning ☑

Q.761- When a cook tastes food while cooking, he ………. It is similar to –
(A) Assessment of learning
(B) Assessment for learning
(C) Assessment as learning
(D) Assessment and learning

Ans- Assessment for learning ☑

Q.762- Which of the following pairs is least likely to occur –
(A) Children enter with definite knowledge about language – Chomsky
(B) Initially there are two different activities on language thinking – Vygotsky
( C) Language is based on thought – Piaget
(D) Language is a stimulus in the environment – ​​B.F. Skinner.

Ans- Language is a stimulus in the environment – B.F.Skinner ☑

Q.763- Child-centred education has been supported by which of the following thinkers –
(A) Eric Ericsson
(B) Charles Darwin
(C) B.F. Skinner
(D) John Dewey

Ans- John Dewey ☑

Q.464- While teaching children with single parents, the teacher
should – (A) Provide stable and uniform environment
(B) Ignore this fact and treat such a child like other children
(C) Thus (D) Such a child should be
given less homework.

Ans- This fact should be ignored and such a child should be treated like other children.

Q.765- Examples of ‘Lab School’ supported by John Dewey are
(A) Public School
(B) Normal School
(C) Factory School
(D) Progressive School

Ans- Progressive School ☑

Q.766- A student says – “His grandfather has come.” Being a teacher, your response should be –
(A) Instead of “Dada has come”,
you should say “Grandfather has come” (B) You pay attention to your language
(C) Well, his grandfather has come
(D) Children, you not speaking correct sentences

Ans- Well, his grandfather has come ☑

Q.767- Which of the following principles is not included in lesson planning –
(A) Soundness of planning
(B) Knowledge of learners
(C) Clarity of objectives
(D) Knowledge of teaching

Ans- Solidity of planning ☑

Q.768- Group project activity proposed by CBSE is a powerful means of …………
(A) To remove the stress caused by everyday teaching
(B) To propagate the concept of unity in diversity
(C) Social participation To facilitate
(D) To lighten the load of teachers

Ans- To facilitate social participation ☑

Q.769- Suppose you are the Chairman of the School Education Board, what plan will you make to improve the overall quality of education of the schools under your jurisdiction? This type of question is an example of – (
A) Low level convergence
(B) Low level divergent
(C) High level convergent
(D) High level divergent

Ans- High level divergent ☑

Q.770- Which of the following is not a characteristic of creativity –
(A) Originality
(B) Productivity
(C) Immaturity
(D) Discovery of new knowledge

Ans- Immutability ☑

Q.771- Bad habits can be improved by –
(A) By scolding
(B) By blaming
(C) By conditioning
(D) All these

Ans- By contract ☑

Q.772- The main reason for the development of criminal tendencies in a child is –
(A) Family environment
(B) Indiscipline
(C) Economic deprivation
(D) Defective curriculum.

Ans- Family environment ☑

Q.773- For the education of special children, the teacher should pay attention to –
(A) His dress
(B) Discipline
(C) Personal needs and problems
(D) Syllabus

Ans- On personal needs and problems ☑

Q.774- What is considered the first class of language teaching?
(A) Pre-primary class
(B) Play-way school
(C) Home
(D) All these

Ans- From pre-primary class ☑

Q.775- According to psychologists, which stage of child development is the most complex?
(A) Infancy
(B) Adolescence
(C) Childhood
(D) None of these

Ans- Adolescence ☑

Q.776- Educational psychology is not related to –
(A) Study of human behavior –
(B) Study of mental processes
(C) Study of methods of learning
(D) Study of communication media

Ans- Study of communication media ☑

Q.777- Which of the following is the best option for essay question –
(A) Discuss Newton’s law of motion
(B) Explain Newton’s three laws of motion
(C) What is Newton’s law of motion?
(D) Write an article on Newton’s laws of motion

Ans- Explain Newton’s three laws of motion ☑

Q.778- The appropriate form of assessment of practical efficiency of the student is –
(A) Interview
(B) Observation
(C) Questionnaire
(D) Written examination

Ans- Observation ☑

Q.779- Ramesh and Ankit have the same IQ of 120. Ramesh is 2 years younger than Ankit. If Ankit’s age is 12 years, then the mental age of Ramesh will be –
(A) 9 years
(B) 10 years
(C) 12 years
(D) 14 years

Ans- 12 years ☑

Q.780- Which of the following is not an essential component in the phenomenon of learning –
(A) Learner
(B) Internal system
(C) Motivator
(D) Teacher

Ans-Teacher ☑

Q.781- Which of the following principles shows that behavioral development can be achieved as a result of positive feedback and reinforcement adjacent to the expected behavior –
(A) Classical conditioning
(B) Violation conditioning
(C) Operant conditioning
(D) social conditioning

Ans- Operant conditioning ☑

Q.782- Which of the following is not beneficial in the curriculum for integrated student-centered learning –
(A) Development of student motivation
(B) Development of peer communication
(C) Building student-teacher relationship
(D) Discovery/active learning loss of

Ans- Loss of discovery/active learning ☑

Q.783- In the context of development, which of the following is included in the changes occurring with time –
(A) Form
(B) Rate
(C) Sequence
(D) All these

Ans- All these ☑

Q.784- The thought process which involves presentation of new, real and useful concepts is called –
(A) Creativity
(B) Innovation
(C) Intelligence
(D) New idea.

Ans-Creativity ☑

Q.785- Apart from which of the following, all environmental factors shape development –
(A) Quality of nutrition
(B) Culture
(C) Quality of education
(D) Physical constitution

Ans- Physical constitution ☑

Q.786- Teachers should study the errors of their students, because they often point towards…………- (
A) Guidelines for forming groups according to ability
(B) Different types of curriculum discussion. requirement
(C) extent of their knowledge
(D) necessary remedial measures

Ans- Necessary remedial tips ☑

Q.787- A student behaves aggressively towards his peer group and does not follow the school norms. This student needs help in………..
(A) Emotional area
(B) Higher order thinking skills
(C) ) Cognitive domain
(D) Psychomotor domain

Ans- Emotional area ☑

Q.788- Thinking is essentially a-
(A) Cognitive activity
(B) Psychodynamic process
(C) Psychological phenomenon
(D) Emotional behavior

Ans-Cognitive activity ☑

Q.789- According to Piaget’s cognitive theory of learning, what is the process by which the cognitive structure is modified called –
(A) Perception
(B) Adjustment
(C) Assimilation
(D) Schema

Ans- Inclusion ☑

Q.790- It is appropriate to give importance to girls’ education because –
(A) Girls are more intelligent than boys
(B) Girls are a minority compared to boys
(C) Girls were badly discriminated in the past
(D) Only girls are capable of leading any social change

Ans- Only girls are capable of leading any social change ☑

Q.791- In which of the following stages do children become active members of their peer class-
(A) Adolescence
(B) Adulthood
(C) Pre-childhood
(D) Childhood

Ans- Adolescence ☑

Q.792- Development of human values, which are universal in nature, means-
(A) Indoctrination
(B) Adoption
(C) Imitation
(D) Expression

Ans- Expression ☑

Q.793- Definition of child development is a field of study, which –
(A) examines changes in human capabilities
(B) seeks to explain behavior during the life span
(C) interacts with children as adults and senior citizens (D) Will
be responsible for the gradual development of cognitive, social and other abilities of a child.

Ans- Will be responsible for the gradual development of a child’s cognitive, social and other abilities ☑

Q.794- The reason for students running away from school is –
(A) Lack of interest in classroom teaching
(B) Lack of interest in students’ studies
(C) Not punishing students
(D) Teachers’ indifference towards the problem. ruthless attitude

Ans- Ruthless attitude of teachers towards the problem ☑

Q.795- You teach a lesson in a class and a student asks a question unrelated to the topic. What will you do –
(A) Allow him to ask unrelated questions
(B) Not allow him to ask unrelated questions
(C) Punish him by treating him as non-disciplined
(D) Answer the question after class

Ans- Will answer the question after class ☑

Q.796- When a student fails, it is understood that –
(A) The system is unsuccessful
(B) The teacher is unsuccessful
(C) The text books are unsuccessful
(D) It is a personal failure

Ans- This is personal failure ☑

Q.797- The aim of education should be –
(A) To develop professional skills among students
(B) To create social awareness among students
(C) To prepare students for examinations
(D) To prepare students for practical life

Ans- To prepare students for practical life ☑

Q.798- What is most important while writing on the blackboard –
(A) Good handwriting
(B) Clarity in writing
(C) Writing in capital letters
(D) Writing in small letters

Ans- Good handwriting ☑

Q.799- The state of physical and functional development of a child is –
(A) From head to toe and from outside to the middle of the body
(B) From head to toe and from the middle of the body to outside
(C) From foot to head and From outside towards the middle of the body
(D) From feet to head and from the middle of the body towards outside

Ans- From head to toe and from the middle of the body outwards

Q.800- Froebel’s important contribution in education was the development of ……….
(A) Vocational School
(B) Public School
(C) Kindergarten
(D) Latin School

Ans- Kindergarten

Q.801- It is better to give education in mother tongue at primary level, because it will-
(A) Develop self-confidence in children
(B) Make learning easier
(C) Help in intellectual development
(D) Let children learn in natural environment will help in

Ans- Will help children learn in natural environment

Q.802 – In which educational period was Upanayana Sanskar performed?
(a) Vedic period
(b) Buddhist period
(c) Mughal period
(d) None of these.

Ans – Vedic period

Q.803 – When the child’s grandmother takes him from his mother’s lap, the child starts crying, what is the reason for the child’s crying?
(a) Separation anxiety
(b) Social anxiety
(c) Emotional anxiety
(d) Stranger anxiety

Ans – Emotional anxiety

Q.804- Language-comprehension-related disorders are-
(A) Aphasia
(B) Apraxia
(C) Dyslexia
(D) Sentence relationship disease

Ans- Aphasia ✔

Q.805- The word compulsory in “Right to Free and Compulsory Education 2009” means –
(A) The Central Government shall ensure enrolment, attendance and completeness of elementary education.
(B) The appropriate Government shall ensure enrolment, attendance and completeness of elementary education. ( C
) Parents are forced to send their children to school to avoid punitive action.
(D) Compulsory education is imparted through continuous testing.

Ans- The appropriate government will ensure admission, attendance and completion of elementary education ✔

Q.806- Which of the following qualities is not found in a creative child –
(A) Exploratory nature
(B) Good insight
(C) Activity
(D) Limited interests

Ans- Good insight ✔

Q.807- An inclusive school considers all of the following questions except…
(A) Do we believe that all learners can learn
(B) Do we plan and provide an environment conducive to learning?
(C) Do we differentiate special children appropriately to provide better care (
D) Do we adopt strategies to meet the diverse needs of learners

Ans- Do we properly differentiate special children from the general population to provide them better care?

Q.808- Which of the following is not an example of a developmental disorder –
(A) Attention-deficit disorder
(B) Autism
(C) Cerebral palsy
(D) Post-traumatic stress

Ans- Post-traumatic stress ✔

Q.809- Which of the following does not hinder problem-solving –
(A) Fixation
(B) Insight
(C) Mental Sets
(D) Entrenchment

Ans- Insight ✔

Q.810- ‘Education for all in schools for all’ can be the slogan of which of the following –
(A) Strong education
(B) Inclusive education
(C) Cooperative education
(D) Separate education

Ans- Inclusive education ✔

Q.811- Gifted learners can be asked to spend more time on questions related to –
(A) Recall
Comprehension (C)
Analysis (D) Analysis

Ans- Surgeon ✔

Q.812- According to NCF 2005, mistakes are important because –
(A) It provides half the space for removing some children from the class
(B) It provides a way for teachers to dot the children
( C) It provides insight into the child’s thinking and helps in identifying solutions.
(D) It is an important tool for classifying students into passing and failing groups.

Ans- It provides insight into the child’s thinking and helps in identifying solutions ✔

Q.813- Students from disadvantaged groups should be taught along with general students –
(A) Inclusive education
(B) Special education
(C) Integrated education
(D) Exclusive education.

Ans- Inclusive education ✔

Q.814- Decrease in writing ability related to distorted handwriting is a symptom of –
(A) Dysgraphia
(B) Dyspraxia
(C) Dyscalculia
(D) Dyslexia

Ans- Dysgraphia ✔

Q.815- Which of the following approaches to deal with children with disruptive behavioral disorders suggests the child’s interaction with the people and social institutions around him – (A
) Psychodynamic
(B) Environmental
(C) Biological
(D) Behavioral

Ans-Environmental ✔

Q.816- A teacher can respond effectively to the needs of children from deprived sections of the society by:
(A) Asking ‘other children’ to cooperate with children from deprived sections and helping them in school Asking them to help them learn the methods
(B) Sensitizing children from disadvantaged groups about the rules and expectations of the school so that they comply with them
(C) Thinking about the school system and one’s own methods by which Prejudice and stereotypes are reflected
(D) None of these

Ans- To think about the school system and one’s own practices which reflect biases and stereotypes ✔

Q.817- Which of the following is not the cause of forgetting –
(A) Mental conflict
(B) Lack of repetition
(C) Amount of learning
(D) Qualification of the teacher

Ans- Qualification of teacher ✔

Q.818- To provide education to children from ‘deprived class’ background, the teacher should-
(A) Try to gather more information about them and include them in the class discussion
(B) Help them in the class (C) Do not pay
attention to them because they cannot interact with other learners
(D) Give them lots of written work

Ans- Try to gather more information about them and include them in the class discussion ✔

Q.819- A child who can see partially –
(A) He should not be given education because it will be of no use to him
(B) He needs to be put in a separate institution
(C) He should be given ‘regular’ education by making special provisions. ‘ Should be kept in school
(D) Without any special provision, he should be kept in school ‘as a rule’

Ans- By making special provisions, he should be kept in a ‘regular’ school ✔

Q.820- Which of the following statements is correct about ‘learning’ –
(A) Learning is effective in an environment which is emotionally positive and satisfying to the learners
(B) Learning occurs in any Learning at this stage is not influenced by emotional factors
(C) Learning is basically a mental process
(D) None of these

Ans- Learning is effective in an environment that is emotionally positive and satisfying to the learners ✔

Q.821- “A child responds to a situation on the basis of the responses made in a similar situation in the past” What is this related to –
(A) ‘Law of Similarity’ of learning (B) ‘Law of Similarity
‘ of learning ‘Law of Effect’
(C) ‘Law of Attitude’ of learning process
(D) ‘Law of Readiness’ of learning

Ans- ‘Law of Effect’ of learning ✔

Q.822- Motivation in the process of learning –
(A) Makes the memory of the learners sharp
(B) Differentiates the new learning from the old learning
(C) Helps the learners to think in a unidirectional manner. (D) Creates
interest in learning among new learners

Ans- Creates interest for learning in new learners ✔

Q.823- Current view of childhood believes that –
(A) Children are equal to adults in many ways
(B) Children are best considered as young adults
(C) Childhood based form (D) Childhood is
a unique period of growth and change.

Ans- Childhood is a unique period of growth and change.

Q.824- The theory of learning which is completely and only based on ‘Observable Behaviour’, is associated with which theory of learning –
(A) Evolutionary
(B) Behaviorist
(C) Constructivist
(D) Cognitivist

Ans- Behaviorist ✔

Q.825- Learners should not be encouraged to-
(A) To interact actively with other learners in group work
(B) To participate in as many co-curricular activities as possible
(C) To remember the answers to all the questions the teacher can ask.
(D) To ask as many questions as possible inside and outside the class.

Ans- To remember the answers to all the questions that the teacher may ask.

Q.826- The best way to establish morality in children is –
(A) Teaching them religious books
(B) Behaving ideally as a teacher
(C) Evaluating them on value education
(D) Giving them sermon in the morning meeting.

Ans- Ideal behavior of the teacher ✔

Q.827- The proponent of the law of learning is –
(A) Freud
(B) Skinner
(C) Thorndike
(D) Adler

Ans- Thorndike ✔

Q.828- The stage of personality development is –
(A) Learning and growth
(B) Autobiographical study
(C) Remedial study
(D) None of these

Ans- Learning and growth ✔

Q.829- According to which psychologist, learning means building knowledge –
(A) Skinner
(B) Piaget
(C) Thorndike
(D) Leo Vygostsky (L.Vygostsky)

Ans- Piaget ✔

Q.830- The practical theory of learning is as follows –
(A) Theory of associated response
(B) Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning
(C) Reinforcement theory
(D) All of the above

Ans- All of the above ✔

Q.831- For which stage is the project method of learning useful –
(A) Childhood
(B) Pre-childhood
(C) Adolescence
(D) All of the above

Ans- All of the above ✔

Q.832- Which of the following is an innate motivator –
(A) Sleep
(B) Playing
(C) Praise
(D) Anger

Ans-Sleep ✔

Q.833- Before starting the teaching-learning process, what should a skilled teacher do?
(A) Punish students
(B) Tell jokes
(C) Create learning situations
(D) Give rest

Ans- Learning situations should be created ✔

Q.834- Motivation can be explained on the basis of innate basic tendencies. Who has said –
(A) McDougall
(B) Kurt Lewin
(C) Freud
(D) Skinner

Ans- McDougall ✔

Q.835- Ross has divided emotions into how many types?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5

Years-3 ✔

Q.836- According to McDougall, the basic instinct ‘curiosity’ is related to which emotion –
(A) Fear
(B) Disgust
(C) Surprise
(D) Hunger

Ans- Surprise ✔

Q.837- Emotions originate from –
(A) Basic instincts
(B) Dynamic activities
(C) Nutrition
(D) None of these

Ans- Basic tendency ✔

Q.838- Personality is a permanent adjustment –
​​(A) With the environment
(B) With life
(C) With nature
(D) All of these

Ans- All these ✔

Q.839- Individual attention is important in the teaching-learning process because –
(A) Children have different growth rates and can learn in different ways
(B) Learners always work in groups. learn better
(C) This is what is suggested in teacher training programs
(D) This gives teachers better opportunities to discipline each learner

Ans- Children’s growth rates vary and they can learn in different ways ✔

Q.840- Adjustment means adapting oneself to different circumstances so as to satisfy-
(A) Others
(B) Motivators
(C) Objectives
(D) Needs

Ans- Requirements ✔

Q.841- Learning Disabilities are generally –
(A) Mostly found in boys as compared to girls
(B) Mostly found in those children who belong to rural areas rather than urban areas
(C) It is found in those children, especially those whose grandparents suffer from such problems.
(D) It is found in children with better than average intelligence.

Ans- Found in those children, especially those whose grandparents suffer from this type of problems ✔

Q.842- On what basis can the justification for increasing the level of performance in educational areas be established on the basis of performance in co-educational areas? (A)
It satisfies individual differences
. B) It follows a policy of compensatory discrimination for marginalized students
(C) It ensures universal retention
(D) It develops respect for manual labor

Ans- It satisfies individual differences ✔

Q.843- Christina takes her class on a field trip and discusses the trip with the students when they return. It points towards –
(A) Assessment for learning
(B) Learning for assessment
(C) Learning of assessment
(D) Assessment of learning

Ans- Assessment for learning ✔

Q.844- Learners who display a heartfelt desire for relevant knowledge and academic proficiency have –
(A) Performance Avoidance Orientation
(B) Work Avoidance Orientation
(C ) ) Mastery Orientation
(D) Performance Approach Orientation

Ans- Performance Approach Orientation ✔

Q.845- Of the following, the best advantage of Interdisciplinary Instruction is that –
(A) Students are given opportunities to apply and generalize the new knowledge learned in multiple contexts
(B) Teachers are less likely to be overwhelmed by the multiplicity of topics that need to be addressed in the traditional curriculum. (
C) Students’ dislike of particular topics in different subject areas. (D) Allows
teachers more flexibility in planning lessons and activities

Ans- Students are given opportunities to apply and generalize the new knowledge learned in multiple contexts ✔

Q.846- Which of the following motivates learners to learn –
(A) Tendency to select very easy or difficult goals
(B) Personal satisfaction in achieving goals
(C) External factors
(D) Motivation to avoid failure

Ans- Personal satisfaction in achieving goals ✔

Q.847- Assessment for learning takes into account the following except –
(A) Needs of students
(B) Errors of students
(C) Learning styles of students
(D) Abilities of students

Ans- Requirements of students ✔

Q.848- Which of the following abilities will a strong school promote most in its teachers –
(A) Competitive attitude
(B) Propensity to test
(C) Memory
(D) Disciplined nature

Ans- Competitive attitude ✔

Q.849- Teachers can make problem-solving fun for students by doing all of the following except…
(A) By not expecting perfection from students when they are trying to do a task on their own
(B) (C) Providing
time for free play
(D) Providing unlimited opportunities for creative thinking.

Ans- When students are trying to do any work on their own then do not expect perfection from them.

Q.850- While selecting material for students’ portfolio….. must be –
(A) Students, Inclusion
(B) Parents, Inclusion
(C) Students, Exclusion
(D) Other teachers , inclusion

Ans- Students, Inclusion ✔

Child Development And Pedagogy MCQ In Hindi – Important questions of child development

Q.851- Which of the following is a field of learning –
(A) Vocational
(B) Experiential
(C) Emotional
(D) Spiritual

Ans- Empirical ✔

Q.852- There can be a change in the emphasis on learning from teaching –
(A) By focusing on examination results
(B) By adopting child-centric education system
(C) By encouraging rote learning
(D) Techniques of advanced teaching by adopting

Ans- By adopting a child-centered educational approach ✔

Q.853- Errors of morning learners……. Point to –
(A) Socio-economic status of learners
(B) How they learn
(C) Need for mechanical practice
(D) Absence of learning

Ans- Need for mechanical practice ✔

Q.854- Vygotsky emphasizes the important role of which of the following factors in children’s learning –
(A) Social
(B) Genetic
(C) Moral
(D) Physical

Ans- Social ✔

Q.855- A teacher uses a variety of tasks to satisfy the different learning styles of her students. He …. Is influenced by –
(A) Piaget’s theory of cognitive development
(B) Kohlberg’s theory of moral development
(C) Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences
(D) Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory

Ans- Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory ✔

Q.856- How many variables are there on the basis of teaching –
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

Years – 3 ✔

Q.857- Education displays individual differences. Therefore, the teacher should-
(A) Emphasize uniform pace of
learning (B) Provide diverse learning experiences
(C) Ensure strict discipline
(D) Increase the number of examinations

Ans- Diverse learning experiences should be made available ✔

Q.858- Which of the following is not an innate motivator –
(A) Hunger
(B) Thirst
(C) Habit
(D) Sleep

Ans-Habit ✔

Q.859- Smith has considered the caretaker in the tridimensional process of teaching –
(A) Parents
(B) Teacher
(C) Learner
(D) Curriculum

Ans- To the teacher ✔

Q.860- The process of acquiring new knowledge and new reactions is the learning process. This statement is-
(A) Thorndike
(B) Woodworth
(C) Ganne
(D) Hull

Ans- Woodworth’s ✔

Q.861- Who has given the ‘Law of Readiness’ –
(A) Pavlov
(B) Ebbinghaus
(C) Thorndike
(D) Skinner

Ans- Thorndike ✔

Q.862- Which of the following behavior does not reflect emotional disturbance –
(A) Juvenile delinquency
(B) Scaring the weak
(C) Truancy
(D) Autism

Ans- Autism ✔

Q.863- Some students of your class are very bright, how will you teach them –
(A) With class
(B) With higher class
(C) Through enrichment programs
(D) Whenever they want

Ans- Through enrichment programs ✔

Q.864- Which of the following statements is not true about teaching –
(A) Teaching can be improved
(B) Teaching is formal and informal
(C) Teaching is science as well as art
. D) Teaching is instruction.

Ans- Teaching is instruction ✔

Q.865- Which of the following is not a suitable tool for Formative Assessment –
(A) Oral Questions
(B) Sessional Examination
(C) Quiz and Games
(D) Assignment

Ans- Session Exam ✔

Q.866- The gaps left in students’ learning should be addressed after…
(A) Intensive practice work
(B) Systematic repetition of all the lessons
(C) Reporting to learners and parents about achievements To tell
(D) Appropriate remedial action

Ans- Appropriate remedial work ✔

Q.867- The role of parents in the learning process of minor children should be –
(A) Negative
(B) Proactive
(C) Sympathetic
(D) Neutral.

Ans- Proactive ✔

Q.868- How does a child learn –
(A) By reading books
(B) By discussion
(C) By asking questions
(D) In ​​many ways

Ans- In many ways ✔

Q.869- Learning can be enriched if-
(A) Examples from the real world are brought into the classroom in which students interact with each other and the teacher facilitates that process.
(B) More and more learning material is provided in the classroom. (Teaching Aids) should be used
(C) Teachers should use different types of lectures and explanations
(D) Required attention should be given to periodic tests in the class.

Ans- Examples from the real world should be brought into the classroom in which students interact with each other and the teacher facilitates that process.

Q.870- A teacher should try to understand the capabilities of his students. Which of the following fields is associated with this objective –
(A) Education Sociology
(B) Social Philosophy
(C) Media Psychology
(D) Education Psychology

Ans- Education Psychology ✔

Q.871- If a teacher has a ‘deaf’ child in a secondary school class, it is important for her to – (
A) Ask the school counselor to talk to the parents of the child and ask them to remove their child from the school. Say
(B) Make the child sit at a place from where he can clearly see the teacher’s lips and facial expressions (
C) Point out what the child is not able to do repeatedly
(D) Scold the child -Reprimand him and make him sit in a separate place so that he can take admission in the deaf center.

Ans- She should make the child sit at a place from where he can clearly see the teacher’s lips and facial expressions ✔

Q.872- Which of the following behavior identifies a child’s learning disability –
(A) Abusive behavior
(B) ‘b’ to ‘d’, ‘was’ to ‘saw’, ’21’ to ‘ 12’ Writing
(C) Low attention span and high physical activity
(D) Frequent change of mood

Ans- Write ‘b’ as ‘d’, ‘was’ as ‘saw’, ’21’ as ’12’ ✔

Q.873- Which one of the following statements best describes ‘Inclusion’ –
(A) It is a belief that some children can never learn anything
(B) It is a philosophy that all children should be given regular The right to receive equal education in the school system
(C) It is a statement that special children are special gifts from “God”
(D) It is a belief that children should be separated according to their abilities

Ans- It is a philosophy that all children have the right to receive equal education in the regular school system ✔

Q.874- Children with learning disability –
(A) Children recognize and understand sight words easily
(B) Children’s mental development is slow
(C) Children have low IQ
(D) Children Confusion occurs between letters and characters that appear similar.

Ans- Children get confused between letters and alphabets that appear similar ✔

Q.875- The most important role of a teacher in an inclusive classroom is –
(A) To know the occupation of the child’s parents so that the teacher can know the future occupation of each child
(B) To ensure that each child fulfills his/her potential (C) Planning
the class so that every child progresses at the same pace
(D) Ensuring that the teacher is giving standard instructions to the class

Ans- To ensure that the teacher is giving standard instructions to the class ✔

Q.876- The rationale behind inclusive education is that-
(A) There is diversity in the society and schools need to be inclusive to be sensitive to this diversity
(B) The standards for the performance of every child should be uniform and standardized. (C) We need to be
kind to children with special needs.
(D) It is cost effective to arrange separate schools for children with special needs.

Ans- There is diversity in the society and schools need to be sensitive to this diversity and be inclusive ✔

Q.877- Renzulli is known for which definition of genius –
(A) Four-row
(B) Four-tier
(C) Three-circle
(D) Three-faced

Ans- Tri-circular ✔

Q.878- For gifted learners –
(A) It is correct to understand aptitude as a skill
(B) There is no need to monitor progress
(C) The teacher should adapt as the learner changes
(D) The teacher Must take initiative and play a key role in problem solving

Ans- The teacher should adapt as the learner changes ✔

Q.879- Which of the following is a characteristic of a child with learning disability –
(A) IQ below 50
(B) Difficulty in reading fluently and turning over words
(C) Bullying and aggressiveness towards other children To be engaged in tasks
(D) To repeat the same type of dynamic action again and again.

Ans- Difficulty in reading fluently and going over words ✔

Q.880- Through placing the learners in the least restrictive school environment, school –
(A) Equalizes educational opportunities for girls and disadvantaged sections
(B) Normalizes the lives of children from disadvantaged sections which improves the chances of these children Enhances the school’s relationship with communities and parents
(C) Makes children from disadvantaged groups participate in activities like science fairs and quizzes
(D) Sensitizes other children not to suppress and humiliate the disadvantaged children. Show

Ans- Sensitizes other children so that they do not oppress the disadvantaged children and do not humiliate them ✔

Q.881- Reducing the time allotted for completing a given task to match the concentration time and gradually increasing this concentration time is most useful in dealing with which of the following types of disorders – (A
) Disturbing behavioral disorder
(B) Dysphasia
(C) Sensory integration disorder
(D) Concentration deficit hyperactive disorder

Ans- Concentration Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ✔

Q.882- ‘Out of the box’ thinking is related to –
(A) Adaptive thinking
(B) Memory based thinking
(C) Divergent thinking
(D) Convergent thinking

Ans- Divergent thinking ✔

Q.883- From the teacher’s point of view, talent is a combination of –
(A) High ability-high creativity-high commitment
(B) High motivation-high commitment-high ability
(C) High ability-high ability-high commitment
(D) High Ability-High Creativity-High Memory Power

Ans- High ability-high creativity-high commitment ✔

Q.884- Fluency, interpretation, originality and flexibility are the elements related to –
(A) Talent
(B) Virtue
(C) Divergent thinking
(D) Acceleration

Ans- Talent ✔

Q.885- Experiencing difficulty in reading the sequence of letters in words and often loss of visual memory is related to –
(A) Dyslexia
(B) Dyscalculia
(C) Dysgraphia
(D) Dyspraxia

Ans- Dyslexia ✔

Q.886- Inclusion in school mainly focuses on –
(A) On the educational needs of illiterate parents in school
(B) On making minute provisions for children belonging to specific category
(C) On meeting the needs of only disabled students
( D) meeting the needs of disabled children at the expense of the entire class.

Ans- On making micro provisions for special category children ✔

Q.887- The way children are socialized in the model of progressive education adopted by CBSE, it can be expected that – (
A) Irrespective of any kind of social background, they will accept whatever is given to them. Provided by the school
(B) They should give up time-wasting social habits/nature and learn how to get good grades (C
) They should take active participation in group work and learn social skills
(D) They should be ready to follow the rules and regulations of the society without raising questions.

Ans- They should actively participate in group work and learn social skills ✔

Q.888- After the implementation of the Right to Education Act-2009, the class-room –
(A) is unaffected, because the Right to Education does not affect the average age of the class in the school
(B) is homogeneous according to gender
(C) gender Is more homogeneous according to age
(D) Is more heterogeneous according to age

Ans- Is more homogeneous according to gender ✔

Q.889- Which of the following can be the most effective method, which can fulfill your expectation that disadvantaged students can succeed through their participation – (A
) Emphasizing that you have high expectations from them
( B) You express confidence in their ability to succeed
(C) You develop their interest in the subject being taught
(D) You often compare children with other children to realize your goals.

Ans- You express confidence in their ability to succeed ✔

Q.890- A teacher can effectively meet the needs of children belonging to the ‘deprived section’ of the society –
(A) by adapting his teaching skills to the needs of each child in the class
(B) by ignoring their background and By asking them to do work in school
(C) By making them sit in a separate place in the class room, so that they do not interact with other children
(D) By asking other children to behave sympathetically towards children from disadvantaged backgrounds

Ans- By adopting your teaching skills as per the need of each child in the class ✔

Q.891- Children with learning disability –
(A) are very active, but their IQ is low
(B) are very intelligent and mature
(C) cannot learn anything
(D) from some aspects of learning Let’s struggle

Ans- Struggles with some aspects of learning ✔

Q.892- Which of the following philosophical approaches should be followed in dealing with children with special needs –
(A) They have the right to inclusive education and to study in regular schools
(B) They should not be given any kind of education There is no need
(C) They should be separated and their education should be done in different educational institutions
(D) They should be given only vocational training.

Ans- They have the right to inclusive education and to study in regular schools ✔

Q.893- Which of the following does not represent ‘teaching for understanding’ –
(A) Teaching students to provide examples to explain how rules work –
(B) Seeing similarities and differences and To help students to generate analogies
(C) To enable students to recall isolated facts and procedures (
D) To express the phenomenon or concept in their own words tell students to

Ans- To enable students to remember isolated facts and procedures ✔

Q.894- ‘Self-Regulation’ of learners……. Refers to:
(A) Making regulations for the behavior of students
(B) Rules and regulations made by the student body
(C) Self-discipline and control
(D) Supervising one’s own learning ability to

Ans- Ability to monitor one’s own learning ✔

Q.895- Constructivism as a theory –
(A) Emphasizes the role of education in forming one’s view of the world
(B) Emphasizes on memorizing information and checking through recall. (C) Emphasizes
the dominant role of the teacher.
(D) Focuses on the role of imitation.

Ans- Emphasizes the role of education in forming one’s view of the world ✔

Q.896- The best way to address the learning problems of students, especially at the primary level, is to
(A) Use different teaching methods tailored to the disability
(B) Use of expensive & glossy support materials To use
(C) To use simple and interesting text books
(D) To use Story Telling Method

Ans- Using different teaching methods according to disability ✔

Q.897- Which of the following is best, a good teacher –
(A) Uses lecture method for teaching
(B) Often teaches through demonstration
(C) Always motivates students to learn.
(D) always keeps the students in discipline

Ans- Always inspires students to learn ✔

Q.898- Which statement is best in the view of a teacher –
(A) Every child can learn
(B) Some children can learn
(C) Most children can learn
(D) Very few children can learn

Ans- Every child can learn ✔

Q.899- The personal factor affecting learning is –
(A) Means of communication
(B) Peer Group
(C) Teacher
(D) Maturity and age

Ans- Maturity and age ✔

Q.900- Planning of Constructive Essay should be –
(A) Only for those students who read at class level
(B) Only for those students who can write long sentences
(C) Only for those students who want to write for newspaper
(D) For all students

Ans- For all students ✔

Important questions of child development – ​​Child Development And Pedagogy MCQ In Hindi

Q.901- Which of the following is related to Teaching Skill?
(A) Writing on the blackboard
(B) Solving questions
(C) Asking questions
(D) All these

Ans- All these ✔

Q.902- How will you bring a hyperactive child in the right direction –
(A) Make him sit in the first row and keep a close eye on him
(B) Assign him a place to sit in the corner of the class
(C) Will give him the work of cleaning blackboard etc.
(D) None of the above

Ans- Will give him the job of cleaning the blackboard etc. ✔

Q.903- The child’s curiosity should be quenched –
(A) When the teacher is free
(B) When the student is free
(C) After some time
(D) Immediately, when the student has expressed curiosity.

Ans- Immediately, when the student has expressed curiosity ✔

Q.904- The relationship between teacher and student should be –
(A) Of affection
(B) Of trust
(C) Of respect
(D) All of these

Ans- All these ✔

Q.905- A good teacher promotes among the students –
(A) The spirit of competition
(B) The spirit of cooperation
(C) The spirit of rivalry
(D) Neutrality ) to the feeling of

Ans- The spirit of cooperation ✔

Q.906- Cognitive development means-
(A) Development of competence
(B) Development of child
(C) Development of physical skills
(D) Personal development

Ans- Development of aptitude ✔

Q.907- Reward and punishment are-

(A) Positive motivator
(B) Artificial motivator
(C) Natural motivator
(D) Acquired motivator

Ans- Natural motivator ✔

Q.908- Five year old Raju sees a storm outside his window. Lightning flashes and the sound of thunder is heard. Then after some peace there is lightning. Raju jumps when he hears the thunder. Raju’s jumping is an example of which of the following principles –
(A) Classical conditioning
(B) Operant conditioning
(C) Trial and error
(D) None of these

Ans- Classical conditioning ✔

Q.909- Which of the following statements is not appropriate in the context of motivation as a process –
(A) It leads the person towards the goal
(B) It satisfies the physical needs of the person
(C) It is psychological
(D) It keeps the person away from unpleasant situations .

Ans- It helps in achieving psychological aspiration ✔

Q.910- Which of the following methods should not be used by a teacher to change the attitudes of students –
(A) To persuade for something or an idea through pressure
(B) To repeat an idea or to behave firmly
(D) Associating with a message of support and acceptance from an admired person

Ans- To persuade about something or an idea through pressure ✔

Q.911- Who among the following said that emotion is the excited state of a person?
(A) Piaget
(B) Woodworth
(C) Valentine
(D) Ross

Ans- Woodworth ✔

Q.912- Which of the following characteristics is not true of intrinsically motivated children –
(A) They enjoy working
(B) They display high level of energy while working
(C) They Like challenging tasks
(D) They always succeed

Ans- They are always successful ✔

Q.913- If some students are not in the mood to study in the class, then you will –
(A) force them to study
(B) ask those students to leave the class
(C) warn them that they must study Otherwise you will inform the principal
(D) You will tell him interesting things according to his interest or your subject.

Ans- You will tell them interesting things according to their interest or your topic ✔

Q.914- The primary basic rule of learning is related to –
(A) Practice work
(B) Expectation of result
(C) Appreciation
(D) Readiness

Ans- Readily ✔

Q.915- In what form is motivation considered useful in children’s learning –
(A) Respect for the individuality of the child
(B) Reward and punishment
(C) Praise and condemnation
(D) All of the above

Ans- All of the above ✔

Q.916- Who among the following persons is giving internal motivation to his child/children –
(A) Father Robert gives chocolates to those children of his class who behave well
(B) Nand Kumar on getting promotion to the next class. Gives story books to his son
(C) Girijesh Kumar gives a party on his son’s birthday
(D) Rakesh Kumar is internally motivating for getting the highest marks in science subjects.

Ans- Rakesh Kumar is internally motivating for getting the highest marks in science subjects ✔

Q.917- Which of the following cognitive activities is used to analyze the given information –
(A) Describing
(B) Identifying
(C) Differentiating
(D) Classifying

Ans- To differentiate ✔

Q.918- Apart from which, the following are the steps in the problem solving process –
(A) Anticipating results
(B) Identifying the problem
(C) Dividing the problem into smaller parts
(D) Searching for possible solutions

Ans- Dividing the problem into smaller parts ✔

Q.919- A teacher should
– (A) pay more attention to the lecture and provide the base for knowledge
(B) should treat the errors made by the learners as a fatal mistake and should compensate for each error Critical comments should be given
(C) The number of times the learner avoids making mistakes should be taken as a measure of success
(D) Students should not be corrected when they are trying to communicate ideas

Ans- Students should not be corrected when they are trying to communicate ideas ✔

Q.920- The personal factor affecting learning is –
(A) Means of communication
(B) Peer Group
(C) Teacher
(D) Maturity and age

Ans- Maturity and age ✔

Q.921- A cricket player develops his bowling skills, but it does not affect his batting skills. This is called –
(A) Predicative training transfer
(B) Injunctive training transfer
(C) Zero training transfer
. D) none of the above

Ans- Zero training transfer ✔

Q.922- Which of the following should be kept in mind in the teaching process –
(A) Active participation of students
(B) Discipline and regular attendance
(C) Dedication in checking homework
(D) Difficulty level of the subject matter

Ans- Active participation of students ✔

Q.923- Which of the following characteristics is not true of intrinsically motivated children –
(A) They enjoy working
(B) They display high levels of energy while working
( C) They like challenging tasks
(D) They are always successful

Ans- They are always successful ✔

Q.924- A girl was being taken for a walk by her father. The girl knew that there were things like birds but she had never seen a kite. Seeing the kite he said that when he saw a “bird” his father said that it is a kite. This example shows-
(A) Insertion
(B) Adjustment
(C) Preservation
(D) Display of the object.

Ans- Insertion ✔

Q.925- Under signal learning the following are learned –
(A) Psychology
(B) Traditional conditioning
(C) Environment
(D) Psychosomatics

Ans- Traditional Adaptation ✔

Q.926- The best treatment for a student’s problems related to learning is –
(A) Suggestion of hard work
(B) Supervised study in the library
(C) Suggestion of private tuition
(D) Diagnostic teaching

Ans- Diagnostic learning ✔

Q.927- A 13 year old boy starts quarreling with his elders in every conversation and always tries to prove himself right. In which stage of development is he?
(A) Early childhood
(B) Adolescence
(C) Youth
(D) Childhood

Ans- Adolescence ✔

Q.928- “Learning is a process of progressive adjustment in behavior.” This statement is-
(A) Crowe and Co
(B) Piaget
(C) Skinner
(D) Kohlberg

Ans- Skinner ✔

Q.929- Which of the following statements is correct about ‘learning’ –
(A) Learning is effective in an environment which is emotionally positive and satisfying to the learners
(B) Learning Learning at any stage is not influenced by emotional factors
(C) Learning is basically a mental activity
(D) Errors made by children indicate that no learning has taken place.

Ans- Learning is effective in an environment that is emotionally positive and satisfying to the learners.

Q.930- After diagnosing the gaps left in the students’ learning, there should be………..
(A) Intensive practice work
(B) Systematic repetition of all the lessons
(C) Learners and parents Telling about achievement
(D) Appropriate remedial action

Ans- Appropriate remedial work ✔

Q.931- Which of the following is not a symptom of ‘reading difficulty’ in young learners –
(A) Difficulty in reading speed and fluency
(B) Difficulty in understanding words and ideas
(C) Coherent Difficulty in spelling
(D) Difficulty in letter and word recognition

Ans- Difficulty in reading speed and fluency ✔

Q.932- Every learner is unique in himself. This means that –
(A) Learners neither have similar characteristics nor do they have similar goals
(B) It is not possible to have a uniform curriculum for all learners
(C) To develop the capabilities of learners in a heterogeneous classroom It is impossible
(D) No two learners are equal in their abilities and talents.

Ans- No two learners are equal in their abilities and talents ✔

Q.933- Attitude is –
(A) An emotional tendency which gets organized through experience and reacts in the form of like or dislike towards a psychological object (
B) A characteristic which is an indication of the ability of a person to perform in a given area. In specific training, knowledge can be learned through skill
(C) Inherent ability of a person which is of a specific type
(D) None of the above

Ans- An emotional tendency which gets organized through experience and reacts in the form of like or dislike towards a psychological object.

Q.934- Heredity plays
a minor role in personality and intelligence
. (B) It has an important role.
(C) It has an unpredictable role.
(D) It has an attractive role.

Ans- Has nominal role ✔

Q.935- Seema is very keen to get A+ grade in the examination. When she enters the examination hall for the examination, she becomes extremely nervous. Her feet become cold, every heartbeat becomes very fast and she is unable to respond properly. The main reason for this could be –
(A) Perhaps she cannot cope with the sudden emotional outburst
(B) Perhaps she is not very confident about her preparation
(C) Perhaps she thinks too much about the result of this examination
(D) The invigilator teacher who is on duty may be his class teacher and she is very strict in nature.

Ans- Perhaps she cannot face the sudden emotional impulse ✔

Q.936- What is the process in which a person learns by observing the behavior of others and not through experience called –
(A) Social learning
(B) Conditioning
(C) Experimental learning
(D) Incidental learning

Ans- Social learning ✔

Q.937- ‘Readiness to learn’ refers to –
(A) Thorndike’s law of readiness
(B) General ability level of learners
(C) Meaningful learning in learners’ current cognitive level
(D) Present cognitive level of learners to satisfy work inclinations

Ans- Present cognitive level of learners meaningful in learning ✔

Q.938- Apart from which, all of the following can cause learning disability –
(A) Cultural factors
(B) Cerebral dysfunction
(C) Emotional disorders
(D) Behavioral disorders

Ans- Cultural factors ✔

Q.939- Which strategy do you not apply in the classroom to motivate students for learning?
(A) Establishing healthy competition among students
(B) Making them feel proud
(C) Praising them highly
(D) ) Unusing activity-based-learning methods

Ans- Praising them excessively ✔

Q.940- The factor affecting the learning process is –
(A) Imitation
(B) Praise and criticism
(C) Competition
(D) All of these

Ans- All these ✔

Q.940- Which learning psychologist has not given importance to rewards in child learning development?
(A) Thorndike
(B) Pavlov
(C) Skinner
(D) Guthrie.

Ans- Guthrie ✔

Q.942- Which one of the following does not help a child’s learning –
(A) Imitation
(B) Motivation
(C) School bag
(D) Reward

Ans- School bag ✔

Q.943- Four stages of cognitive development…sensory, motor, pre-operational, concrete, operational and formal operational have been identified
by – (A) Hilgard
(B ) ) By Stott
(C) By Harlock
(D) By Piaget

Ans- By Piaget ✔

Q.944- Learning ability is not affected by which of the following –
(A) Heredity
(B) Environment
(C) Training/teaching
(D) Nationality

Ans- Nationality ✔

Q.945- Which of the following is an example of Positive Punishment –
(A) Ridicule by friends
(B) Wasting time with friends
(C) Stopping to tease
(D) All of the above

Ans- Ridicule by friends ✔

Q.946- Temporary change in behavior due to continuous giving of a stimulus is called –
(A) Habituation (trained)
(B) Learning
(C) Temporary learning
(D) Motivation.

Ans- Habituation (trained) ✔

Q.947- What is the specialty of a mentally healthy teacher –
(A) He is emotionally balanced
(B) He has in-depth knowledge of his subject
(C) He is highly sensitive
(D) He likes strict discipline. Is

Ans- He is emotionally balanced ✔

Q.948- Kindergartem System of education was propounded by –
(A) T.P. Nunn
(B) Spencer
(C) Froebel
(D) Montessori

Ans- Spencer ✔

Q.949- It is said that a teacher should be resourceful, it means –
(A) He should have sufficient amount of money and property so that he does not teach tuition
(B) He should have contact with higher officials so that no one (C) He
should have enough knowledge so that he can solve the problems of the students.
(D) He should have good influence among the students so that the authority does not take any action against him.

Ans- He should have enough knowledge so that he can solve the problems of the students ✔

Q.950- As a teacher in a class, you motivate the students –
(a) by giving instructions
(b) by using the blackboard
(c) by illustration/example
(d) by active participation of the students
(A) A, B, C
(B) A, D
(C) B, D
(D) All of these

Ans- All these ✔

Child Development and Pedagogy Questions and Answers – CTET Important Questions in Hindi

Q.951- A teacher should have knowledge of –
(A) Teaching subject
(B) Child psychology
(C) Education Code
(D) Teaching subject and child psychology

Ans- Teaching subject and child psychology ✔

Q.952- A parent never comes to meet you in school. You
will – (A) Ignore the child
(B) Write to the parent
(C) You will go to meet him yourself
(D) Punish the child. will start giving

Ans- You will go to meet them yourself ✔

Q.953- ………is considered as a sign of unmotivated teaching –
(A) Maximum attendance in the class
(B) Remedial work given by the teacher
(C) Asking questions by students
(D) Pin-Drop Silence in the class

Ans- Asking questions by students ✔

Q.954- What are the factors that affect learning –
(A) Physical and mental health of the learner
(B) Motivation and achievement motivation level
(C) Curiosity and will power
(D) all of the above

Ans- All of the above ✔

Q.955- Symptoms of learning disability are –
(A) Having a tendency to run away
(B) Being restless, energetic and destructive
(C) Memory related hindrance/disorder
(D) Lack of motivation.

Ans- Vomiting related obstruction/disorder ✔

Q.956- Regarding the errors made by the students in the learning process, which of the following statements is best in your view –
(A) Students should never make errors
(B) Errors are part of the learning process.
(C) Errors occur due to carelessness of the student.
(D) Sometimes the student may commit errors.

Ans- Errors are part of the learning process ✔

Q.957- A college going girl has developed the habit of throwing her coat on the floor. The girl’s mother told her to go out of the room and hang the coat on the peg. Next time the girl enters the house, puts the coat on her hand, goes towards the cupboard and hangs the coat on the peg. This is an example of –
(A) Serial learning
(B) Stimulus-response learning
(C) Perceptual learning
(D) All of the above.

Ans- Sequential learning ✔

Q.958- Which of the following statements should not be considered a characteristic of the learning process –
(A) Institution is the only place where learning takes place
(B) Learning is a comprehensive process
(C) Learning is goal oriented
(D) ) Un-learning is also the process of learning

Ans- Institution is the only place where learning occurs ✔

Q.959- Who among the following promoted the Insight Theory of Learning –
(A) Gestalt Theorist
(B) Pavlov
(C) Jean Piaget
(D) Vygotsky

Ans- ‘Gestalt’ Theorist ✔

Q.960- Which of the following statements cannot be considered as a characteristic of ‘learning’ –
(A) Learning is something that occurs as a result of certain experiences
(B) Learning is the study of behavior
(C) Unlearning is also a part of learning
(D) Learning is a process that mediates behavior

Ans- Study of behavior is learning ✔

Q.961- It is important to help learners in repetition and recall of what they have already learned because –
(A) Linking new information with previous information enriches learning
(B) It is an effective way to revise previous lessons.
(C) It enhances the memory of the learners thereby strengthening the learning
(D) It is a convenient beginning for any class-instruction

Ans- Connecting new information to previous information enriches learning ✔

Q.962- There are some children in your class who make mistakes. According to your analysis of this situation, which of the following statements is most appropriate –
(A) The intelligence level of the children is low
(B) The children have not yet achieved conceptual clarity and you need to think about your teaching method.
(C) Children are not interested in studies and want to create indiscipline
(D) Children should not have been promoted in your class.

Ans- Children have not yet achieved conceptual clarity and you need to think about your teaching method ✔

Q.963- A teacher can encourage children to think creatively –
(A) by giving them multiple choice questions
(B) by asking them to think in different ways to solve the problem
(C) by making them memorize the answers By saying
(D) By asking them recall-based questions

Ans- By asking them to think in different ways to solve the problem ✔

Q.964- Character is developed –
(A) By willpower
(B) By behavior and behavior
(C) By morality
(D) By all of the above

Ans- By all of the above ☑

Q.965- Which of the following is not the learning level of teaching –
(A) Differentiation level
(B) Memory level
(C) Reflective level
(D) Understanding level

Ans- Differentiation level ☑

Q.966- If a student hesitates to participate in the class, you will-
(A) not ask him questions
(B) ask only those questions which he can answer
(C) not (D) Will ask him questions whose answers are beyond his ability due to which he can become an object of ridicule in the class
(D) Will ask him questions only when he is excited to answer them.

Ans- Ask him questions only when he is excited to answer them ☑

Q.967- The behavior of a teacher should be –
(A) Administrative
(B) Educative
(C) Idealistic
(D) Directive

Ans- Idealist ☑

Q.968- According to the theories of motivation, a teacher can accelerate learning by………
(A) Having realistic expectations from students
(B) Keeping uniform level of expectations
(C) Having positive expectations from students in some way Not having expectations
(D) Having high expectations from students

Ans- Having realistic expectations from students ☑

Q.969- In cooperative learning, older and more proficient students help younger and less proficient students. This leads to-
(A) intense competition
(B) higher moral development
(C) conflict in groups
(D) higher achievement and self-esteem develops

Ans- Develops higher achievement and self-esteem ☑

Q.970- “Children can learn violent behavior shown in films.” This conclusion can be based on the work done by which of the following psychologists –
(A) Edward L. Thorndike
(B) J. B. Watson
(C) Albert Bandura
(D) Jean Piaget

Ans- Albert Bandura ☑

Q.971- A student says, “His grandfather has come.” As a teacher, your response should be –
(A) Instead of “Grandfather has come”,
you should say “Grandfather has come” (B) Pay attention to your language
(C) Okay, his grandfather has come
(D) Children, you are not saying the right sentence

Ans- Okay, his grandfather has come ☑

Q.972- For a teacher dealing with a class of students of mixed age group, knowledge of ……… is most important –
(A) Occupation of their parents
(B) Socio-economic background
(C) Cultural background
(D) ) Developmental stages

Ans- Developmental stages ☑

Q.973- While teaching children with single parents, the teacher
should – (A) Provide stable and uniform environment
(B) Ignore this fact and treat such children like other children
(C) Thus (D) Such a child should be
given less homework.

Ans- This fact should be ignored and such children should be treated like other children.

Q.974- Which of the following is most appropriate to maximize learning –
(A) The teacher should identify her cognitive style as well as the cognitive style of her learners
(B) Individual differences in learners should be easily Pairs of similar learners can be formed to create
(C) Teacher focuses on only one learning style to bring maximum results
(D) Learners with similar cultural background should be placed in a class

Ans- The teacher should identify her cognitive style as well as the cognitive style of her learners ☑

Q.975- ………Additionally all of the following enhance assessment as learning –
(A) Asking learners to seek internal feedback
(B) Creating a safe environment for learners to take opportunities
(C) Asking the learners to reflect on the topic taught
(D) Testing the learners as frequently as possible

Ans- Continuous testing of learners as much as possible ☑

Q.976- When a cook tastes food while cooking, it is equivalent to………..
(A) Assessment of learning
(B) Assessment for learning
(C) Assessment as learning
(D) Assessment and Learn

Ans- Assessment for learning ☑

Q.977- In a culturally and linguistically diverse classroom, before determining whether the learner belongs to a special education group or not, a teacher should – (A) not
involve the parents in this (B) The mother tongue of the learner
should be assessed before establishing disability.
(C) Specialized psychologists should be used.
(D) Environmental factors should be made ineffective. the child should be separated

Ans- Before establishing disability, the mother tongue of the learner should be evaluated ☑

Q.978- Learning disability can arise due to all of the following except ……….
(A) Teacher’s teaching style
(B) Alcohol consumption by mother before birth
(C) Retardation
(D) During infancy. brain fever

Ans-Teacher’s teaching style ☑

Q.979-CBSE recommends group activities instead of individual activities for students. The idea behind doing this may be:
(A) To overcome negative emotional reactions to individual competition which may be generalized to the entire learning
(B) To simplify the teacher’s work by observing the group instead of individual learners
. C) To make the time available to the students relevant while most of them do not have enough time for individual activities
(D) To reduce the structural cost of the activity

Ans- Overcoming negative emotional reactions to personal competition that can be generalized to overall learning ☑

Q.980- All the following facts except ……… indicate that the child is emotionally and socially adjusted –
(A) Development of cordial relationships with peers
(B) Focus on challenging tasks
( C) Effectively restricting both anger and joy
(D) Focusing strongly on competition with peers

Ans- To focus strongly on competition with peers ☑

Q.981- Which of the following statements supports the role of environment in the development of a child –
(A) Some learners process information quickly while other students of the same class are not able to do so
(B) Last few decades There has been a steady increase in the average performance of learners in IQ tests in the U.S.
(C) Identical twins, brought up in different homes, have IQs as high as 0.75
(D) Physically healthy children are often morally are found good in

Ans- There has been a continuous increase in the average performance of learners in the intelligence quotient test in the last few decades.

Q.982- While teaching, which of the following should the teacher pay maximum attention to –
(A) Family background of the students
(B) Age of the students
(C) Individual differences
(D) Subject matter

Ans- Individual difference ☑

Q.983- Which of the following is the method of memorizing –
(A) Mixed method
(B) Thought association method
(C) Both a and b
(D) None of the above

Ans- Both a and b ☑

Q.984- Multiple pedagogy – classical techniques, graded learning material, multiple assessment techniques and variable complexity and format of material are associated with which of the following – (
A) Reciprocal teaching
(B) Universal learning model
(C) Remedial teaching
(D) Differentiated instruction

Ans- Differentiated instruction ☑

Q.985- Which of the following is appropriate for gifted learners –
(A) They are important basically because of their brain power
(B) They make others efficient and effective and are necessary for cooperative learning
(C) ) They always lead others and take on additional responsibilities in the class.
(D) Due to their high level of sensitivity, they may also get lower grades.

Ans- Due to their high level of sensitivity, they can also get lower grade ☑

Q.986- Mature students –
(A) Do not get distracted from studies even in difficult circumstances
(B) Believe that emotions have no place in their studies
(C) Are free from all kinds of conflicts with their intellect.
(D) Sometimes need the help of emotions in their studies .

Ans- Sometimes want the help of emotions in your studies ☑

Q.987- Which of the following provides more freedom to the learner –
(A) Structuralism
(B) Functionalism
(C) Behaviorism
(D) Constructivism

Ans- Creationism ☑

Q.988- A teacher displays two identical glasses filled with equal quantity of juice. She empties them into two different glasses, one tall and the other wide. She asks the children to identify the glass which has more juice. Children respond that there is more juice in the tall glass. The teacher’s children have difficulty in:
(A) Adjustment
(B) Egocentricity
(C) Decentralization
(D) Reversion.

Ans- Decentralization ☑

Q.989- Gagne is related to which of the following –
(A) Hierarchy of learning
(B) Principles of learning
(C) Evaluation of learning
(D) Management of learning

Ans- Hierarchy of learning ☑

Q.990- A teacher can motivate students –
(A) By giving rewards
(B) By providing proper guidance
(C) By giving examples
(D) By giving speeches in the class.

Ans- By giving rewards ☑

Q.991- Authoritarian level of teaching is –
(A) Teacher centric
(B) Student centric
(C) Principal centric
(D) Experience centric

Ans- Teacher centric ☑

Q.992- In a child-centred classroom, children generally learn –
(A) both individually and collectively
(B) mainly from the teacher
(C) individually
(D) in groups

Ans- Both individually and collectively ☑

Q.993- The ‘doing’ aspect of behavior comes in………..
(A) Motor area of ​​learning
(B) Psychological area of ​​learning
(C) Cognitive area of ​​learning
(D) Affective area of ​​learning.

Ans-Cognitive area of ​​learning ☑

Q.994- A teacher keeps her students engaged in various types of group activities, such as group discussions, group projects, role-playing plays, etc. Which dimension of learning does it highlight?
(A) Learning as a social activity
(B) Learning through entertainment
(C) Language-directed learning
(D) Competition-based learning

Ans- Learning as a social activity ☑

Q.995- A student works hard to get admission in a medical college so that he can pass. This student is ……….motivated –
(A) Personal
(B) Experiential
(C) Intrinsic
(D) Extrinsic

Ans- Internal ☑

Q.996- When previous learning does not affect the learning of new situations at all, then it is called ………..
(A) Zero transfer of learning
(B) Absolute transfer of learning
(C) Positive transfer of learning
(D) Learning negative transfer of

Ans- Zero transfer of learning ☑

Q.997- If a student does not respect you, you will-
(A) Ignore him
(B) Give less marks in the examination
(C) Talk to his parents
(D) Scold him

Ans- Will talk to his parents ☑

Q.998- What are the sources of motivation –
(A) Need
(B) Driver
(C) Motivator
(D) Desire

Ans- Motivational ☑

Q.999- Permanent changes in behavior, which occur due to practice, are called –
(A) Learning
(B) Thinking
(C) Action-doing
(D) Imagination reason

Ans- Learning ☑

Important questions of child development – ​​Child Development And Pedagogy MCQ In Hindi

Q.1000- The first stage in learning a skill is-

(A) Accuracy
(B) Cleverness
(C) Coordination
(D) Imitation

Ans- Imitation ☑

Q.1001- Which of the following is not an example of a concrete (formal) concept –
(A) Ability
(B) Chair
(C) Force
(D) Motion

Ans- Qualification ☑

Q.1002- The reading technique which can be used in the context and vocabulary located in the table is called –
(A) Key reading
(B) Re-reading
(C) Scanning
(D) Skimming

Ans- Scanning ☑

Q.1003- Motivation starts in all of us as per need, the need of the student which should be fulfilled first of all is related to –
(A) Esteem
(B) Physical
(C) Social
(D) Self-actualization

Ans- Physical ☑

Q.1004- Which of the following is an example of reinforcement –
(A) Not creeper! Answer is not 45
(B) Kamla! You can’t help Kirti in answering
(C) Oh no! Usually you are wrong
(D) Sunil! you said it right

Ans-Sunil! you said it right ☑

Q.1005- What is emotion –
(A) Love and affection
(B) Anger and fear
(C) Excitement or change in emotions
(D) None of the above

Ans- Excitement or change in emotions ☑

Q.1006- The first step of the learning process is –
(A) Reading text book
(B) Interest
(C) Experience
(D) Curiosity.

Ans- Curiosity ☑

Q.1007- The ability of self-study can be developed in children –
(A) By presenting examples of great people
(B) By giving lectures on self-study
(C) By presenting one’s own example
(D) New literature available. get it done

Ans- By providing new literature ☑

Q.1008- While presenting any subject matter in the class, the first essential activity for a teacher is –
(A) Explanation of logical facts
(B) Information of objectives
(C) Telling the subject matter orally. Tell Topic Orally)
(D) Writing the topic on the blackboard

Ans- Explanation of logical facts ☑

Q.1009- Maslow’s motivation theory is called –
(A) Theory of needs
(B) Physiological theory
(C) Theory of willpower
(D) Theory of intrinsic motivation

Ans- Principle of necessity ☑

Q.1010- The originator of the two-element theory of transfer of learning was –
(A) Thorndike
(B) Spearman
(C) Judd
(D) Gilford

Ans- Spearman ☑

Q.1011- ……… is the sum of innate personal qualities-
(A) Equality
(B) Continuity
(C) Heredity
(D) Pugnacity

Ans- Inheritance ☑

Q.1012- Bandura states that children learn responses by modeling, which is also called ……….
(A) Learning by practice
(B) Learning by insight
(C) Observational learning
(D) By reward Learn

Ans- Observational learning ☑

Q.1013- ……… gave the concept of Collective Unconscious –
(A) Jung
(B) Freud
(C) Adler
(D) Sullivan

Ans-Yung ☑

Q.1014- According to Piaget and Vygotsky, learning in a constructivist classroom –
(A) is reinforced by the teacher
(B) is created by the learners themselves, who play an active role
(C) dictated by the teacher and learners are passive recipients
(D) It is caused by the combination of stimulus and response.

Ans- Generated by the learners themselves, who play an active role ☑

Q.1015- There are many variations among learners. To which of the following do teachers need to be sensitive –
(A) Differences based on cognitive abilities and levels of learning
(B) Differences based on language, caste, gender, religion, community diversity
(C) Only B

Ans- Both A and B ☑

Q.1016- What does activism mean in the context of primary school classroom?
(A) Imitating and copying the teacher
(B) Investigating, asking questions and debating
(C) Copying the answers given by the teacher.
(D) To remember, recall and recite

Ans- Investigating, asking questions and debating ☑

Q.1017- Children are most creative when they participate in an activity –
(A) under pressure to do well in front of others
(B) out of their own interest
(C) for a reward
(D) at the teacher’s dot To escape from

Ans- By your interest ☑

Q.1018- To enable the students to bring conceptual changes in their thinking, the teacher
should – (A) Encourage the children to think on their own and ask them to listen to the teacher and follow her
(B) Lecture Explanation should be presented in the form of
(C) Clear and convincing explanation should be given and should be done with the learners
(D) Children should be rewarded who have changed their thinking

Ans- Clear and convincing explanation should be given and should be done with the learners ☑

Q.1019- To assess the children with diverse learning styles in your class, you would –
(A) provide uniform instruction and then designate the children according to their test scores
(B) use uniform tasks and tests (C) Give
a variety of tasks and tests
(D) Give uniform time to complete the test

Ans- Will give various types of tasks and tests ☑

Q.1020- Learning –
(A) has a weak relation with emotions
(B) is independent of the emotions of the learner
(C) is influenced by the emotions of the learner
(D) is not influenced by the emotions of the learner

Ans- Is influenced by the emotions of the learner ☑

Q.1021- Which one of the following statements about learning is true –
(A) Learning is a passive receptive process
(B) Learning is not based on the prior knowledge of the learner
(C) Learning is equal to the accumulation of skills
(D) Social activities facilitate learning

Ans- Social activities facilitate learning ☑

Q.1022- Which of the following is an example of basic support –
(A) Giving speeches that motivate the learners
(B) Giving explanations without encouraging questioning
(C) Giving both tangible and intangible gifts
( D) Giving advice and hints and asking questions on delicate situations.

Ans- Giving advice and indications and asking questions on delicate situations ☑

Q.1023- According to Vygotsky, learning cannot be separated –
(A) From cognitive and cognitive processes
(B) From its social context
(C) From reinforcement
(D) From measurable change in behavior

Ans- From its social context ☑

Q.1024- Giving children group work is an effective teaching strategy because –
(A) It reduces the work of the teacher
(B) Allows some children in small groups to dominate others
(C) Learning In the process of learning, children learn from each other and also help each other
(D) Children are able to do their work quickly.

Ans- In the process of learning, children learn from each other and also help each other ☑

Q.1025- Which of the following methods would be most suitable for a teacher to identify a creative child –
(A) Observing how the child reacts with peers in group work
(B) The child’s To observe in detail, especially when she solves problems
(C) To give standardized intelligence tests
(D) To give objective type tests

Ans- To observe the child in detail, especially when she solves problems ☑

Q.1026- With which of the following statements do you agree –
(A) Learning is completely controlled by external stimulation
(B) Learning occurs in a socio-cultural environment
(C) Learning cannot occur unless unless it is externally assessed in numbers
(D) Learning occurs only if it is explicit in behavior

Ans- Learning occurs in a socio-cultural environment ☑

Q.1027- Changes in the amount and type of support given to a child depend on –
(A) The mood of the teacher
(B) The natural abilities of the child
(C) The reward offered for the work
(D) The performance of the child level

Ans- Child’s performance level ☑

Q.1028- A student underlines the main points in a topic, makes a visual presentation of it and at the end of the topic presents the questions arising in his mind, he – (
A) through organization of thoughts, Trying to direct thinking
(B) Trying to use the method of focal point
(C) Trying to use the strategy of maintenance rehearsal
(D) Trying to ensure observation learning

Ans- Trying to direct her thinking through organization of thoughts ☑

Q.1029- According to Piaget, a child between 2 to 7 years is in the ……… stage of cognitive development –
​​(A) Pre-operational
(B) Formal operational
(C) Concrete operational
(D) Sensory-motor

Ans- Pre-operative ☑

Q.1030- How can a teacher help children become better problem solvers –
(A) Giving children opportunities to solve different types of problems and providing support while solving them
(B) Helping children solve problems. Giving in-kind rewards for
(C) Encouraging children to look for answers to problems in the textbook
(D) Providing correct solutions to all the problems presented to the students.

Ans- Giving children opportunities to solve various types of problems and providing support while solving them.

Q.1031- Suresh normally wants to study alone in a quiet room, while Madan wants to study in a group with his friends. This is due to differences in their ………..
(A) Values
​​(B) Aptitude
(C) Learning style
(D) Reflectiveness level

Ans- Learning style ☑

Q.1032- Which of the following statements best describes why children should be encouraged to ask questions in the classroom – (
A) Children need to practice their language skills
(B) Because By making children think about things they do not know, they can be made to feel that they lack intelligence
(C) Questions advance learning through interaction
(D) Questions increase children’s curiosity

Ans- Questions advance learning through interaction ☑

Q.1033- Anyone can be angry – it is easy, but it is not easy to be angry with the right person, in the right amount, at the right time, for the right purpose and in the right way. It is related to-
(A) Emotional development
(B) Social development
(C) Cognitive development
(D) Physical development

Ans- Emotional development ☑

Q.1034- Why is assessment necessary in learning?
(A) For grades and marks
(B) For investigation and testing
(C) For motivation
(D) To promote the purposes of separation and grading.

Ans- For inspiration ☑

Q.1035- Which of the following methods is most suitable for monitoring the progress of children with learning disabilities?

(A) Case study
(B) Phenomenological record
(C) Behavioral rating scale
(D) Structured behavioral observation

Ans- Structured behavioral observation☑

Q.1036- The teacher noticed that Pushpa cannot solve a problem on her own. Yet she does so in the presence of guidance from an adult or partner. This guidance is called –
(A) Lateralization
(B) Pre-action thinking
(C) Zone of proximal development
(D) Providing support

Ans- To support ☑

Q.1037- According to Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory –
(A) Culture and language play an important role in development
(B) Children think in separate areas and they do not take a complete perspective
(C) If abstract material at an early age Children think abstractly when presented with
(D) Self-directed speech is the lowest level of cooperation.

Ans- Culture and language play an important role in development ☑

Q.1038- Making students a member of the cleanliness committee to motivate them for cleanliness reflects –
(A) Socio-cultural concepts of motivation
(B) Behavioral approach of motivation
(C) Humanistic approach of motivation
(D) Motivation cognitive approach of

Ans- Socio-cultural concepts of inspiration ☑

Q.1039- A student of class VII makes errors in mathematics. As a teacher you will
– (A) Provide the learner with the correct answer
(B) Allow the learner to use a calculator
(C) Ask the learner to use an alternative method or ask him to find the error on his own Do it again
(D) Show the learner where the error was and ask the learner to do it again

Ans- Will ask the learner to use the alternative method or do it again to find the error himself ☑

Q.1040- Learning experiences should be organized in such a way that learning can be made meaningful. Which of the following learning experiences does not facilitate meaningful learning for children –
(A) Repetition of content based on mere memorization
(B) Formulation of questions on content
(C) Presentation on topic
(D) Discussion and debate on the issue

Ans- Repetition of the content based on mere memorization ☑

Q.1041- Which of the following facts has been given the least attention in the psychology of emotion –
(A) Emotion is a subjective feeling and it varies from person to person
(B) Emotion is expressed not only in individual learners but also in (C) Emotions
are complex patterns of arousal and cognitive interpretation.
(D) Emotional processing involves physiological as well as psychological responses.

Ans- Emotions arise not only in individual learners but also in the entire class ☑

Q.1042- In a child’s notebook, mistakes like opposite images, mirror images etc. are found in writing. This type of child is showing symptoms
of – (A) Discomfort in learning
(B) Disability in learning
(C) Difficulty in learning
(D) Problem in learning.

Ans- Learning disability

Q.1043- Which of the following is the correct order with respect to the motivation cycle –
(A) Arousal, strong motivation, need, achievement, goal oriented behavior, decrease in arousal
(B) Strong motivation, need, arousal, goal oriented Behavior, reduction in achievement stimulation
(C) Need, goal oriented behavior, strong motivation, stimulation, achievement, reduction in stimulation
(D) Need, strong motivation, stimulation, goal oriented behavior, achievement stimulation

Ans- Need, strong motivation, excitement, goal oriented behavior, lack of achievement excitement ☑

Q.1044- Which of the following is most suitable for the emotional development of children –
(A) Democratic environment of the class room
(B) No participation of teachers, because it is the job of the parents
(C) Controlled environment of the classroom
(D) Authoritarian environment of the classroom

Ans- Democratic environment of the class room ☑

Q.1045- Learning affects learning by strengthening the (A) differences
(B) differences
(C) relationships between assessment and instruction.
For (D), difference

Ans- For, relations ☑

Q.1046- For an effective teacher, it is necessary that –
(A) He should belong to a higher caste
(B) He should have a high socio-economic level
(C) He should be skilled in communication
(D) He should be strict

Ans- He should have high socioeconomic level ☑

Q.1047- Achievement motivation is –
(A) Readiness to accept success and failure equally
(B) Tendency to act hastily without thinking
(C) Tendency to persist in doing challenging work
(D) To avoid failure. tendency to

Ans- Tendency to persevere in challenging work ☑

Q.1048- In the context of learning principles, ‘Scaffolding’ refers to –
(A) Temporary support by adults in learning
(B) Finding out the reasons for the mistakes made by students
(C) Simulated teaching
( D) repetition of prior learning

Ans- Temporary assistance by adults in learning ☑

Q.1049- The reason for learned helplessness in children is –
(A) Moral decision not to study seriously
(B) Acquiring behavior that they cannot succeed
(C) Harsh decision towards classroom activities
(D) ) Not being able to keep up with the expectations of your parents

Ans- Having acquired the behavior that they cannot succeed ☑

Q.1050- The sentence “Madam eats tea” –
(A) is wrong from the point of view of both semantics and syntax
(B) is correct from the point of view of syntax but is wrong from the point of view of semantics
(C) It is correct from the point of view of both semantics and syntax
(D) It is correct from the point of view of semantics but wrong from the point of view of syntax

Ans- Correct from the point of view of syntax but wrong from the point of view of semantics ☑

Q.1051- One child is learning his mother tongue and the other child is learning the same language as a second language. Which of the following types of similar errors can both of them commit?
(A) Excessive precision
(B) Excessive generalization
(C) Simplification
(D) Developmental

Ans- Developmental ☑

Q.1052- Learning disability in mathematics can be assessed most appropriately by which of the following tests –
(A) Aptitude test
(B) Diagnostic test
(C) Screening test
(D) Achievement test

Ans- Diagnostic test ☑

Q.1053- According to Albert Badura’s social learning theory, which of the following is correct –
(A) Play is essential and should be given priority in school
(B) Modeling is the main way for children to learn
(C) ) Unresolved crisis can harm the child
(D) Cognitive development is independent of social development

Ans- Modeling is one of the main ways for children to learn ☑

Q.1054- When children learn and apply a concept, practice helps reduce the errors they make. This idea was given by –
(A) E.L. Thorndike
(B) Jean Piaget
(C) J. B. Watson
(D) Lev Vygotsky

Ans- E.L. Thorndike ☑

Q.1055- Teachers are advised to involve their learners in group activities because apart from facilitating learning, it also helps in –
(A) Anxiety
(B) Socialization
(C) Aggression
(D) Value conflict

Ans- Socialization ☑

Q.1056- An example of media which helps in learning through direct presentation to the learner is –
(A) Educational television
(B) Educational broadcasting
(C) Over head projector
(D) Telephone

Ans- Educational Television ☑

Q.1057- If a student is exhibiting anti-social behavior, what should the teacher do –
(A) Give physical punishment to the student
(B) Know the reason for his behavior
(C) Admonish him Pearch) should be given
(D) he should be thrown out of the class

Ans- The reason for his behavior should be known ☑

Q.1058- What is most important in ‘Trial & Error’ –
(A) Practice
(B) Motivation
(C) Goal
(D) Debate

Ans- Goal ☑

Q.1059- Which of the following ‘isms’ provides an opportunity to children to create their own knowledge –
(A) Behaviorism
(B) Cognitivism
(C) Constructivism
(D) Gnosticism

Ans- Constructivism ☑

Q.1060- Which of the following elements can be helpful for learning in the classroom –
(A) Increasing the duration of the session from 40 minutes to 50 minutes
(B) Increasing the number of tests to motivate children for learning. To increase
(C) To increase and support the autonomy of children by teachers
(D) To stick to one method of instruction to maintain equality

Ans- Increasing and supporting the autonomy of children by teachers ☑

Q.1061- Which of the following terms is often used interchangeably with motivation?
(A) Reward
(B) Emotion
(C) Need
(D) Stimulation

Ans- Need ☑

Q.1062- ……… Motivations address the need to reach states of satisfaction of feelings and achieve personal goals –
(A) Affective
(B) Emotional
(C) Protection oriented
(D) Security oriented

Ans- Emotional ☑

Q.1063- Which of the following factors affects learning positively –
(A) Fear of failure
(B) Competition with classmates
(C) Meaningful relationships
(D) Pressure from parents

Ans- Meaningful relationship ☑

Q.1064- An internal force that encourages and compels a behavioral response and provides a specific direction to that response –
(A) Motivation
(B) Persistence
(C) Emotion
(D) Commitment

Ans- Motivation ☑

Q.1065- Economic level does not affect which of the following –
(A) On self-esteem
(B) On learning ability
(C) On admission to higher institutions
(D) On living

Ans- On the ability to learn ☑

Q.1066- The teacher should check the homework –
(A) Sometimes
(B) Never
(C) Regularly
(D) When the student asks

Ans- Regular ☑

Q.1067- On what basis has psychologist Thorndike divided the person –
(A) On the basis of thinking and imagination (
B) On the basis of dominant and subordinate complete
(C) On the basis of independence and dependence On the basis
(D) None of the above

Ans- On the basis of thinking and imagination ☑

Q.1068- Communication with students means-

(A) Giving them instructions
(B) Exchange of ideas
(C) Asking them questions
(D) Making them aware of your ideas

Ans- Exchange of ideas ☑

Q.1069- While giving an effective lecture in the classroom, a teacher –
(A) Establishes rapport
(B) Incorporates meaningful body gestures
(C) Remains static at the place of lecture
( D) changes the intensity and manner of sound

Ans- Incorporates meaningful physical gestures ☑

Q.1070- Which of the following skills is related to emotional intelligence –
(A) Remembering
(B) Dynamic processing
(C) Thinking
(D) Empathizing

Ans- To sympathize ☑

Q.1071- Deductive reasoning includes/are-
(A) Reasoning from general to specific
(B) Reasoning from specific to general
(C) Active construction and reconstruction of knowledge
(D) Exploratory learning and auto-exploratory methods.

Ans- Reasoning from general to specific ☑

Q.1072- Theory diagrams increase understanding of new concepts by………
(A) Transfer of knowledge between subject areas
(B) Focusing concentration on specific details
(C) Prioritizing academic subject matter for study. (
D) To increase the ability to organize information logically.

Ans- To increase the ability to organize information logically ☑

Q.1073- A student wants to become a high level creative theater artist. Which of the following measures would be the least motivating for him –
(A) Asking him to read literature related to the performance of the world’s best theater artists and try to learn from them
(B) Trying to win state level competitions so that he can get scholarship (C) To develop empathetic ,
affectionate and cooperative relationships with his stage artist colleagues
(D) To devote more time to those theater skills which bring joy to him

Ans- Trying to win state level competitions so that one can get scholarship.

Q.1074- A teacher is writing a summary to the children connecting the lesson to the previously read lesson. What is she doing –
(A) She is motivating the students to remember to the best of their ability
(B) She is helping the children to develop their own style of understanding the text
(C) She is helping the children to avoid reading the entire text completely.
(D) She is refocusing the importance of the curriculum from the assessment point of view .

Ans- She is helping children to develop their own style of understanding the text ☑

Q.1075- What is the meaning of “Self Regulation of Learners” –
(A) Rules and regulations made by the student body
(B) Making regulations for the behavior of students
(C) Self-discipline Self Discipline & Control
(D) Ability to self-monitor one’s learning

Ans- Ability to self-monitor your learning ☑

Q.1076- Intrinsically motivated student –
(A) has lower motivation level as compared to extrinsically motivated student
(B) does not require formal education
(C) (D) Extrinsic rewards are not
sufficient to maintain his motivation.

Ans- External rewards are not sufficient to maintain his motivation ☑

Q.1077- To facilitate the learning of children, teachers need to create a good classroom environment. Which of the statements given below is not necessary to create this type of learning –
(A) Acceptance of children’s efforts
(B) Working as per teachers
(C) Accepting children
(D) Positive attitude of the teacher Stance

Ans- Working according to teachers ☑

Q.1078- A teacher wants to ensure that her students are intrinsically motivated. In this context it will:
(A) set uniform standards of achievement for all children
(B) plan learning activities that encourage convergent thinking
(C) focus on individual rather than end result To pay attention to the learning processes of children
(D) To present rewards in kind

Ans- Focusing on the learning processes of individual children instead of focusing on the end result ☑

Q.1079- Which of the following processes occurs in Bandura’s learning theory based on social observation –
(A) Self-reflection
(B) Retention
(C) Repetition
(D) Repeating the essence

Ans- Retention ☑

Q.1080- Rajesh is struggling completely to solve the mathematics problem. His inner force which compels him to solve that problem completely, ………. Known as:
(A) Motivation
(B) Personality traits
(C) Emotion
(D) Perception

Ans- Motivational ☑

Q.1081- Assessment for learning
– (A) Promotes motivation
(B) Is done for the purpose of differentiating and ranking
(C) Emphasizes on giving absolute importance to grades
(D) Specific occurs and is an assessment activity in itself

Ans- Promotes motivation ☑

Q.1082- The goals of explanation, inference and/or control hypothesis ……… are-
(A) Traditional reasoning
(B) Inductive reasoning
(C) Deductive reasoning
(D) Scientific method

Ans- Scientific method ☑

Q.1083- The best way to increase the opportunities for learners with learning disabilities to lead a full and productive life is to
(A) focus on the weaknesses of such learners
(B) help these children determine their own goals
(C) Teaching a variety of skills and strategies that can be applied in all contexts (
D) Maintaining high expectations for such learners

Ans- Teaching a variety of skills and strategies that can be applied in all contexts ☑

Q.1084- According to Piaget’s theory, which of the following will not affect the cognitive development of a person –
(A) Language
(B) Social experience
(C) Maturation
(D) Activity

Ans- Social experience ☑

Q.1085- Which of the following statements best summarizes the relationship between development and learning proposed by Vygotsky –
(A) Development is independent from learning
(B) Learning and development are parallel processes
(C) Development process lags behind the learning process
(D) Development is synonymous with learning.

Ans- Development process lags behind the learning process ☑

Q.1086- Which of the following strategies should a primary school teacher adopt to motivate his learners?
(A) Encouraging competition to score marks in each learner
(B) Incentive as a motivator for each activity, Using rewards and punishments
(C) Helping children set their own goals according to their interests and strive to achieve them (
D) Setting standard goals for the entire class and setting rigid criteria for assessing their achievement

Ans- To help children set their goals according to their interests and venture into achieving them ☑

Q.1087- How do children learn? Which of the statements given below is not correct about this question –
(A) Children learn only in the classroom
(B) Children learn when they are cognitively ready
(C) Children learn in many ways
(D) Children learn because they are naturally motivated.

Ans- Children learn only in class ☑

Q.1088- Which of the following is related to creativity –
(A) Divergent thinking
(B) Convergent thinking
(C) Emotional thinking
(D) Egoistic thinking

Ans- Divergent thinking ☑

Q.1089- With which of these statements do you agree –
(A) A child fails because the government is not providing adequate technological resources in schools
(B) Failure of a child is mainly due to the education and economic failure of the parents. Deficiency in standards is due to
(C) Failure of a child is a reflection of the system and its inability to respond to the child
(D) None of the above

Ans- The failure of a child is a reflection of the system and its inability to respond to the child ☑

Q.1090- As an upper primary school mathematics teacher, you believe that-
(A) Students’ mistakes provide insights into their thinking
(B) Students need to know the procedural knowledge, even if they are conceptually based. Do not understand
(C) Not all children in upper primary school have the ability to study mathematics
(D) All of the above

Ans- Students’ mistakes provide insights into their thinking ☑

Q.1091- When learners are given an opportunity to discuss a problem in a group, then their learning curve –
(A) remains constant
(B) decreases
(C) remains the same
(D) improves

Ans- It is better ☑

Q.1092- Which one of the following is important for learning –
(A) Imitation
(B) Meaning construction
(C) Conditioning
(D) Rote memorization

Ans- Conditioning ☑

Q.1093- It is inevitable in progressive education that the class room –
(A) is under the complete control of the teacher in which he is dictatorial
(B) is democratic and children are given enough space to understand
(C) Authoritarian, where the teacher gives orders and the learners follow silently
(D) Free for all in which the teacher is absent

Ans- It is democratic and children are given enough space to understand ☑

Q.1094- Which one of the following important activities enables children to learn-

(A) Award
(B) Dialogue
(C) Lecture
(D) Instruction

Ans- Dialogue ☑

Q.1095- Which one of the following statements is correct about motivation and learning –
(A) Motivation has no role in learning
(B) Learning is effective only when the learner is motivated by using external rewards. (
C) Learning is effective only when learners have intrinsic motivation—an inherent desire to learn. (
D) Learning is effective only when learners are extrinsically motivated—motivated by external reasons.

Ans- Learning is effective only when learners have intrinsic motivation – an inherent desire to learn.

Q.1096- Which of the following is a good example of ‘Basic Help’ –
(A) Giving a reward for solving the problem quickly
(B) Telling him that he can do it with repeated efforts
(C) ) Providing him with a half-solved example
(D) Telling him that he cannot go home until he solves the problem

Ans- Providing him with a half solved example ☑

Q.1097- Learner centered method means –
(A) Adopting those methods in which the teacher is the main leader
(B) Those methods where the learner’s own initiative and efforts are involved in learning
(C) That the teacher himself acts for the learner. draw conclusions
(D) traditional explanatory methods

Ans- Those methods, where learning involves the learner’s own initiative and efforts ☑

Q.1098- Hierarchy of needs theory was propounded by –
(A) Watson
(B) Maslow
(C) Kohler
(D) Pavlov

Ans- Maslow ☑

Q.1099- By whom was the operant conditioning theory of learning given?
(A) Pavlov
(B) Thorndike
(C) Holman
(D) Skinner

Ans- Skinner ☑

Q.1100- In Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, which stage of abstract reasoning and mature moral thinking are the characteristics –
(A) Sensory cognitive stage
(B) Pre-operational stage
(C) Formal operational stage
(D) Concrete operational stage

Ans- Formal operating mode ☑

Q.1101- According to Spearman (1904), the ability to reason and solve problems is called –
(A) s factor
(B) g factor
(C) Specific intelligence
(D) Cultural intelligence.

Ans- g factor ☑

Q.1102- Failure to remember or recall what has been learned is called –
(A) Re-recollection
(B) Forgetfulness
(C) Sensation
(D) Memory

Ans- Oblivion ☑

Q.1103- Pavlov propounded the Conditioning-Reaction Theory of learning by experimenting on…..
(A) Rabbit
(B) Rat
(C) Dog
(D) Cat

Ans- Dog ☑

Q.1104- Learning Curve –
(A) Are indicators of learning progress
(B) Are indicators of originality of learning
(C) Are indicators of dynamic nature of learning
(D) Are indicators of creativity of learning

Ans- Indicators of learning progress ☑

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